Another crime author for my daughter

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Another crime author for my daughter

Okt. 26, 2023, 9:47 am

My 21 year old daughter has shown very little interest in reading until this year when she has read a number of Agatha Christie novels and really enjoyed them. I want to encourage her reading and would like to buy her a book by another crime writer. I haven't read too much crime myself so I will appreciate any recommendations you can offer. The author will ideally be
- A safe choice (something not wildly different from Christie)
- More recent than Christie
- Someone who writes not long novels (less than 250 pages? - my daughter has a busy life)
- Not too violent
I love Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Raymond Chandler (I haven't kept up!) but they fail my second requirement.
Many thanks.

Okt. 26, 2023, 11:50 am

Check the Agatha Award:

They are given to "traditional mysteries" - which very often gets close to her style. At the same time, there is a pretty good variety. I like P. D. James, Naomi Hirahara, Anne Perry, Rhys Bowen, Katherine Hall Page (to name a few)...

Finding a modern novel under 250 pages will be hard (or at the length of Christie's novels as pages can be different). How about short fiction? There are a lot of anthologies yearly and a few magazines still going strong.

PS: My first reaction would have been Ngaio Marsh but she fails your second condition. May be worth looking at if she likes Christie though :)

Bearbeitet: Okt. 26, 2023, 11:52 am

I'm an Agatha Christie fan, as well, so hopefully some of my tastes will overlap with your daughter's.

Some series that I follow that I am fond of, and with relatively short entries (around 300 or fewer page):

1. The Wisteria Tea Room mysteries by Patrice Greenwood. Book one is A Fatal Twist of Lemon.
2. The Josie Prescott Antique mysteries by Jane K. Cleland. Book one is Consigned to Death.
3. The Candy-Coated mysteries by Nancy Coco (on the lighter side). Book one is All Fudged Up
4. The Booktown mysteries by Lorainne Barrett (also light). Book One is Murder is Binding
5. The Someday Quilts mysteries by Clare O'Donohue. Book One is The Lover's Knot.

I'd also recommend the Flavia de Luce series by Alan Bradley, which begins with The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, but those stories are VERY quirky and not everyone's cup of tea. But a lot of fun to read.

Okt. 26, 2023, 12:16 pm

Okt. 26, 2023, 12:29 pm

A contemporary author whose books are set in the 1920s Australia is Kerry Greenwood whose Phryne Fisher series was adapted into a TV series. The historical timeframe may not work for your daughter, but the books have a nice wit and sensibility to them.

Bearbeitet: Okt. 26, 2023, 1:12 pm

>5 rosalita: I adore the Phryne Fisher books! Another series from Kerry Greenwood, the Corinna Chapman mysteries, are set in modern times, also in Melbourne, Australia. Great supporting cast, good stories.

I also like Donna Andrews' Meg Langslow series, starting with Murder with Peacocks. They're light and not gory.

Okt. 26, 2023, 2:38 pm

If she likes a historical setting, then I recommend my favorite series: Veronica Speedwell by Deanna Raybourn.

For something with a current setting, maybe Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto or The Thursday Murder Club series by Richard Osman.

Okt. 26, 2023, 2:50 pm

>6 tardis: I haven't checked out Greenwood's other series — I'll have to take a look for those at my library. Thanks for the tip!

Okt. 26, 2023, 4:51 pm

Sue Grafton's Kinsey Millhone series might also work: they are fairly short/quick reads.

Okt. 26, 2023, 4:52 pm

>9 bookcookie1920: Oh, that's a good call!

Okt. 26, 2023, 10:14 pm

Thank you all so much for your suggestions. I enjoyed researching them. I had only heard of two of these authors and haven't read any (crime books haven't been my thing until recently).

It seems I may have to compromise on my third requirement - most of these books are in the 300 - 350 page range.

Amazon reviews are frustrating - all these books have some minority that give the book a 1 star rating and say it's the worst book ever!

I will go for
- Sleep No More: Six Murderous Tales (6 short stories in only 192 pages) or An Unsuitable Job for a Woman by PD James and
- The Lover's Knot by Clare O'Donohue

Thanks to your great ideas my daughter will get not one but two books!

Other suggestions that came very close
- Consigned to Death by Jane K. Cleland
- Cocaine Blues by Kerry Greenwood (I love the artwork on the covers of this series)
- A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton
Will tuck these suggestions up my sleeve for another day.

I was also tempted by A Fatal Grace by Louise Penny (I got Penny's name from AnnieMod's Agatha Awards suggestion) but prefer to go for a female protagonist.

As an unexpected bonus I picked up a few authors my wife and I may enjoy, Katherine Hall Page and Naomi Hirahara respectively.

Many thanks again. I really appreciate it.

If any of you like Japanese culture I have very much enjoyed reading The Honjin Murders and The Inugami Curse by Seishi Yokomizo. Maybe not enough action for some but beautifully written. The Decagon House Murders and the Mill House Murders by Yukito Ayatsuji are of a similar style and also highly enjoyable. Most of them are in the locked room mystery genre.

Okt. 27, 2023, 6:56 am

I like the character "Francis Pettigrew" featured in a couple of Cyril Hare's books and have them tucked in with Agatha Christies books as vaguely similar. ("When the Wind Blows" and "That Yew Tree's Shade". Both set around 1950.)

Keigo Higashino: Malice is about 250 pages, if something set in a Japanese setting can do :-)

Okt. 29, 2023, 5:23 pm

>12 bnielsen: Thank you. I have read and enjoyed Malice.

Nov. 7, 2023, 6:54 pm

"In the heat of the Night" by John Ball.
James Sallis detective books by chance. Sallis is on my tbr list so I don't know about violence(I don't like violence either). His books are short though 200-250. I did read a review on Amazon comparing him to Raymond Chandler so might be worth checking him out.

Nov. 9, 2023, 8:40 am

>14 flippinpages: Thank you for the suggestion. That sounds like a good book for me to read.

Nov. 11, 2023, 12:27 pm

The Quarry Girls: A Thriller by Jess Lourey is an excellent crime thriller. It’s 335 pages.