Arubabookwoman's BFBs


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Arubabookwoman's BFBs

Jan. 23, 6:16 pm

I really shouldn't be joining another group, but it just so happens I am on the cusp of finishing 2 chunksters (over 500 Pages): The Virgin in the Garden by A.S. Byatt and The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. I was reading them because they are on the 1001 List, which I frequently choose books from, and am keeping a list of ones I've read, but which I will never complete.

I've always loved chunksters. It takes me so much time and effort to start a book, figure out what's going on, and become engaged, but once I'm hooked, I could keep reading 1000 pages or more. Lately, though I've been reading many books at the 250 pp or less, and occasionally feeling a bit frustrated.

Jan. 24, 12:28 pm

Hi, Welcome to the BFB group.

Jan. 24, 5:32 pm

Welcome to the group.