Book about specific group of trees found in Nevada(?) with artwork throughout book

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Book about specific group of trees found in Nevada(?) with artwork throughout book

Mai 9, 5:38 pm

Hello! I'm looking for a book for an elderly customer of mine. They have given up their search but I shall start mine now!
This books is about trees, and he's mentioned that it's like a story about the creatures in the trees and the history of the trees itself. The cover has an ink drawing of trees and it's dimensions are not as wide as the traditional book and is slightly taller than the average book and is thinner. He described lots of photos throughout the book and that it's based around a group of trees in Nevada I believe it was? I want to find it for him so bad and buy it for him because he spoke about it so fondly!
Any directions on how I may find it would be absolutely wonderful and possible directions on how to find it. Sorry for the sparse details but it's all I've got.

Mai 9, 5:43 pm

>1 rmartin6871: Hi! I'm afraid I don't know the name of the book, but you're more likely to connect with someone who might if you give your thread a descriptive title. You can request a title change at (Please don't start a duplicate thread.) Also be sure to check out our tips for posting. Good luck!

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Mai 9, 6:05 pm

>2 amanda4242: You know it's embarrassing because I did read the instructions and tips and then got distracted for an hour before I put in my search and literally put all three words I shouldn't have. Enter a facepalm here!

Mai 9, 6:40 pm

I wonder if this might be something about 'Pando', a huge cluster of genetically identical trees all growing from a shared root system in Utah. Just poked through Google Books, though, and most of the books that mention Pando at least by name are really recent. The only thing that seems to be even kind of a match is Knowing the Trees by Ken Keffer and I bet that one's a long shot because it's short and doesn't seem to have any photos in it. Putting this out there just in case, though!

Mai 9, 9:04 pm

>3 rmartin6871: No problem!

Mai 10, 8:44 am

>4 beyondthefourthwall: Next time my customer comes in I'm going to ask them about Pando and Knowing the Trees. Google also offered up some more book options that I've captured in hopes that the covers will spark some memory of some kind! Thank you!

Mai 10, 8:55 am

>6 rmartin6871: No problem - this query has intrigued me, so feel free to provide updates regardless of how it goes.

Mai 10, 1:32 pm

My customer came in and it is not Pando or Knowing the Trees unfortunately but he did specify that the book is about the Hemlock Trees in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Ink drawings throughout describing the animals around the trees, the foliage, the bacteria everything about the trees and the connection the trees have to everything around them.

Mai 10, 4:04 pm

Very interesting! Going to keep a lookout. Tantalising new clues!

Bearbeitet: Mai 13, 5:20 pm

Could it have been something by John Muir? He wrote about and sketched nature in the Sierra Nevadas, and there have been many editions of his shorter writings. One I came across that might be a possibility is Two essays on the forests and lakes of the Sierra Nevada, a 1971 illustrated reprint of two of his essays, "The mountain lakes of California" and "The coniferous forests of the Sierra Nevada." Though 28 cm isn't especially tall, a 61-page book should be quite thin.

Bearbeitet: Mai 15, 6:22 am

Did he mention when he read it? This one's been republished under a different title: Magpies and Mayflies by Derek Madden. Or this one: Hemlock: A Forest Giant on the Edge by Anthony D'Amato about the east coast hemlock ecosystem instead of Sierra Nevada. Both have lots of photos/illustrations, but neither are particularly thin.

Bearbeitet: Mai 17, 10:34 am

He hadn't mentioned when he read it, he simply said it was years ago and he didn't remember the title because it's been so long. I also thought it was something by John Muir InfoQuest but until you brought up the possibility of Two Essays on the Forests and Lakes of the Sierra Nevada, I hadn't found anything that could be it. I have a word doc saved with an image of the books and the titles so every time he comes in he looks through them (and so far tells me no). I've added all titles listed above but he did make it very clear it was in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Saskia17, I did add your titles to the word doc but I'm not sure they are correct. I personally appreciated the photos they provided. Now we must wait for him to come in and tell us if anything rings any bells

Gestern, 1:30 pm

It wasn't any of the books listed above :'( the customer came in and he's enjoying my adventure's in searching. He did say that there is a dust sleeve on the book that has a tree on it (like a tree trunk) and that the height of the John Muir book with the two essays was right but it was actually a little smaller length.
Any more ideas?!!?!??!