Found: Mystery, Journalist gets lost in a post-war NYC

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Found: Mystery, Journalist gets lost in a post-war NYC

Mai 16, 5:18 am

So obviously this is fiction.
I'm not entirely sure when it was published, I was reading it on vacation in the 1990's and it had a feel of maybe having been written in the 80s.
It was a paperback and I think the cover art had an image (maybe yellow/brown/sepia) of a damaged Brooklyn bridge, but I'm not clear on that as it's been a very long time since I've seen it.

There has been a war (possibly nuclear?) New York was badly hit and is still mostly uninhabitable.
A retired soldier has now become a journalist. Much to the chagrin of many people he was given the job as part of some sort of repatriation/payment system for his military service during the aforementioned war. This leads to him being refered to as a "quota baby" by some other characters.

The military are trying to demonstrate their successes in the cleanup of New York so they invite a bunch of journalists to visit the city under strict supervision.
The protagonist, along with a woman who I think was his military guide, get seperated from the group after something goes wrong on the tour, possibly an attack of some kind? In working their way back to the military base nearby, they stumble upon people living in the city who claim it's not actually infected/radiated. They say that they are fighting some sort of guerrilla rebellion against the military who have been trying to take back control of the city and haven't mentioned these rebels to the public because it would harm the president's reputation somehow.

The story takes them deeper into the city and it's underground population but unfortunately I left the book on a train just as it was getting interesting and I haven't been able to remember the title in order to finish it.

Mai 16, 12:49 pm

>1 boru_: According to google, the term "quota baby" is used in Resurrection Day. It was written in 1999.

Jun. 3, 2:43 am

>2 vorkosigan: That's it! I can't believe you figured it out so easily! Thanks!!

Jun. 3, 7:49 pm

>3 boru_: Yay! You're welcome.