Found: SciFi, (purple???) planet, people have tails with a hook at the end

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Found: SciFi, (purple???) planet, people have tails with a hook at the end

Mai 17, 1:03 pm

I cannot remember a lot about this, and I know this is a long shot. So, I am sorry upfront! But this has been bugging me for years and I have exhausted all other avenues, so I'm hoping someone here can help me.

It's a SciFi, set on a planet where there were really strong winds. Either the planet was purple, or the atmosphere made it look purple, or the inhabitants had purple fur (I just remember that there was something important that was purple). The inhabitants had tails with a hook at the end to help them navigate the outside, but I think they lived mainly indoors. I don't recall there being humans from Earth, but I could just not remember properly. I also cannot recall the plot, other than that it was about survival.

I read this book about 30-35 years ago in The Netherlands. It may have been in English, but most likely would have been a Dutch translation. I always think of Isaac Asimov, but I don't think he wrote it. The name 'Carillion' or 'Carillon' also seems to ring a bell, but I don't think that was the title. Most likely, it would have been published before 1990.

Bearbeitet: Mai 26, 7:35 pm

You're looking for Coriolis, de stormplaneet by Gerben Hellinga Jr. So you almost had it with Carillion! The plot, IIRC, is about an osbork (the cat-like hook-tailed aliens) teaming up with a human on her pilgrimage around the planet. The human has crash-landed in his space ship, and they have to communicate in writing, since the human isn't telepathic. Along the way they introduce things like crossbows and ziplines.

It might interest you to know there's a sequel.

Mai 28, 10:21 am

>2 Petroglyph: Oh, my!!! That's it! You are amazing; thank you so much. That has (only) been bugging me for 30 years and you brought back so many memories. I am going to find it, buy it (and display it on my book shelf!), and read again. As well as the sequel. Which I didn't know about. I feel like a kid again, all giddy and excited about a new book. Except that it's for an old book. *squee!!!*

Mai 29, 12:06 am

Glad to be of help. Have a happy nostalgia trip!