Tracking incoming books -Ruth- 2024


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Tracking incoming books -Ruth- 2024

Jan. 5, 6:20 pm

Last year I discarded 190 items and acquired 64.

So, it’s going in the right direction.

January is always a good month for books.
And I’ve ordered several.

It occurred to me that I want to introduce my girls and grands to Goodnight, Mr. Tom. Since I had borrowed it when I read it, I ordered three copies, one for each household.

Also still looking for a chemistry book for Olivia. Jack Challoner is known for clear explanations. The Elements arrived today for my review.

Jan. 8, 2:39 pm

These three arrived today:

Devil’s Kiss, which I read way back in 2010 and was fairly impressed by the theology. Want to peruse it again before I read the sequel, Dark Goddess, which also arrived.
And The Secret Lives of Dresses.

I recall where this spate of orders came from! I reviewed all of my reviews a week or so ago. Must not do that for a while. Not enough space.

Jan. 17, 10:33 pm

I did have a Thingaversary in December. 14 years. So I need to acquire 15 books. These two contribute to the count.
For class, Photography: A Cultural History
For myself, because I love this author, The Tinder Box

Feb. 1, 11:04 am

January -7

Those Days arrived in the mail. It’s a memoir by the brother of Margaret Armstrong. I collect books with covers designed by her.

Feb. 5, 4:33 pm

Arrived today
The Family of Man - appears to be the original 1955 printing. The phot quality is not good compared to the later paperback I used to have.
Miss Selina Lue - so excited to have found this so inexpensively. Good, tight original binding.

Bearbeitet: Feb. 5, 4:38 pm

I remember The Family of Man. We had a copy of it when I was growing up. I even know right where it belonged in the bookcase.

I can't add to my memories collection, though. It's already there.

Mrz. 7, 8:30 am

This is an all round great week in several areas of my life. Why not in books as well.

I’m being deliberate about reading all of Maria Thompson Daviess this year. Some volumes are only available in Special Collections, where there is really no comfortable seating. Well, the seating isn’t the primary reason I would like to own more.
Halfway through Over Paradise Ridge, and I’m giggling at the phrasings nearly as much as with The Melting of Molly. So I keep checking AbeBooks for an affordable copy. There was one offered for sale without images. There are at least three original bindings, and I’ve fallen in love with the one at the library, green and gilt, and will have no substitutes. So I contacted the seller. That’s it! And it appears pristine. No wear on it at all. And $24, which is stretching me, but entirely fair.

Mrz. 11, 4:00 pm

>7 2wonderY: It’s here! And as beautiful as promised.

Mrz. 16, 7:41 am

I finally looked at the author page of Sheila Mannes-Abbott, and decided it would be necessary to own her one book of brambles. Found a good used copy from England, not too expensive.

Bearbeitet: Apr. 27, 12:06 pm

I went yard saling this morning. I was looking for particular items; which I didn’t come across. But I found an old cotton quilt for $5. Can’t pass up a $5 quilt. Also three books:
And two books about libraries:
Part of Our Lives
The Public Library, which is full of photos.