*Sinuhe update*

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*Sinuhe update*

Jan. 16, 1:13 pm

I thought it about time to give you all an update on the state of play with our first Consensus Press publication. Sadly, there is still little movement on the production of ‘Sinuhe’. The artwork was handed over to the printer about two months back, but since then no progress has yet been made. While the running joke of fine press publications taking ages longer to see the light of day is often quite true, it is somewhat frustrating and disappointing that ink has still yet to get close to being put to paper. However, patience is a virtue, and I am still hopeful that printing will commence before long. I shall post here as soon ad I hear any news!

Bearbeitet: Jan. 19, 9:18 am

Thanks for the update!

Has the printer set any expectation as to when they will start printing? Is there a limit as to how long we will wait for them to start printing, before considering moving the job to someone else who can commit to getting the work done?

Jan. 19, 1:49 pm

>2 CTPress-Tony: It turned out that the printer had been on holiday. Things are now at least being discussed and nudged along in the right direction.

Jan. 21, 11:38 am

I keep reminding myself that patience is a virtue.......

Jan. 21, 4:10 pm

>4 Glacierman: Keep reminding yourself that. It will eventually pay off!

Jan. 22, 11:24 am

>5 ChestnutPress: I know!

But it's sooo hard......

Buck up, lad. It WILL come to pass.

If I were a successful doctor, I wouldn't have to worry, because I'd have a lot of .... patients.

I know, very bad pun.

Jan. 22, 11:47 am

>6 Glacierman: Go and stand in the corner…

Feb. 26, 3:10 am

>3 ChestnutPress: so after more than a month now, are there any outcomes from these discussions?

Feb. 27, 5:44 pm

>8 filox: The latest news is that Griffin has had to set the artwork pages up in the way that the printer needed but couldn’t do himself. I have this new artwork to check over and will do so when I get the PDFs printed out, which is waiting until my Covid has cleared. I fully expect the new artwork to be absolutely finalised and with the printer within the next week.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 19, 12:38 pm

An update: After an age of the printer getting through working on other projects, when it finally came time for him to look at doing Sinuhe, it transpired that he couldn’t do the imposition of the files he was supplied. Despite his recent eye problems, Griffin took it upon himself to do this a few weeks back and then passed the results on to me to check… just when I got myself a two-week bout of Covid! Without a home printer, I had to wait until I was back out in the world to get my friend to print it out for me so that I could make a miniature mock-up to check all was correct. Griffin’s imposition was, as expected, fine and just a single, unassociated change was required (altering the year of the original title page plate file to 2024). This amended PDF was sent to Griffin to update in his imposition file so that final files could be made to send to print. I believe this has now been done as Griffin said he’d likely do it the week before last. So, in summary, I now believe that production artwork is now finally with the printer and all rests in his hands.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 18, 9:27 pm

>10 ChestnutPress: Thank you for the update. What, in brief, is an imposition file?

Mrz. 19, 4:12 am

Below is a link to a description of imposition for letterpress. In the case of this present project, an imposition file is a PDF of the artwork set out in the correct imposition so that plates made from the PDF can print the full sheets.


Mrz. 19, 8:59 pm

Mrz. 19, 9:02 pm

>11 ultrarightist: Without meaning to take anything away from the link >12 ChestnutPress: shared, I found the Wikipedia image illustration helps to bring the point home:

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarto

Mrz. 20, 12:25 am

>14 CTPress-Tony: Thank you that is very helpful

Mrz. 20, 3:47 am

>14 CTPress-Tony: Taking nothing away, Tony. That’s a much better explanation as it has visuals!! 👍🏻

Mrz. 29, 3:26 am

>14 CTPress-Tony: Thanks for those illos! It really helps folks to understand book formats and the work required to print them.

Mrz. 29, 7:46 am

So now we all wait while the printer does his thing. Hopefully, Max will have this done and dusted in no time.

Mrz. 29, 9:07 pm

Fingers crossed.

Apr. 16, 6:19 pm

Latest word from Max is that he will begin printing Sinuhe mid-May right after he completes the current job on the press.

May it be so.

Apr. 16, 7:39 pm

>20 Glacierman: No rush, eh? 😂🤦🏼‍♂️

Apr. 17, 8:47 am

>20 Glacierman: What rough book is this that slouches towards Heidelberg to be born?

Bearbeitet: Apr. 17, 11:23 am

>21 ChestnutPress: There is no equivalent to the word "rush," or other words implying doing things fast, in Glacier-speak. Similar to old Entish, if there is nothing to say they don't waste the long time it takes to say anything in it. "Don' t be hasty."

Apr. 17, 6:23 pm

All things in their appointed time.

Mai 16, 1:17 pm

Max will be making the plates and getting set up next week, so printing should start very soon.

Getting closer......

Mai 17, 3:17 am

>25 Glacierman: I'm pleasantly surprised that 'mid-May' appears to mean the same thing in the printing world as in the real world :)

Mai 26, 9:12 pm

A couple of last-minute technical issues have been resolved, so printing should begin soon, if it hasn't already started.

Mai 29, 6:56 pm

Thanks for the updates.

Gestern, 12:21 pm

Would it be possible to have some photographic updates? I would have loved to have seen the layout etc. It seems very secret....

Gestern, 6:33 pm

>29 TudorBlackPress: I think the whole thing should be kept as a surprise. Besides, photo opportunities are likely going to a bit difficult for a while, as it’ll no doubt take an age for it to get printed, have sheets signed, get bound, and then finally be in the hands of Consensus Press to take pics of.

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