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Bearbeitet: Jan. 31, 2007, 12:50 pm

ARTS: Opera on 3 Bellini
On: BBC Radio Three (853)
Date: Saturday 6th January 2007

In the opera slot on Saturday evening: live from the New York Metropolitan Opera, Margaret Juntwait presents a performance of Bellini's I Puritani. Set during the English civil war, the plot centres around Lord Arthur Talbot's love for Elvira, daughter of the Puritan governor of the fortress in which Queen Henrietta Maria is confined. Passion and politics intermingle, but there is a happy end. With Anna Netrebko (soprano, Elvira), Eric Cutler (tenor, Arturo), Valerian Ruminski (bass, Gualtiero), Franco Vassallo (baritone, Riccardo), John Relyea (bass, Georgio), Eduardo Valdes (tenor, Bruno), Maria Zifchak (mezzo, Henrietta Maria) Patrick Summers conducts the Orchestra and Chorus of the New York Metropolitan Opera (Act 1).

Jan. 12, 2007, 10:55 pm

I've read mixed reviews about Tan Dun's "First Emperor" which broadcasts live on Saturday the 13th. I am not particular knowledgeable about opera. I do love to listen to it when I paint. I would like to hear Radio 3 listener's assessment of this new piece.

Jan. 13, 2007, 3:56 am

Tan Dunn seems to have become very popular in the West over recent years but I can't claim to have heard his music. Modern opera I find generally difficult anyway - somehow I feel that the human voice needs a good melody and I miss this in much modern work. So, I'm not sure if I'll choose to listen.

Some information:

Opera on 3
Date: Saturday 13th January 2007
Time: 18:30 to 19:50 (1 hour and 20 minutes long)

Live from the New York Metropolitan Opera, Margaret Juntwait presents a performance of Tan Dun's The First Emperor. This epic story of love, power and betrayal is based on the historical figure of Emperor Chin, who unified China in the third century BC and built the Great Wall. With Placido Domingo (tenor, Emperor Chin), Elizabeth Futral (soprano, Princess Yue-yang), Paul Groves (tenor, Gao Jian-li), Hao Jiang Tian (bass, General Wang). Tan Dun conducts the Orchestra and Chorus of the New York Metropolitan Opera (Act 1).

Jan. 19, 2007, 3:11 pm

Opera on 3
Date: Saturday 20th January 2007 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:30 to 22:00 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Stephanie Hughes presents a rare performance of Lully's Amadis, recorded live at the 2006 Vendee Festival in France. The story, chosen by Louis XIV, tells of the love of the medieval hero Amadis for Oriane. She is in love with Amadis but is convinced he is unfaithful. Meanwhile, a sorceress and her brother are hunting down Amadis to avenge the death of their brother. With Francois-Nicholas Geslot (countertenor, Amadis), Guillemette Laurens (soprano, Oriane), Bertrand Chuberre (baritone, Florestan), Francoise Masset (soprano, Corisande). Hugo Reyne conducts the Chorus and Orchestra of La Symphonie du Marais.

Jan. 19, 2007, 3:58 pm

I haven't had a chance to hear the Tan Dun opera, but my spouse who heard it on an NPR station was not impressed. But last week we were lucky enough to attend a performance of an opera by Bright Sheng. His music is quite fascinating, particularly because he brings in Tibetan melodies and rhythms as well as Chinese and European (he's Han Chinese but grew up in Tibet, now in the US).

Jan. 25, 2007, 4:54 pm

This Saturday's Opera on 3 at 6.30pm:

Stephanie Hughes presents a performance of Donizetti's La Fille du Regiment, recorded at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

Marie, the adopted daughter of Sergeant Sulpice and his regiment, is in love with Tonio, a peasant. Not being a soldier he is considered an unworthy match. Marie encounters the Marquise, who turns out to be her aunt - or is she?

Marie ...... Natalie Dessay (soprano)
Tonio ...... Juan Diego Florez (tenor)
La Marquise de Berkenfeld ...... Felicity Palmer (mezzo)
Sulpice ...... Alessandro Corbelli (bass)
Hortensius ...... Donald Maxwell (bass)
A Corporal ...... Bryan Secombe (bass)
Duchesse de Crackentorp ...... Dawn French (speaking part)
Royal Opera Chorus
Renato Balsadonna (chorus director)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Peter Manning (concert master)
Bruno Campanella (conductor)

Bearbeitet: Feb. 3, 2007, 3:14 am

Tonight's opera is La Boheme Live from the New York Metropolitan Opera, Margaret Juntwait presents Franco Zeffirelli's production of Puccini's masterpiece.

If Mürger's novel, Scènes de la Vie de Bohème, is still read nowadays, this is largely on account of its being 'the book of the opera'. Henry Mürger ( 1822-61) was a minor figure on the Paris literary scene of his time and regarded his Scènes, which was to bring him fame and fortune, as a mere pot-boiler, which indeed it was in origin. He himself believed that his true bent was for poetry, but he produced only mediocre verses in which he shows himself prone to morbid gloom -- in contrast to the mood which inspires his novel. Scènes first appeared in serial form in the literary magazine Le Corsaire between 1845 and 1848. Encouraged by the success of these sketches, Mürger adapted them for the stage, in collaboration with Théodore Barrière, as a five-act play, La Vie de Bohème. This was first produced on 22 November 1849 at the Théâtre des Variétés before a packed audience which included Louis Napoleon and members of artistic and literary Paris who had come chiefly out of curiosity, for it was known that Mürger had drawn his characters after well-known figures in Parisian Bohemia.

La Bohème has become the most often performed of Puccini's operas, and one of what are called “the big-three”—Tosca, Madame Butterfly, and La Bohème, the three most popular operas Giacomo Puccini wrote. They quickly established themselves in the international operatic repertory and have never left. Puccini started work on La Bohème soon after the success of Manon Lescaut in 1893. His librettists, Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica, were people he had already worked with on Manon Lescaut and even though the balance was always very delicate, the work progressed. Both librettists reported that the work was slow, as was always the case with Puccini, and he was very difficult to please compared with the other opera composers they worked with. Luigi Illica had the most experience of the two librettists who worked on La Bohème. Among the other librettos he wrote were: Catalani's La Wally (1892), Giordano's Andrea Chenier (1896), and Mascagni's Iris (1898) and Isabeau (1911).

When most people think of Puccini's La Bohème, they remember Puccini's wonderful melodies combined with Italian melodrama, complete with the doomed tubercular heroine coughing pathetically to her inevitable and melodic end. Certainly the opera does contain these elements, but the composer knew that the atmosphere could become excessively sentimental, even for a nineteenth-century audience, and he tried to counteract this. His source, Henri Mürger's Scènes de la vie de Bohème, contained both comedy and pathos, and Puccini insisted that his librettists Giacosa and Illica use both the sad and happy aspects of the novel for his opera.

Bearbeitet: Feb. 17, 2007, 3:41 am

Janacek's Jenufa is tonight's opera.

Jenůfa was the work that launched Janáček’s operatic career. Leos Janacek wrote his opera Jenufa between 1896 and 1903. It wasn't until the 1970s that it began to dawn on the British consciousness that the Czech composer - previously known for a handful of orchestral pieces like the Sinfonietta - was one of the 20th century's greatest operatic composers.

Jenufa can seem melodramatic. It's a classic love triangle, complicated by the interjection of a religious fanatic, the Kostelnicka. Jenufa marked the beginning of Janacek's quest for what he called "speech melody". Although he moved further way from the format of conventional opera, with arias and duets, he developed one of the most personal and subtle melodic signatures in all music. He studied the speech patterns of mental patients, the noises of animals and birds, and he listened as carefully to traditional folk music as he did to the emerging contemporary school from western Europe. He wrote: "The spirit that infuses all life can be found near at hand, in ourselves, among people perfectly familiar to us, enchanti ng and piquant, arresting melodies and amazing scenes." That's why his music speaks more directly to modern audiences than any composer of his time.

This is a story of wild passion and fatal pride, in which love and forgiveness triumph only after great suffering--Janácek deals with compassion and redemption, rather than directly with religion. However, in portraying the life of a small Moravian village in the second half of the 19th century, he does tell us something about the religion and the way in which it permeated everyday life.

Thus the Kostelnicka (or Sextoness) has earned her title on account of looking after the small local church. She is also a trusted adviser, and enjoys a high social status in the community. But her desperate wish to save her stepdaughter's honor and future prospects leads to terrible heresy: "I will deliver the boy to God," she tells herself at the end of Act II, before setting off to drown the illegitimate child. Her reasoning has been twisted by her fear of the inevitable humiliation of both Jenufa and herself, and her pride has proved stronger than her faith.

Yet the Kostelnicka's fear of disgrace was genuine: in the rural communities of 19th-century Moravia, "fallen" girls had to endure horrific public humiliation, and they frequently remained social and economic outcasts for the rest of their lives. The contemporary village mores are tellingly described by Janácek's onetime colleague and fellow folklorist Frantisek Bartos in the preface to their 1899 book, Moravian Folk-songs Newly Collected: "The sensual, sexual love, ennobled by Christianity, has acquired the character of a moral idea, and in this idealized form it is the origin of the most beautiful love songs." But, writes Bartos, the necessary condition of the longing for the beloved which inspired such folk songs was "morality, strict discipline, and chastity. And, among our people, one minded and observed these most strictly."

Thus all transgressors against the stern social order and local customs invited harsh judgment. In one region of Moravia, according to Bartos, a pregnant girl would have her long hair cut off in public by the married women of the village; around the capital of Brno, when a pregnant girl was getting married, the village youths would mockingly carry a cradle behind the wedding procession. Elsewhere in southern Moravia the local shepherd would run the "fallen" girl through the village and crack the whip above her as the local community was returning from Mass.

Life in rural Moravia was far from joyless at the time. Dances and festivals abounded and the young would make merry. Yet young men, too, would invite criticism if they played the field too often, and seducers would rarely escape punishment. In the finale of Jenufa it is the vox populi, in the person of the Shepherdess, which pronounces the judgment on the handsome, feckless Steva: "No girl would marry him now, not even an honest Gypsy."

Only Laca's love overcomes all obstacles. To him, Jenufa--her beauty spoiled and her reputation tarnished--is still the girl he has always loved, and he doesn't even care about her forthcoming trial and the inevitable public scorn. "What is the world to us," he tells her, "if we can comfort one another?" At long last he wins Jenufa's heart: "This is that greater love, the love that pleases God," she responds.

In Jenufa, Janácek draws our attention to some of humanity's highest moral ideals. Laca's love for Jenufa helps him overcome his destructive jealousy; Jenufa's compassion makes the Kostelnicka realize the extent of her pernicious pride, and her subsequent humility redeems her in Jenufa's eyes. At the time of writing his first operatic masterpiece, Janácek was no longer a believer. But compassion and redemption--essential parts of the Christian doctrine--are the cornerstones of Jenufa, and indeed of many of Janácek's subsequent stage works.

Jenufa ...... Karita Mattila (soprano)
Kostelnicka ...... Anja Silja (soprano)
Laca Klemen ...... Kim Begley (tenor)
Steva Buryja ...... Jay Hunter Morris (tenor)
Grandmother Buryja ...... Wendy Harmer Bryn (mezzo)
Jano ...... Yvonne Gonzales Redman (soprano)
Mayor ...... Paul Pliska (baritone)
Mayor's Wife ...... Kathryn Day (mezzo)
Karolka ...... Alyson Cambridge (soprano)
Aunt ...... Michaela Martens (soprano)
Woman ...... April Haines (soprano)
Man ...... Roger Andrews (bass)

Orchestra and Chorus of New York Metropolitan Opera
Jiri Belohlavek (conductor)

Feb. 23, 2007, 2:57 am

Tomorrow's Opera:

Monteverdi's L'Orfeo
400th Anniversary
Saturday 24 February 2007 18:30-21:15 (Radio 3)

Stephanie Hughes celebrates the 400th anniversary of this outstanding work, seen as the first true opera ever written, with a performance selected from five different recordings. Studio guests John Whenham and Robert Hollingworth join her to discuss Monteverdi's achievement, with additional comment from those who have performed Orfeo, including conductors Jane Glover and Philip Pickett, singer Catherine Bott and director David Freeman.

Mrz. 16, 2007, 2:52 pm

Tomorrow's opera is Gounod's Faust.

Act One
Saturday 17 March 2007 17:30-18:25 (Radio 3)

Gounod's Faust, live from the New York Metropolitan Opera.

The aged philosopher Faust makes a pact with the devil Mephisopheles, agreeing to serve him in hell if he will first restore him to youth on Earth. The rejuvenated Faust seduces the lovely and innocent Marguerite and then kills her brother Valentin in a duel, causing her to kill her baby and go mad. She prays for divine redemption and escapes him in death.

Gounod's opera, although based on Goethe's epic verse play, focuses less on philosophy and more on the longing for youth and love and the desire for salvation. Its lush, romantic score contains some memorable show pieces for the soloists.

Mrz. 24, 2007, 3:38 am

Rossini's Barber of Seville
Act One
Saturday 24 March 2007 17:30-19:05 (Radio 3)

Rossini's The Barber of Seville, live from the New York Metropolitan Opera. The score is full of wit and charm with an abundance of musical ideas and comical scenes as Figaro helps Count Almaviva win the hand of the lovely Rosina. But first the Count and his trusty barber must stop her guardian, Doctor Bartolo, from marrying her himself. Presented from New York by Margaret Juntwait.

Rosina ...... Joyce Didonato (mezzo-soprano)
Count Almaviva ...... Juan Diego Florez (tenor)
Figaro ...... Peter Mattei (baritone)
Dr Bartolo ...... John Del Carlo (bass)
Don Basilio ...... John Relyea (bass)

Orchestra and Chorus of Metropolitan Opera
Maurizio Benini (conductor)

Apr. 7, 2007, 3:38 am

Tonights Opera on 3:

Giordano's Andrea Chénier
Act One
Saturday 7 April 2007 18:30-19:05 (Radio 3)

An exuberant and tragic opera about genuine flesh-and-blood people swept up in the drama of the French Revolution, the story is loosely based on the life of the French poet, Chénier and his ultimately fatal love for an aristocrat. Combining flowing melody with striking declamation and demanding a great deal of its lead singers, the opera has remained a strong showcase for star performers.

Andrea Chénier, a poet ...... Ben Heppner (tenor)
Carlo Gérard a servant, later a revolutionary ...... Mark Delavan (baritone)
Maddalena de Coigny ...... Violeta Urmana (soprano)
Bersi, her maid ...... Maria Zifchak (mezzo-soprano)
Madelon, an old woman ...... Irina Mishura (mezzo-soprano)
La Contessa de Coigny ...... Michaela Martens (mezzo-soprano)
Roucher, a friend of Chénier ...... Charles Taylor (baritone)
Pietro Fléville, a novelist ...... Patrick Carfizzi (bass-baritone)
Fouquier Tinville, the Public Prosecutor ...... Peter Volpe (bass)
Mathieu, a revolutionary ...... John del Carlo (bass-baritone)
L'Incroyable ...... David Cangelosi (tenor)
The Abbé, a poet ...... Bernard Fitch (tenor)
Schmidt, a gaoler at St Lazare ...... LeRoy Lehr (bass)
Master of the Household ...... Brian Davis (bass)
Dumas ...... James Courtney (baritone)

Orchestra and Chorus of the New York Metropolitan Opera
Marco Amiliato (conductor)

In the interval:

The Gilded Stage
Saturday 7 April 2007 20:00-20:30 (Radio 3)

For many, the history of opera conjures up great composers, works and singers. Daniel Snowman, who is writing a book about the social history of opera, suggests it also has a less familiar story: of patronage, money, audiences, architecture, and political, technological and social change. He examines opera's rising popularity in the early 20th century via the celebrity conductor and such novelties as recording and film.

Mai 5, 2007, 4:14 am

Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice
Live from the Met
Saturday 5 May 2007 18:30-21:15 (Radio 3)

Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice concludes this season's Live from the Met broadcasts.

David Daniels heads the small cast of Gluck's opera which retells the famous myth of Orpheus, who descends into the underworld to rescue his wife Euridice by taming the furies through the power of his music.

Written in a simpler, leaner style than the prevailing fashion, Gluck's score goes right to the heart of the story, portraying the heartbreak of lost love and conjuring up the devilish atmosphere of Hades.

Euridice ...... Maija Kovalevska (soprano)
Orfeo ...... David Daniels (countertenor)
Amor ...... Heidi Grant Murphy (soprano)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus
James Levine (conductor)

Mai 18, 2007, 2:10 am

Tomorrow's Opera on 3:

Verdi's Stiffelio
Conducted by Mark Elder
Saturday 19 May 2007 18:30-21:00 (Radio 3)

Argentinian tenor Jose Cura returns to a role in which he had an early success at the Royal Opera House. Verdi's opera tells of a Protestant pastor's reaction to his wife's infidelity, a subject that was so controversial in Italy at the time that the censors forced Verdi to make drastic cuts. Stiffelio has now re-entered the repertory after the original came to light and this production, which is directed by Elijah Moshinsky and sets the action in a religious community in the American Midwest, has become a resounding success. Presented by Stephanie Hughes.

Jorg, an elderly minister ...... Alastair Miles (bass)
Stiffelio, a minister ...... Jose Cura (tenor)
Stankar, Lina's father ...... Roberto Frontali (bass)
Dorotea, Lina's cousin ...... Liora Grodnikaite (mezzo-soprano)
Raffaele di Leuthold ...... Reinaldo Macias (tenor)
Frederico di Frengel, Lina's cousin ...... Nikola Matisic (tenor)
Lina, Stiffelio's wife ...... Sondra Radvanovsky (soprano)

Renato Balsadonna (chorus director)
Vasko Vassilev (concert master)
Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Mark Elder (conductor)

Mai 18, 2007, 1:03 pm

You may want to check out this Radio 3 webpage, "The Ring in a Day", about a broadcast of Richard Wagner's ring cycle. The site includes information, plot summeries, etc.


Mai 25, 2007, 2:27 am

I've just realised that most opera broadcasts on Radio 3 are not available on the Listen Again service, so you will have to catch the programmes as they are broadcast.


Ravel's L'Heure Espagnole and Puccini's Gianni Schicchi
From the Royal Opera House
Saturday 26 May 2007 18:30-20:45 (Radio 3)

Stephanie Hughes introduces a double-bill of comedy recorded last month at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

Ravel's L'Heure Espagnole features rising star Christine Rice as the clockmaker's wife who discovers that the best way to sneak her lovers into the bedroom is inside the grandfather clocks made by her husband.

Ravel's score is a masterpiece of colour, as is Puccini's for his only comedy, the story of the village wide-boy Gianni Schicchi who comes to the rescue of the greedy Donati family whilst making sure that he looks after himself as well! Bryn Terfel sings the role of Schicchi for the first time at the Royal Opera House and both operas feature superb supporting casts.

2 hours 15 minutes

Ravel: L'Heure Espagnole
Torquemada, a clockmaker ...... Bonaventura Bottone (tenor)
Concepcion, clockmaker's wife ...... Christine Rice (mezzo-soprano)
Gonzalve, a bachelor ...... Yann Beuron (tenor)
Ramiro, muleteer ...... Christopher Maltman (baritone)
Don Inigo Gomez, a banker ...... Andrew Shore (bass)

Puccini: Gianni Schicchi
Gianni Schicchi ...... Bryn Terfel (baritone)
Lauretta, his daughter ...... Dina Kuznetsova (soprano)
Zita, cousin of Buoso Donati ...... Elena Zilio (contralto)
Rinuccio, Zita's nephew ...... Saimir Pirgu (tenor)
Gherardo, Buoso's nephew ...... Jeffrey Lloyd-Roberts (tenor)
Nella, Gherardo's wife ...... Joan Rodgers (soprano)
Betto di Signa, Buoso's brother-in-law ...... Jeremy White (bass)
Simone, cousin of Buoso ...... Gwynne Howell (bass)
Marco, Simone's son ...... Christopher Purves (baritone)
La Ciesca, Marco's wife ...... Marie McLaughlin (soprano)
Maestro Spinelloccio, a doctor ...... Henry Waddington (bass)
Ser Amantio di Nicolao, a notary ...... Enrico Fissore (bass)
Gerhardino, son of Gherardo

Mai 28, 2007, 2:11 am

Unusually, an opera on Monday evening:

Bartok's Duke Bluebeard's Castle
Monday 28 May 2007 19:00-20:45 (Radio 3)

Kate Bott introduces a performance of Bartok's one-act opera Duke Bluebeard's Castle given by the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra at the Lighthouse, Poole.

Against all advice, Judith marries Duke Bluebeard and joins him in his castle. There she finds seven locked doors, which she insists he opens, revealing such things as a torture chamber, and a lake of tears. Behind the seventh door, though, is the most gruesome discovery of all: his three previous wives.

1 hour 45 minutes

Judith ...... Andrea Melath (soprano)
Bluebeard ...... Gustav Belacek (bass)
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
Marin Alsop (conductor)

Aug. 5, 2007, 2:46 am

On the Early Music Show Today: Orpheus
Sunday 5 August 2007 13:00-14:00 (Radio 3)

Lucie Skeaping presents a profile of Gluck's magnum opus, Orpheus ed Eurydice. The Age of Enlightenment was concerned with the natural, the rational and the human, and Gluck was very much part of that world, striving for what he called 'a beautiful simplicity'. First performed in Vienna in 1762, this work is one of the most influential operas of all time, and along with librettist Calzabigi and choreographer Angiolini, Gluck created a whole new world on the opera stage. Recordings include performances by Janet Baker, James Bowman, Derek Lee Ragin and Bernarda Fink.

Sept. 6, 2007, 3:08 pm

Perhaps this is a place to mark the passing of Luciano Pavarotti. I first heard him in the flesh at Covent Garden in 1971 and then not until his last performances there in 2002 (Tosca). He stood still for most of the time - as Jeremy Isaacs said today "He couldn't act for toffee" but it didn't matter a jot. I treasure his early Decca recordings with Joan Sutherland. What a voice! RIP.

Sept. 6, 2007, 3:30 pm

> 19

I've also mentioned it, and posted links to a couple of obits, in the Opera group.

Nov. 4, 2007, 11:27 pm

Do not miss this week's English National Opera's "Carmen." See Opera Group BBC Radio 3 Thread. Better yet, go to BBC Radio 3 Home Page. First time ENO has made the performance available to us by webcast--audience view and/or backstage view. Archived for 7 days. Gone by morning of November 10th. Modern staging, in English. Gorgeous voices and good acting.

Nov. 10, 2007, 4:20 am

Thanks for this Belle, it is also good to read the discussion about this on the Opera group.

I listened to this in my car on the way back from a conference and enjoyed it enormously. Anna Coote is a young singer, though, who has only recently come into public view and she will mature.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 15, 2008, 9:10 am

Tonight on Radio 3: Live from the Met. Benjamin Britten's Peter Grimes. At once unstable and unpredictable, visionary and violent, fisherman Peter Grimes is as much misunderstood outsider as victim of his own weaknesses and contradictions. Set in a small, small-minded Suffolk fishing village, Britten's searing psychological drama has never been out of the repertory since its stunning 1945 premiere. It was this work, with its epic tenor role and breathtaking orchestral score, which established Britten as one of the great opera composers of the twentieth century.

Peter Grimes.............. Anthony Dean Griffey (tenor)
Ellen Orford............... Patricia Racette (soprano)
Balstrode.................. Anthony Michaels-Moore (baritone)
Mrs. Sedley............... Felicity Palmer (mezzo-soprano)
Auntie..................... Jill Grove (mezzo-soprano)
1st Niece.................. Leah Partridge (soprano)
2nd Niece................. Erin Morley (soprano)
Bob Boles................ Greg Fedderly (tenor)
Rev. Horace Adams.... Bernard Fitch (tenor)
Ned Keene............... Teddy Tahu Rhodes (baritone)
Swallow.................. John Del Carlo (bass-baritone)
Hobson................... Dean Peterson (bass-baritone)

Mrz. 16, 2008, 12:23 am

dratted time zones, I missed this one! A friend in NYC viewed it live on TV and was thrilled. Did anyone in this group listen? reviews??

Mrz. 16, 2008, 9:00 am

This broadcast should be available until next Saturday if you use the Listen Again option on the Radio 3 website.

Mrz. 17, 2008, 6:50 am

oh dear, perhaps I'm doing something wrong, or perhaps the Met has held on to the rights for this one, but I can't find it. I've reached this page http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/operaon3/pip/egylz/ but it tells me "Most opera is not available in Listen Again." If you have any further advice, I'd be grateful.

Mrz. 17, 2008, 6:13 pm

Sorry about this, I'm wrong, it isn't available on Listen Again - I'd assumed most programmes were. The Met, English National Opera, etc. obviously won't agree to this.

Okt. 18, 2008, 3:12 am

Opera on 3. On: BBC Radio Three. Date: Saturday 18th October 2008 (starting this evening). Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long). Stravinsky: The Rake's Progress. Robert Lepage directs a new production of Stravinsky's neo-classical opera, based on the story behind a set of engravings by the British painter and satirist William Hogarth, and featuring a libretto by the poet W H Auden. The story centres on Tom, a young country man, and his path to ruin because of the malign influence of Nick Shadow, who appears out of nowhere, offering to help him. Presented by Ivan Hewett. Charles Castronovo, tenor (Tom Rakewell), John Relyea, bass (Nick Shadow), Sally Matthews, soprano (Anne Trulove), Darren Jeffrey, baritone (Trulove), Patricia Bardon, mezzo (Baba the Turk), Peter Hoare, tenor (Sellem), Kathleen Wilkinson, mezzo (Mother Goose), Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Thomas Ades.

Bearbeitet: Nov. 1, 2008, 3:39 am

Opera on 3. On: BBC Radio Three. Date: Saturday 1st November 2008 (starting this evening). Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long). Mozart's Cosi fan tutte: Riccardo Muti conducts soprano Barbara Frittoli, mezzo Angelika Kirchschlager and bass Ildebrando D'Arcangelo in a performance of Mozart's comic opera, given in February at the Vienna State Opera - in the same city where the work was first performed in 1790. The plot of what is regarded by many as the composer's greatest opera centres on Guglielmo and Ferrando, two army officers who claim to their colleagues that their wives will always be faithful to them. However, their friend Don Alfonso bets otherwise, devising a plan to test the women's fidelity. Presented by Suzy Klein. Barbara Frittoli, soprano (Fiordiligi), Angelika Kirchschlager, mezzo (Dorabella), Ildebrando D'Arcangelo, bass-baritone (Guglielmo), Francesco Meli, tenor (Ferrando), Natale De Carolis, baritone (Don Alfonso), Laura Tatulescu, soprano (Despina), Vienna State Opera Chorus and Orchestra/Riccardo Muti.

Nov. 8, 2008, 2:55 am

Opera on 3. On: BBC Radio Three. Date: Saturday 8th November 2008 (starting this evening). Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long). Handel's Partenope.

Christian Curnyn makes his debut conducting a new ENO production of Handel's comic opera, updated by Christopher Alden to the time of the surrealists, and starring Rosemary Joshua, Patricia Bardeon and Christian Rice. Queen Partenope of Naples has four suitors: one, Eurimene, is actually Rosmira disguised as a man and trying to regain the affections of her ex, Arsace, now another Partenope suitor. Another, Emilio, ends up declaring war when she refuses to marry him. After many twists and turns, she ends up with a fourth claimant to her affections, while the ex-lovers are reunited. Presented from London's Coliseum by Suzy Klein. The broadcast includes interviews with the director and cast, plus insights from Handel expert Dr Donald Burrows. John Mark Ainsley, tenor (Emilio), Rosemary Joshua, soprano (Partenope), Christine Rice, mezzo (Arsace), Iestyn Davies, countertenor (Armindo), Patricia Bardon, mezzo (Rosmira/Eurimene), James Gower, bass-baritone (Ormonte), Nicholas Ansdell-Evans, Joseph McHardy (harpsichords), David Newby (cello continuo), David Miller (theorbo continuo), Orchestra of English National Opera/Christian Curnyn.

Nov. 15, 2008, 3:23 am

Opera on 3. On: BBC Radio Three. Date: Saturday 15th November 2008 (starting this evening). Time: 18:15 to 20:45 (2 hours and 30 minutes long). Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov. Live from London's Coliseum, Suzy Klein presents English National Opera's production of Mussorgsky's classic study of guilt and paranoia. Bass Peter Rose takes the role of the Russian Czar in a performance of the original version with a new translation by David Lloyd-Jones. Peter Rose, bass (Boris Godunov), John Graham-Hall, tenor (Prince Shuisky), David Stephenson, baritone (Andrei Shchelkalov), Brindley Sherratt, bass (Pimen), Gregory Turay, tenor (Grigory, later Dmitri the Pretender), Yvonne Howard, mezzo (Innkeeper), Jonathan Veira, bass-baritone (Varlaam), Anton Rich, tenor (Misail), Sophie Bevan, soprano (Xenia), Ann Grevelius, mezzo (Fyodor), Deborah Davison, mezzo (Xenia's Nurse), James Gower (bass-baritone (Nikitch), Paul Napier-Burrows, baritone (Mityukha), Charles Johnston, bass (Border Guard), Philip Daggett, tenor (Boyar-in-attendance), Robert Murray, tenor (Simpleton), Orchestra and Chorus of English National Opera/Edward Gardner.

Nov. 15, 2008, 3:26 am

Sirensong. On: BBC Radio Three. Date: Saturday 15th November 2008 (starting this evening). Time: 21:10 to 22:30 (1 hour and 20 minutes long). A performance of Jonathan Dove's one-act opera Sirensong, given at the 2007 Gratchenfestival, Amsterdam. Brad Cooper, tenor (Davey Palmer), Mattijs van de Woerd, baritone (Jonathan Reed), Amaryllis Dieltiens, soprano (Diana Reed), Mark Omvlee, tenor (Regulator), Marijn Zwitserlood, bass-baritone (Captain), John Edward Serrano, speaker (Wireless Operator), Siren Ensemble/Henk Guittart.

Nov. 22, 2008, 3:09 am

There are still six days left to listen to yesterday evening's opera broadcast on the BBC Listen Again service.

A performance of Rachmaninov's rarely-heard one-act opera The Miserly Knight, the story of a young knight, Albert, who lives a life of jousting and courtly pleasure, and his father, an extremely rich but miserly baron who refuses to support him.

Baron ...... Maxim Mikhailov (bass)
Albert ...... Misha Didyk (tenor)
Duke ...... Sergey Murzaev (baritone)
Moneylender ...... Peter Bronder (baritone)
Servant ...... Gennadi Bezzubenkov (bass)
BBC Philharmonic
Gianandrea Noseda (conductor)

Rachmaninov: The Miserly Knight.

Nov. 22, 2008, 3:17 am

Opera on 3. On: BBC Radio Three. Date: Saturday 22nd November 2008 (starting this evening). Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long).

Rossini's Matilde di Shabran.

Ivan Hewett introduces a performance of the first Royal Opera House production since 1854 of Rossini's tragicomedy, with Carlo Rizzi conducting soprano Aleksandra Kurzak alongside tenor Juan Diego Florez. The plot centres on Corradino, who refers to himself as 'heart of iron', but who is actually a petty tyrant, misogynist and hypochondriac. He becomes smitten by Mathilde, a charmer with a ready answer for everything, but has to fight obstacles in the form of love rival Edoardo and the evil Countess. Aleksandra Kurzak, soprano (Matilde di Shabran), Juan Diego Florez, tenor (Corradino), Carlo Lepore (Ginardo), Marco Vinco, bass (Aliprando), Alfonso Antoniozzi, baritone (Isidoro),Vesselina Kasarova, mezzo (Edoardo), Enkelejda Shkosa, mezzo (Contessa d'Arco), Bryan Secombe, bass (Rodrigo), Mark Beesley, bass (Raimondo Lopez), Robert Anthony Gardiner, tenor (Egoldo), Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Royal Opera Chorus/Carlo Rizzi.

Nov. 22, 2008, 4:27 am

I am sure that Matilde di Chabran will be worth taking in, even if it is not one of Rossini's best. Juan Diego Florez is re-visiting the role that hurled him on to the world stage in 1996 when, as a young and inexperienced tenor, he was offered the role at short notice. I heard a recent interview with him when he said that his agent had told him to leave the offer alone - too risky!

>33 antimuzak: Thanks for that notice - I'd missed the broadcast. The Miserly Knight was sung as a double bill with Gianni Schicchi at Glyndebourne a year or two ago. An odd pairing, I thought, even if both are about misers and inheritance. I did enjoy the opera although I was pleased to have the gloom lifted by Schicchi.

Nov. 23, 2008, 3:23 am

The Russians are very good at gloom......

I didn't know this opera at all and it was good to hear it in a good performance at home. As always, with opera, there is something missing without the visuals.

Thank you for the information about Florez. The opera is not one of Rossini's best but still, I heard some scintilating orchestral runs and singing last niht. Rossini always lifts one's mood.

Nov. 29, 2008, 3:31 am

Opera on 3: Live from the Met. On: BBC Radio Three. Date: Saturday 29th November 2008 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:30 to 20:30 (3 hours long).

Berlioz's La damnation de Faust: Launching the new season of live broadcasts from New York's Metropolitan Opera, James Levine conducts tenor Marcello Giordani as Faust and mezzo-soprano Susan Graham as Marguerite in Berlioz's adaptation of Goethe's story of a man who sells his soul to the Devil. In a story that is more romantically focused than the Goethe version, the evil Mephistopheles introduces Faust to Marguerite and causes them to fall in love. Faust is tricked into selling his soul to save the woman he loves, ultimately sacrificing himself so that she might reach heaven. Presented by Margaret Juntwait, with guest commentator Ira Siff. Susan Graham, mezzo (Marguerite), Marcello Giordani, tenor (Faust), John Relyea, bass (Mephistopheles), Patrick Carfizzi, bass (Brander), Chorus and Orchestra of New York Metropolitan Opera/James Levine.

Dez. 13, 2008, 2:41 am

Opera on 3: Live from the Met
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 13th December 2008 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:30 to 21:30 (4 hours long)

The Queen of Spades.

Direct from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Seiji Ozawa conducts Tchaikovsky's The Queen of Spades opera based on Pushkin's story about a man who loses his fortune and his mind to cards, with Maria Guleghina as Lisa and Ben Heppner as Ghermann. Ghermann is madly in love with Lisa, the wealthy granddaughter of the Countess, but he is too poor to have much hope of aspiring to her hand. He must learn the Countess's gambling secret in order to strike it rich and marry Lisa. She kills herself, though, when she realises that Gherman's obsession with gambling has driven him mad, and he commits suicide after losing his fortune. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. The two intervals include live backstage interviews with some of the artists. Maria Guleghina, soprano (Lisa), Ben Heppner, tenor (Ghermann), Ekaterina Semenchuk, mezzo (Pauline), Felicity Palmer, mezzo (The Countess), Mark Delavan, baritone (Count Tomsky), Vladimir Stoyanov, baritone (Prince Yeletsky), Alan Oke, tenor (Chekalinsky), Paul Plishka, bass (Surin), Mark Schowalter, tenor (Chaplitsky), LeRoy Lehr, bass (Narumov), Bernard Fitch, tenor (Master of Ceremonies), Kathryn Day, mezzo (Governess), Erin Morley, soprano (Masha), Wendy Bryn Harmer, soprano (Chloe), Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus/Seiji Ozawa. Including the Met Opera Quiz during the interval.

Bearbeitet: Dez. 14, 2008, 12:36 pm

>38 antimuzak: A worthwhile evening's listening but a pity that poor Heppner was in such bad form. It's interesting that there is much more applause after the announcement of unwellness than before - as if the audience thinks at first that the bad singing is due to lack of talent, despite the man's reputation.

Did you note the live relay of Humperdinck's Hansel und Gretel from Covent Garden next Tuesday 16th December at 19:20 GMT? The opera seems to have been playing everywhere of late - in the UK, at least. It's got an excellent cast with Angelika Kirschlager and Diana Damrau as the kids, Thomas Allen and Elizabeth Connell as the parents and Anja Silja as the wicked witch. It remains to be seen if the BBC will let it out on iPlayer.

Dez. 20, 2008, 2:31 am

Thank you for this posting - yes, this production got excellent reviews. Some more links relating to Christmas viewing:


Sky Arts has recently been much improved with the separation of pop onto Sky Arts 1, leaving Sky Arts 2 free to concentrate on other thinks. Here is the website address:


But the website doesn't appear to have noticed the creation of two channels!

Dez. 20, 2008, 2:32 am

Opera on 3: Live from the Met
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 20th December 2008 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 20:40 (3 hours and 40 minutes long)

Massenet's Thais.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, soprano Renee Fleming brings one of her most celebrated roles there for the first time in a performance of Massenet's exotic drama of love and redemption. Based on a tale initially written down by a 10th-century nun, the opera tells the story of the monk Athanael and his ultimately tragic desire for the Alexandrian courtesan Thais. Presented by Margaret Juntwait, with guest commentator Ira Siff. The two intervals include backstage interviews. Renee Fleming, soprano (Thais, a courtesan), Thomas Hampson, baritone (Athanael, a coenobite monk), Michael Schade, tenor (Nicias, a young sybarite philosopher), Alain Vernhes, bass (Palemon, an old coenobite monk), Alyson Cambridge, soprano (Crobyle, a slave), Ginger Costa-Jackson, mezzo (Myrtale, a slave), Leah Partridge, soprano (Albine, Abbess), David Won, baritone (Servant of Nicias), Kurt Phinney, Daniel Clark Smith and Craig Montgomery, tenors, and Roger Andrews and Richard Pearson, basses (Cenobites), Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra/Jesus Lopez-Cobos.

Dez. 27, 2008, 2:38 am

Opera on 3
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 27th December 2008 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Puccini's La fanciulla del West in a production by the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. The cloudy mountains of Wild West California at the height of the Gold Rush form the setting for La Fanciulla del West, the most vivdly cinematic of Puccini's operas. Its characters come from the ends of the earth to the Polka Saloon, where they gather to drink, gamble, gossip and fight. The mining camp is full of men, with just one woman, the owner of the saloon, Minnie. She is a scripture-reading innocent, admired and respected by everybody. Into this environment comes Dick Johnson, in reality Ramirez, a bandit on the run. Despite her better instincts, Minnie falls for him, much to the annoyance of Jack Rance the sheriff, who fancies Minnie himself. Rance hunts Johnson down and is about to have him lynched, when Minnie finds a way to save him. Presented by Martin Handley, with guest Alexandra Wilson. Eva-Maria Westbroek, soprano (Minnie), Jose Cura, tenor (Dick Johnson), Silvano Carroli, baritone (Jack Rance), Bonaventura Bottone, tenor (Nick), Eric Halfvarson, bass (Ashby), Vuyani Mline, bass (Jake Wallace), Daniel Sutin, baritone (Sonora), Hubert Francis, tenor (Trin), Kostas Smoriginas, bass-baritone (Bello), Quentin Hayes, bass (Happy), Harry Nicoll, tenor (Joe), Andrew Foster-Williams, baritone (Larkens), Robert Murray, tenor (Harry), Adrian Clarke, baritone (Sid), Graeme Danby, bass (Billy Jackrabbit), Clare Shearer, soprano (Wowkle), Jeremy White, bass (Jose Castro), Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Antonio Pappano.

Bearbeitet: Jan. 3, 2009, 2:19 pm

Opera on 3: Live from the Met
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 3rd January 2009
Time: 18:00 to 21:15 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

Puccini's La Boheme.

Direct from the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Frederic Chaslin conducts a revival of Franco Zeffirelli's celebrated production of Puccini's much-loved opera, with a cast headed by Latvian soprano Maija Kovalevska as Mimi and Ramon Vargas as Rodolfo. A story that has touched opera audiences ever since its creation in 1895, it tells of the love between penniless young artists in 19th century Paris, blighted by jealousy, harsh living conditions and grave illness. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. The two intervals include live backstage interviews and the popular Metropolitan Opera Quiz. Ramon Vargas, tenor (Rodolfo, a poet), Maija Kovalesvska, soprano (Mimi, a seamstress), Mariusz Kwiecien, baritone (Marcello, a painter), Tommi Hakala, baritone (Schaunard, a musician), Oren Gradus, bass (Colline, a philosopher), Susanna Phillips, soprano (Musetta, a singer), Paul Plishka, bass (Benoit/Alcindoro), Daniel Clark Smith (tenor (Parpignol), Orchestra and Chorus of Metropolitan Opera/Frederic Chaslin.

Bearbeitet: Jan. 10, 2009, 2:20 am

Opera on 3: Live from the Met
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 10th January 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:30 (2 hours and 30 minutes long)

Puccini's La Rondine.

Direct from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Marco Armiliato conducts the least-known of Puccini's later operas, which has a much lighter musical style than his better known works, as well as operetta-like touches and strong tunes. Real-life couple Angela Gheorghiu and Roberto Alagna play the lead romantic roles in a piece they have performed around the world and helped to put back onto the operatic map. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. The interval includes backstage interviews. Angela Gheorghiu, soprano (Magda), Roberto Alagna, tenor (Ruggero), Lisette Oropesa, soprano (Lisette), Marius Brenciu, tenor (Prunier), Samuel Ramey, baritone (Rambaldo), David Won, baritone (Perichaud), Tony Stevenson, tenor (Gobin), David Crawford, bass-baritone (Crebillon), Monica Yunus, soprano (Yvette), Alyson Cambridge, soprano (Bianca), Elizabeth De Shong, mezzo (Suzy), Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus/Marco Armiliato.

Jan. 17, 2009, 2:43 am

Opera on 3
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 17th January 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:15 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

From the Met.

John Adams's Doctor Atomic: In a performance given in November 2008 at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Alan Gilbert conducts John Adams's opera, treating the subject of the atomic bomb, which is the latest in a series of works dealing with resonant moments in 20th-century history. Bass-baritone Gerald Finley portrays Robert J Oppenheimer, the highly cultivated scientific genius whose profound humanism is at odds with his role as the head of the project to create a weapon of unprecedented destructive force. Presented by Margaret Juntwait. Richard Paul Fink, bass-baritone (Edward Teller), Gerald Finley, bass-baritone (J Robert Oppenheimer), Thomas Glenn, tenor (Robert Wilson), Sasha Cooke, mezzo-soprano (Kitty Oppenheimer), Eric Owens, bass (General Leslie Groves), Earle Patriarco, baritone (Frank Hubbard), Roger Honeywell, tenor (Captain James Nolan), Meredith Arwady, mezzo (Pasqualita), Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, New York/Alan Gilbert.

Jan. 24, 2009, 3:07 am

Opera on 3: Live from the Met
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 24th January 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 19:45 (1 hour and 45 minutes long)

Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera New York, James Levine conducts mezzo-soprano Stephanie Blythe and soprano Danielle de Niese in the title roles of Gluck's version of the Greek myth of Orpheus. Presented by Margaret Juntwait, with guest commentator Ira Siff. Stephanie Blythe, mezzo (Orfeo), Danielle de Niese, soprano (Euridice), Heidi Grant Murphy, soprano (Amor), Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera/James Levine.

Bearbeitet: Jan. 31, 2009, 12:49 pm

Opera on 3: Live from the Met
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 31st January 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:15 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

Verdi's Rigoletto.

Direct from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Riccardo Frizza conducts a young cast in Otto Schenk's production of Verdi's Rigoletto, a work that incorporates his most memorable melodies, and which shows his individuality as an operatic composer. The dark story focuses on the exploits of the womanising Duke of Mantua and his hump-backed court jester Rigoletto. When Rigoletto's daughter Gilda is abducted, he plots revenge, but a curse placed on him means that the result can only lead to tragedy. Giuseppe Filianoti, tenor (Duke of Mantua), Zelijko Lucic, baritone (Rigoletto), Aleksandra Kurzak, soprano (Gilda), Mikhail Petrenko, bass (Sparafucile), Victoria Vizin, mezzo (Maddalena), Kathryn Day, soprano (Giovanna), Keith Miller, bass (Count Monterone), Mark Schowalter, tenor (Borsa), James Courtney, bass (Count Ceprano), Grazia Doronzio (soprano (Countess Ceprano), Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra/Riccardo Frizza.

Bearbeitet: Feb. 7, 2009, 3:01 am

Opera on 3: Live from the Met
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 7th February 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 22:00 (4 hours long)

Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor.

Direct from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Marco Armiliato conducts one of the most loved bel canto operas of all time, broadly based on a historic drama by Walter Scott, and starring Russian soprano Anna Netrebko and Polish tenor Piotr Beczala as the doomed lovers. The opera centres on a tragic love triangle, as Lucia and Edgardo secretly become engaged, although Lucia is forced by her cruel brother to marry Arturo. She obeys, imagining that Edgardo is unfaithful, but after realising her mistake, Lucia turns mad with anguish. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. The intervals include backstage interviews with the performers and the Met Opera Quiz. Anna Netrebko, soprano (Lucia), Mariusz Kwiecien, baritone (Enrico), Rolando Villazon, tenor (Edgardo), Colin Lee, tenor (Arturo), Ildar Abdrazakov, bass (Raimondo), Michaela Martens, mezzo (Alisa), Michael Myers, tenor (Normanno), Chorus and Orchestra of New York Metropolitan Opera/Marco Armiliato.

Feb. 28, 2009, 3:16 am

Opera on 3: Live from the Met
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 28th February 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Verdi's Il Trovatore.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Gianandrea Noseda conducts Argentinian tenor Marcelo Alvarez in the title role alongside American soprano Sondra Radvanovsky as Leonora. This work is a tale of revenge, with a wretched twist, as Manrico, the troubadour, snatched as a baby and raised by the gypsy Azucena, discovers the tragic consequences of his upbringing later on in life. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. There are interviews with members of the cast during the interval. Dmitri Hvorostovsky, baritone (Count di Luna), Sondra Radvanovsky, soprano (Leonora), Dolora Zajick, mezzo-soprano (Azucena), Marcelo Alvarez, tenor (Manrico), Kwangchul Youn, bass (Ferrando), Maria Zifchak, soprano (Ines), Eduardo Valdes, tenor (Ruiz), Orchestra and Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera/Gianandrea Noseda.

Mrz. 6, 2009, 4:13 pm

Saturday 7th March 2009 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Madama Butterfly.

Direct from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Patrick Summers conducts Anthony Minghella's celebrated production of Puccini's opera, with soprano Patricia Racette and tenor Marcello Giordani in the leading roles. One one the most popular operas ever written, it is set in Nagasaki at the beginning of the 20th Century where a geisha named Cio-Cio San, known as 'Butterfly' to her friends, marries US Navy officer Pinkerton, who is stationed in Japan. He considers the union temporary, but Butterfly is clearly not under the same impression as she renounces her family and religion for the marriage. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. The intervals include backstage interviews and the Met Opera Quiz. Patricia Racette, soprano (Cio-Cio-San/Madam Butterfly), Marcello Giordani, tenor (Pinkerton), Maria Zifchak, mezzo-soprano (Suzuki), Dwayne Croft, baritone (Sharpless), Edyta Kulczak (Kate Pinkerton), Orchestra and Chorus of Metropolitan Opera/Patrick Summers.

Mrz. 14, 2009, 3:11 am

In a performance from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Czech maestro Jiri Belohlavek conducts soprano Renee Fleming in the title role of Dvorak's opera Rusalka - one she has made her own in recent years, with global success.

Rusalka tells the romantic story of a water nymph, who falls in love with a human. It has a poetic score, which evokes the mystery of the forest and explores the clash of the human and fairy worlds, most famously with Rusalka's passionate Song to the Moon.

Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. The two intervals include backstage interviews and the Metropolitan Opera Quiz.

Rusalka ...... Renee Fleming (soprano)
Foreign Princess ...... Christine Goerke (soprano)
Jezibaba ...... Stephanie Blythe (mezzo-soprano)
Prince ...... Aleksander Antonenko (tenor)
Water Gnome ...... Kristinn Sigmundsson
Gamekeeper ...... James Courtney (tenor)
Turnspit ...... Kate Lindsey (mezzo-soprano)
First Wood Nymph ...... Kathleen Kim (soprano)
Second Wood Nymph ...... Brenda Patterson (soprano)
Third Wood Nymph ...... Edita Kulczak (mezzo-soprano)
Orchestra and Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera
Jiri Belohlavek (conductor).

Mrz. 20, 2009, 4:28 am

Opera on 3: Live from the Met
On: BBC Radio Three
Date: Saturday 21st March 2009 (starting in 1 day)
Time: 17:00 to 20:00 (3 hours long)

Bellini's La Sonnambula.

Direct from New York's Metropolitan Opera, Evelino Pido conducts Mary Zimmerman's new production of Bellini's opera, with soprano Natalie Dessay and tenor Juan Diego Florez in the lead roles. The story is set in a Swiss village inn, where a group of people are celebrating the marriage of orphan Amina to the rich Elvino. Her habit of sleepwalking accidentally leads her into the bed of Count Rodolfo, causing the villagers to reach the wrong conclusions and arouse Elvino's suspicions. Natalie Dessay, soprano (Amina), Juan Diego Florez, tenor (Elvino), Michele Pertusi, bass (Rodolfo), Jennifer Black, soprano (Lisa), Jeremy Galyon, bass (Alessio), Jane Bunnell, mezzo-soprano (Teresa), Bernard Fitch, tenor (Notary), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/Evelino Pido.

Mrz. 29, 2009, 2:08 pm

Hi, antimuzak - don't say you are antiwagner as well ;-) I missed your reminder for Das Rheingold from the Met yesterday and only caught the last half.
Die Walkure in a fortnight.

I haven't got the cast list in front of me but I noticed that John Tomlinson was demoted from Wotan to Fafner.

On Thursday and Friday this week (14.02 -17.00 BST) the next opera in the Handel cycle is Ottone - re di Germania.

Apr. 4, 2009, 3:38 am

Sorry about your missing some of the Wagner last week. Not due to dislike on my part but because I was out all day and only had time to highlight the morning broadcasts before I went out.

Good to hear, anyway, that these postings are read :-)


Saturday 4th April 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Donizetti's L'elisir d'amore: Live from the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Maurizio Benini conducts Donizetti's bel canto comedy, with Angela Gheorghiu and Massimo Giordano in the lead roles. The young Nemorino is in love with the beautiful farm owner Adina, but she seems beyond his reach, even more so when Sergeant Belcore turns up and asks her to marry him. But Dr Dulcamara, a travelling quack and charlatan, arrives in the village offering potions capable of curing anything, including an elixir of love. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. The interval includes live backstage interviews with members of the cast. Massimo Giordano, tenor (Nemorino), Angela Gheorghiu, soprano (Adina), Franco Vassallo, baritone (Belcore), Ying Huang, soprano (Giannetta), Simone Alaimo, bass-baritone (Dulcamara), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/Maurizio Benini.

Apr. 5, 2009, 4:47 pm


I have to confess that my favourite bit of Wagner is Faure's "Souvenir De Bayreuth".

Apr. 17, 2009, 4:09 pm

Saturday 18th April 2009 (starting tomorrow afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 22:30 (5 hours and 30 minutes long)

Wagner's Siegfried.

Live from New York Metropolitan Opera, James Levine conducts a performance of the third part of Wagner's four-part epic drama, The Ring of the Nibelung, based on Nordic myths. German tenor Christian Franz, in his debut season at the Met, performs the title role, supported by Swedish soprano Irene Theorin. The story centres on the cycle's hero, the eponymous Siegfried, product of an incestuous union, who becomes a blacksmith and forges a sword with which he slays powerful foes. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. There are backstage interviews and the Met Quiz during the two intervals. Christian Franz, tenor (Siegfried), Gerhard Siegel, tenor (Mime), James Morris, bass-baritone (The Wanderer), Richard Paul Fink, bass-baritone (Alberich), John Tomlinson, bass (Fafner), Jill Grove, mezzo (Erda), Irene Theorin, soprano (Brunnhilde), Lisette Oropesa, soprano (Woodbird), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/James Levine.

Apr. 24, 2009, 1:52 pm

Saturday 25th April 2009 (starting tomorrow afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 23:00 (6 hours long)

Wagner's Gotterdammerung.

In the last live broadcast from the New York Metropolitan Opera for the 2008/2009 season, James Levine conducts the final part of Wagner's Ring cycle, with Christian Franz as Siegfried and Katarina Dalayman as Brunnhilde. As a pledge of his love, Siegfried gives Brunnhilde the ring he took from the dragon Fafner, the ring made from the Rheingold that gives its owner power over all the world. Then she sends him into the world to do heroic deeds. But in the hall of the Gibichungs, Hagen has other ideas: a magic potion will make Siegfried forget Brunnhilde and fall in love with Gutrune. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. There are live backstage interviews and the Met Quiz during the two intervals. Christian Franz, tenor (Siegfried), Iain Paterson, bass-baritone (Gunther), Richard Paul Fink, bass-baritone (Alberich), John Tomlinson, bass (Hagen), Katarina Dalayman, soprano (Brunnhilde), Margaret Jane Wray, soprano (Gutrune), Yvonne Naef, mezzo (Waltraute), Wendy White, mezzo (First Norn), Elizabeth Bishop, mezzo (Second Norn), Wendy Bryn Harmer, soprano (Third Norn), Lisette Oropes, soprano (Woglinde), Kate Lindsey, soprano (Wellgunde), Tamara Mumford, mezzo (Flosshilde), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/James Levine.

Mai 23, 2009, 2:55 am

Saturday 23rd May 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:45 (2 hours and 45 minutes long)

Korngold's Die tote Stadt: In a performance from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, American tenor Stephen Gould and German soprano Nadja Michael take on the two central roles in the UK premiere of the staged version of Korngold's opera, completed when the composer was still only in his early 20s. It tells the story of Paul's relationship with two women - his recently deceased wife Marie and the young actress Marietta. They bear a striking resemblance to each other and they begin to merge in Paul's mind. But what is real and what is fantasy? Presented by Christopher Cook with guest Erik Levi. Korngold: Die tote Stadt. Stephen Gould, tenor (Paul), Nadja Michael, soprano (Marie/Marietta), Gerald Finley, bass-baritone (Frank/Fritz), Kathleen Wilkinson, mezzo (Brigitta), Bernard Richter, tenor (Gastone/Victorin), Simona Mihai, soprano (Juliette), Jurgita Adamonyte, mezzo (Lucienne), Ji-Min Park, tenor (Graf Albert), Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Ingo Metzmacher.

Mai 30, 2009, 2:26 am

Saturday 30th May 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:45 (2 hours and 45 minutes long)

Wagner's Der Fliegende Hollander.

Radio 3's series of operas from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden continues with Marc Albrecht conducting Tim Albery's new production of Wagner's Der Fliegende Hollander, with bass-baritone Bryn Terfel in the title role and soprano Anja Kampe as Senta. Wagner based his great Romantic opera on Heinrich Heine's story about a Dutch sea captain compelled, as punishment for a blasphemous oath, to sail the oceans for ever unless he's redeemed by the love of a faithful woman. For a while it seems that Senta might be that redeeming angel, but after a misunderstanding the Dutchman is disillusioned once more, and returns to the sea, consigning himself to his fate. Presented by Martin Handley. Wagner: Der Fliegende Hollander. Bryn Terfel, bass- baritone (Der Hollander), Anja Kampe, soprano (Senta), Hans-Peter Konig, bass (Daland), Torsten Kerl, tenor (Erik), Clare Shearer, mezzo-soprano (Mary), John Tessier, tenor (Steersman), Royal Opera Chorus,Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Marc Albrecht.

Jun. 6, 2009, 2:53 am

Saturday 6th June 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:50 (2 hours and 50 minutes long)

Bellini's I Capuleti e I Montecchi.

In a performance from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Mark Elder conducts Russian soprano Anna Netrebko and Latvian mezzo-soprano Elina Garanca in Bellini's setting of Romeo and Juliet. It had radical differences from the Shakespeare original, and featured two rival political factions instead of families, no balcony scene as well as the role of Romeo written for a woman. Presented by Donald Macleod with opera historian Sarah Lenton. Elina Garanca, mezzo-soprano (Romeo), Anna Netrebko, soprano (Giulietta), Dario Schmunck, tenor (Tebaldo), Eric Owens, bass-baritone (Capellio), Giovanni Battista Parodi, bass (Lorenzo), The Royal Opera Chorus, The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Mark Elder.

Jun. 13, 2009, 2:47 am

Saturday 13th June 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:15 (2 hours and 15 minutes long)

Strauss's Elektra.

Andrew McGregor presents a performance from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, in which Mark Elder conducts soprano Susan Bullock in a highly-praised production of Strauss's one-act opera. Bullock won an RPS award for her performance in the title role, while Elder was also feted for his work. The opera tells the bloody story of Elektra and her dysfunctional family. She has sworn vengeance for the murder of her father, King Agamemnon, by her mother, Klytemnestra, and she eventually achieves this, but at the cost of several lives including, finally, her own. Susan Bullock, soprano (Elektra), Anne Schwanewilms, soprano (Chrysothemis), Jane Henschel, mezzo (Klytemnestra), Johan Reuter, baritone (Orest), Miriam Murphy, soprano (Overseer), Frances McCafferty, mezzo (First Maid), Monika-Evelin Liiv, mezzo (Second Maid), Kathleen Wilkinson, mezzo (Third Maid), Elizabeth Woollett, soprano (Fourth Maid), Eri Nakamura, soprano (Fifth Maid), Louise Armit, mezzo (Confidante), Dervla Ramsay, mezzo (Trainbearer), Alfie Boe, tenor (Young Servant), Jeremy White, bass (Old Servant), Vuyani Mlinde, bass (Orest's companion), Frank van Aken, tenor (Aegisth), The Royal Opera Chorus, The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Mark Elder.

Jun. 20, 2009, 2:26 am

Saturday 20th June 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Purcell's Dido and Aneas.

Purcell: Dido and Aeneas. Sarah Connolly, mezzo-soprano (Dido), Belinda: Lucy Crowe (soprano), Lucas Meacham, baritone (Aeneas), Anita Watson, soprano (Second Woman), Sara Fulgoni, mezzo (Sorceress), Eri Nakamura (First Witch), Pumeza Matshikiza, soprano (Second Witch), Iestyn Davies, countertenor (Spirit), Sailor: Ji-Min Park (tenor). Handel: Acis and Galatea. Charles Workman, baritone (Acis), Danielle de Niese, soprano (Galatea), Paul Agnew, tenor (Damon), Ji-Min Park, tenor (Coridon), Matthew Rose, bass (Polyphemus), Juliet Schiemann (chorus soprano soloist), Philip Bell (chorus tenor soloist), The Royal Opera Extra Chorus, The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment/Christopher Hogwood.

Jul. 3, 2009, 1:20 pm

Saturday 4th July 2009 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Berg's Lulu.

Concluding a season from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden is a performance of Alban Berg's Lulu. Presented by Suzy Klein in conversation with novelist Philip Hensher. Berg: Lulu. Agneta Eichenholz, soprano (Lulu), Michael Volle, baritone (Dr Schon/Jack the Ripper), Countess Geschwitz, Jennifer Larmore (mezzo), Peter Rose, bass (Animal Trainer/Athlete), Klaus Florian Vogt, tenor (Alwa), Gwynne Howell, bass (Schigolch), Philip Langridge, tenor (Prince/Manservant/Marquis), Will Hartmann, tenor (Painter/Policeman/Negro), Jeremy Whitem bass (Prof of Medicine/Theatre Manager/Banker), Heather Shipp, mezzo-soprano (Dresser/Schoolboy/Groom), Kostas Smoriginas, bass-baritone (Journalist), Vuyani Mlinde, bass (Manservant), Monika-Evelin Liiv, mezzo-soprano (Lady Artist), Frances McCafferty, mezzo-soprano (Mother), Simona Mihaim soprano (15-year-old girl), The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Antonio Pappano.

Jul. 10, 2009, 12:39 pm

Saturday 11th July 2009 (starting in 1 day)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

David Alden's ENO production of Britten's Peter Grimes which wowed critics and audiences alike with its unconventional but powerful take on Britten's music drama, set at the time of its premiere - postwar Britain. Australian tenor Stuart Skelton sings the epic title role, giving a compelling interpretation of the misunderstood outsider, victim of his own weaknesses and contradictions, at once unstable and unpredictable, visionary and violent. Amanda Roocroft is Ellen Orford and Gerald Finley is Captain Balstrode. Edward Gardiner conducts the Chorus and Orchestra of English National Opera.

Sept. 18, 2009, 1:40 pm

Saturday 19th September 2009 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Verdi's Macbeth.

Donald Macleod presents a performance given in the Usher Hall, Edinburgh, as part of the 2009 International Festival. David Robertson conducts the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in a concert version of Verdi's dramatic setting of Shakespeare's play Macbeth. Lado Ataneli, baritone (Macbeth), Susan Neves, soprano (Lady Macbeth), John Relyea, bass (Banquo), Vsevolod Grivnov, tenor (Macduff), Katherine Broderick, soprano (Lady-in-Waiting), Nicholas Phan, tenor (Malcolm), Vuyani Mlinde, bass (Doctor/Servant), Wade Kernot, bass (Murderer/Herald/Apparition), Michael Yeoman, Niall Docherty (Two Apparitions), Edinburgh Festival Chorus, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra/David Robertson.

Sept. 26, 2009, 3:41 am

Saturday 26th September 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:50 (2 hours and 50 minutes long)

Gershwin's Let 'Em Eat Cake: In a performance from the Grand Theatre in Leeds, Wyn Davies conducts the British premiere of George and Ira Gershwin's 1933 Broadway hit musical Let 'em Eat Cake - the sequel to his more popular Of Thee I Sing. This production by Opera North is directed by Caroline Gawn, with choreography by Caroline Pope. Presented by Donald Macleod. William Dazeley, bass (Wintergreen), Rebecca Moon, soprano (Mary - his wife), Steven Beard, tenor (Throttlebottom), Nicholas Sharratt, tenor (Louis Lipman), Martin Hyder, baritone (Francis X Gilhooly/Uncle William), Rob Edwards, baritone (Matthew Arnold Fulton), Richard Morris, baritone (Carver Jones), Graham Howes, baritone (Senator Robert E Lyons), Orchestra and Chorus of Opera North/Wyn Davies.

Okt. 10, 2009, 2:31 am

Saturday 10th October 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:45 (3 hours and 45 minutes long)

Rossini's Barbiere Di Siviglia.

From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Donald Macleod presents Rossini's comic opera The Barber of Seville. Artistic director Antonio Pappano conducts a cast including Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Florez as the Count, Italian baritone Pietro Spagnoli as the resourceful barber and American mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato as the young maiden Rossina. This is a revival of the critically acclaimed production by French directors Moshe Leiser and Patrice Caurier. Pietro Spagnoli, bass (Figaro), Juan Diego Florez, tenor (Count Almaviva), Joyce DiDonato, mezzo (Rosina), Alessandro Corbelli, baritone (Dr Bartolo), Ferruccio Furlanetto, bass (Don Basilio), Jennifer Rhys-Davies, soprano (Berta), Changhn Lim, baritone (Fiorello), Bryan Secombe, bass (Ambrogio), Christopher Lachner, baritone (Officer), Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Antonio Pappano.

Okt. 17, 2009, 2:33 am

Saturday 17th October 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 22:30 (4 hours and 30 minutes long)

Verdi's Don Carlo.

From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. Presented by Donald Macleod. Semyon Bychkov conducts the first revival of Nicholas Hytner's Royal Opera production of Verdi's grandest opera, first heard in 2008. Verdi: Don Carlo. Jonas Kaufmann, tenor (Don Carlo), Simon Keenlyside, baritone (Rodrigo), Marina Poplavskaya, soprano (Elisabetta), Ferruccio Furlanetto, bass (Philip II), Marianne Cornetti, mezzo (Princess Eboli), John Tomlinson, bass (Grand Inquisitor), Robert Anthony Gardiner, tenor (Conte di Lerma), Robert Lloyd, bass (Carlos V), Dawid Kimberg, Changhan Lim, David Stout, baritones, with Lukas Jokobski, bass (Flemish Deputies), Eri Nakamura, soprano (Voice from Heaven), Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Semyon Bychkov.

Nov. 7, 2009, 3:10 am

Saturday 7th November 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:15 to 20:45 (2 hours and 30 minutes long)

Britten's The Turn of The Screw.

Live from the London Coliseum. Presented by Martin Handley. Based on Henry James's creepy ghost story, Britten's disturbing chamber opera explores themes of sexual repression and the corruption of innocence. Charles Mackerras, who knew and worked closely with Britten, and has performed this eerie and ambiguous masterpiece for more than 50 years, conducts David McVicar's celebrated English National Opera production. 6.15 Martin Handley in conversation with award-winning documentary maker and author John Bridcut. 6.30 The Turn of the Screw - Act 1. 7.25 Martin Handley and John Bridcut further explore the themes and composition of the opera, and Valentine Cunningham looks at Henry James's novella, the literary inspiration behind Britten's music. 7.50 The Turn of the Screw - Act 2. Michael Colvin, tenor (Prologue/Peter Quint), Rebecca Evans, soprano (Governess), Anne Murray, mezzo (Mrs Grose), Cheryl Barker, soprano (Miss Jessel), Charlie Manton, treble (Miles), Nazan Fikret, soprano (Flora), members of the ENO Orchestra/Charles Mackerras.

Nov. 14, 2009, 2:18 am

Saturday 14th November 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:25 (2 hours and 25 minutes long)

Ligeti's Le Grand Macabre.

Presented by Ivan Hewett. In a performance given at Le Theatre de la Monnaie in Brussels, Leo Hussain conducts Ligeti's Le Grand Macabre with an international cast in a production by innovative Catalan theatre company La Fura dels Baus. 6.00 Ivan Hewett introduces Ligeti's 'anti-anti-opera' - as the composer himself called it - with the help of Ligeti's biographer Richard Steinitz. 6.10 Le Grand Macabre: Scenes 1 and 2. 6.55 Richard Steinitz reveals more about the hidden depths and difficult gestation of this remarkable piece of theatre. 7.10 Le Grand Macabre: Scenes 3 and 4. Chris Merritt, tenor (Piet the Pot), Frances Bourne, mezzo (Amando), Ilse Eerens, soprano (Amanda), Werner Van Mechelen, baritone (Nekrotzar), Frode Olsen, bass (Astradamors), Ning Liang, mezzo (Mescalina), Barbara Hannigan, soprano (Venus), Brian Asawa, countertenor (Prince Go-Go), Bernard Villiers, baritone (Ruffiak), Gerard Lavalle, baritone (Schobiack), Jacques Does, baritone (Schabernack), Eberhard Lorenz, actor (White Minister), Martin Winkler, actor (Black Minister), Barbara Hannigan, soprano (Gepopo/Chief of Secret Police), La Monnaie Symphony Orchestra and Chorus/Leo Hussain.

Nov. 20, 2009, 1:06 pm

Not Radio 3 but BBC 4 (TV) and starting in a couple of hours - 20.00 GMT. (see #68 above)

Antonio Pappano, artistic director of the Royal Opera, introduces Nicholas Hytner's production of Verdi's Don Carlo from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

Based on Schiller's play, it tells the story of the conflicts in the life of Don Carlo, Prince of Spain after his betrothed Elizabeth of Valois is married to his father, Phillip II, as part of a peace treaty.

Rolando Villazon sings the title role and Marina Poplavskaya is Elizabeth. Pappano conducts the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House.

(From the www.bbc.co.uk)

I don't know if this will be available on iPlayer.

Nov. 21, 2009, 2:51 am

Thanks for the recommendation. Yes, it is available for the next 7 days and I'm listening to the introduction now! A very good introduction to the opera by Pappano.

Thanks again.

Nov. 21, 2009, 2:58 am

A wonderful set at the beginning, too, all snow and icy trees.

This evening:

Saturday 21st November 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:50 (2 hours and 50 minutes long)

Massenet's Werther.

In a new Opera North production directed by Tom Cairns, Richard Farnes conducts tenor Paul Nilon and mezzo Alice Coote in Massenet's four-act opera Werther. Paul Nilon, tenor (Werther), Alice Coote, mezzo (Charlotte), Fflur Wyn, soprano (Sophie), Peter Savidge, baritone (Albert), Donald Maxwell, bass (The Magistrate), Richard Burkhard (Johann), Joshua Ellicott (Schmidt), Orchestra and Chorus of Opera North/Richard Farnesiwi.

Nov. 28, 2009, 2:36 am

Saturday 28th November 2009 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:20 (2 hours and 20 minutes long)

Peter Maxwell Davies's Taverner.

With a performance from City Halls, Glasgow's mini-festival celebrating Peter Maxwell Davies' 75th birthday comes to an end with a concert performance of his iconic morality opera Taverner. Presented by Tom Service with contributions from the composer and performers, and commentary from Ian McQueen. Peter Maxwell Davies: Taverner. Daniel Norman, tenor (John Taverner), Richard Angas, bass (Richard Taverner), Martyn Hill, tenor (Cardinal/Archbishop), Stephen Richardson, bass (King/Archangel Michael/Captain), David Wilson-Johnson, bass (Jester/Death), Roderick Williams, bass (White Abbot), Andrew Watts, countertenor (Priest/God), Michael Yeoman, treble (Boy), Alasdair Robertson, treble (Boy), Stephen Jeffes, spoken/tenor (Antichrist/Second Monk), Christopher Bowen (tenor (Archangel Gabriel/First Monk), Susan Bickley, mezzo (Rose/Virgin Mary), BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama Chamber Choir, University of Glasgow Chapel Choir, Royal Scottish National Orchestra Junior Chorus/Martyn Brabbins.

Dez. 12, 2009, 2:16 am

Saturday 12th December 2009 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:30 to 22:00 (4 hours and 30 minutes long)

To begin a new season of broadcasts from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, Stefano Ranzini conducts a production of Puccini's ever-popular triple bill of Il Tabarro, Suor Angelica and Gianni Schicchi. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. During the two intervals there are backstage interviews and the Met Quiz. Il Tabarro: Patricia Racette, soprano (Giorgetta), Stephanie Blythe, mezzo (Frugola), Salvatore Licitra, tenor (Luigi), Zeljko Lucic, baritone (Michele). Suor Angelica: Patricia Racette, soprano (Suor Angelica), Heidi Grant Murphy, soprano (Sister Genovieffa), Stephanie Blythe, mezzo (Principessa). Gianni Schicchi: Patricia Racette, soprano (Lauretta), Saimir Pirgu, tenor (Rinuccio), Alessandro Corbelli, baritone (Gianni Schicchi), Stephanie Blythe, mezzo (Zita). Stefano Ranzini conducts the Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera.

Jan. 2, 2010, 3:17 am

Saturday 2nd January 2010
Time: 13:00 to 14:00 (1 hour long)

Composer Profile - Giovanni Pergolesi.

Catherine Bott marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of one of the most important composers of opera buffa (comic opera) - Giovanni Battista Pergolesi. He was born in Jesi, near Ancona, in January 1710, and studied with local musicians before going to Naples at the age of fifteen, where he quickly made a name for himself as an accomplished musician and composer. He wrote operas as well as secular instrumental works; his most famous sacred work was the 1736 Stabat Mater.

Jan. 2, 2010, 3:24 am

Saturday 2nd January 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:30 (2 hours and 30 minutes long)

Humperdinck's Hansel und Gretel: Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Fabio Luisi conducts Angelika Kirschlager and Miah Persson in Humperdinck's take on the Brothers Grimm fairytale. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. With live backstage interviews during the interval. Miah Persson, soprano (Gretel), Angelika Kirchschlager, mezzo (Hansel), Rosalind Plowright, soprano (Gertrude), Dwayne Croft, baritone (Peter), Philip Langridge, tenor (Witch), Jennifer Johnson, soprano (Sandman), Erin Morley, soprano (Dew Fairy), Orchestra and Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera, Metropolitan Children's Chorus/Fabio Luisi.

Jan. 9, 2010, 4:05 am

Saturday 9th January 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 23:00 (5 hours long)

Strauss's Der Rosenkavalier.

Direct from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Edo de Waart conducts Renee Fleming, Susan Graham and Christine Schafer in Richard Strauss's masterpiece Der Rosenkavalier. The story centres on the Marschallin, who enjoys time with her young lover Octavian, but knows that she is getting older and that one day he will lose interest in her. Sure enough, when he is chosen to deliver the engagement silver rose from the Baron Ochs to Sophie, they fall instantly in love with each other.

Jan. 16, 2010, 3:20 am

Saturday 16th January 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:45 (3 hours and 45 minutes long)

Bizet's Carmen.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Yannick Nezet-Seguin conducts Elina Garanca and Roberto Alagna in Bizet's famous work, which include the best-known and most memorable melodies in the classical canon. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Including backstage interviews with artists during the interval. Elina Garanca, mezzo-soprano (Carmen), Roberto Alagna, tenor (Don Jose), Trevor Scheunemann, baritone (Morales), Barbara Frittoli (soprano (Micaela), Mariusz Kwiecien, baritone (Escamillo), Earle Patriarco, tenor (Dancaire), Keith Jameson, tenor (Remendado), Keith Miller, bass (Zuniga), Elizabeth Caballero, soprano (Frasquita), Sandra Piques Eddy, soprano (Mercedes), Orchestra and Chorus of Metropolitan Orchestra/Yannick Nezet-Seguin.

Jan. 23, 2010, 9:38 am

Saturday 23rd January 2010
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Gershwin's Porgy and Bess.

Suzy Klein presents a performance given in July at Nikolaus Harnoncourt's own Styriarte Festival in Graz, Austria, where he fulfilled a long-held desire to conduct Porgy and Bess. Harnoncourt is adamant that the work is an opera and not a musical, and in his performances he has adopted many of the cuts Gershwin himself made during its initial run. Jonathan Lemalu, bass-baritone (Porgy), Isabelle Kabatu, soprano (Bess), Angela Renee Simpson, soprano (Serena), Michael Forest, tenor (Sportin' Life), Gregg Baker, baritone (Crown), Bibiana Nwobilo, soprano (Clara), Roberta Alexander, soprano (Maria), Rodney Clarke, baritone (Jake), Previn Moore, tenor (Mingo/Robbins/Peter/Honeyman and Crab-man). The Arnold Schoenberg Chorus, The Chamber Orchestra of Europe/Nikolaus Harnoncourt.

Jan. 31, 2010, 8:02 am

Last night's Stifelio went well despite a last minute substitution for Sondra Radvanovsky. The cover - I didn't catch her name - was well received. Verdi had a lot of trouble from the censors with this story of adultery in the Austrian protestant pastor's house and the opera still appears relatively infequently - a pity, I think.

Placido Domingo was conducting: loosening up for his outing as a baritone in next week's Simon Boccanegra?

Feb. 6, 2010, 3:29 am

Thanks for the above review abbott, and the signposting for this weeks opera, which is:

Saturday 6th February 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:45 (3 hours and 45 minutes long)

Verdi's Simon Boccanegra.

Verdi's dark score forms the background for one of his most commanding operas on many of his favourite themes: the people pitted against the aristocratic few; power and politics; illegitimacy and forbidden love. The Plebeian Doge of 14th-century Genoa struggles against his Patrician bitter rival. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Including backstage interviews and the famous Met Quiz during the intervals. Placido Domingo, baritone (Simon Boccanegra), Adrianne Pieczonka, soprano (Amelia), Gabriele Adorno, Marcello Giordano (tenor), James Morris (bass), Nicola Alaimo, bass, (Paolo Albiani), Richard Bernstein, baritone (Pietro), Joyce El-Khoury, soprano (Maidservant), Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera, New York/James Levine.

Feb. 19, 2010, 4:23 pm

Saturday 20th February 2010 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Strauss's Ariadne Auf Naxos.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Kirill Petrenko conducts Richard Strauss's opera-within-an-opera, in which Greek tragedy collides with the mischief-making of the commedia dell'arte. The work was conceived in collaboration with librettist Hugo von Hofmannsthal and features Swedish soprano Nina Stemme as Ariadne, Kathleen Kim as the ever-pragmatic Zerbinetta and Sarah Connolly as the naive young Composer. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Including live backstage interviews during the interval. Nina Stemme, soprano (Ariadne), Kathleen Kim, soprano (Zerbinetta), Sarah Connolly, mezzo-soprano (Composer), Lance Ryan, tenor (Bacchus), Jochen Schmeckenbecher, baritone (Music Master), Anne-Carolyn Bird, soprano (Najade), Tamara Mumford, mezzo-soprano (Dryade), Erin Morley, soprano (Echo), Tony Stevenson, tenor (Dancing Master), Sean Panikkar, tenor (Brighella), Mark Schowalter, tenor (Scaramuccio), Markus Werba, baritone (Harlequin), Metropolitan Opera Orchestra/Kirill Petrenko.

Feb. 27, 2010, 3:27 am

Saturday 27th February 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:15 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

Puccini's La Boheme.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Marco Armiliato conducts Puccini's ever-popular opera about a group of bohemian artists sharing a garret in 1830s Paris. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. With live backstage interviews and the famous Met Quiz during the two intervals. Piotr Beczala, tenor (Rodolfo), Anna Netrebko, soprano (Mimi), Gerald Finley, baritone (Marcello), Massimo Cavalletti, baritone (Schaunard), Oren Gradus, bass (Colline), Nicole Cabell, soprano (Musetta), Paul Plishka, bass (Benoit/Alcindoro), Jeremy Litte, tenor (Parpignol), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/Marco Armiliato.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 5, 2010, 1:23 pm

Saturday 6th March 2010 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Verdi's Attila.

Live from the Metropolitain Opera, New York, Riccardo Muti makes his long-awaited Met debut with Verdi's remarkable opera, Attila, which is being performed for the first time, at Lincoln Center. The story explores a pivotal moment in history - the collapse of the Roman Empire under attacks from the barbarians, led by Attila. The demanding title role is sung here by young Russian bass Ildar Abrazakov, alongside soprano Violeta Urmana, who stars as the Italian slave Odabella. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. There are live backstage interviews with members of the cast during the interval. Ilda Abrazakov, bass (Attila), Violeta Urmana, soprano (Odabella), Giovanni Meoni, baritone (Ezio), Ramon Vargas, tenor (Foresto), Russell Thomas, tenor (Uldino), Samuel Ramey, bass (Leone), Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra/Riccardo Muti.

The opera has never been performed at the Metropolitan Opera, and it also represents conductor Riccardo Muti’s Met debut. The story focuses on the collapse of the Roman Empire under the barbarians. Attila, the young Russian bass Ildar Abrazakov, falls in love with an Italian slave Odabella, sung by soprano Violeta Urmana, while she seeks revenge on Attila because he killed her father. The production has proved controversial and the musical performance has received critical acclaim - judge for yourself tomorrow evening.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 12, 2010, 11:57 am

Saturday 13th March 2010 (starting in 1 day)
Time: 18:00 to 21:05 (3 hours and 5 minutes long)

Shostakovich's The Nose

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Valery Gergiev conducts Rachmaninov's powerful adaptation of Gogol's absurdist short story. Kovalyov has a shave in Yakovlevich's barbershop, and the following morning, Yakovlevich discovers Kovalyov's nose in his freshly baked loaf of bread. It turns up in the Cathedral, human sized, dressed as a State Councillor, and wanting nothing to do with its desperate owner. It then escapes from Kovalyov, who spends the rest of the opera being outwitted by it. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Andrei Popov, tenor (Police Inspector), Gordon Gietz, tenor (The Nose), Paulo Szot, baritone (Kovalyov), Vladimir Ognovenko, baritone (Ivan Yakovlevich), Claudia Waite, soprano (Praskovya Osipovna), James Courtney, bass (Newspaper Clerk), Maria Gavrilova, soprano (A Mother), Wendy White, mezzo-soprano (A Countess), Claudia Waite, soprano (A Pretzel Vendor), Gennady Bezzubenkov, bass (A Doctor), Adam Klein, tenor (Yaryzhkin), Erin Morley, soprano (Mme Podtochina's daughter), Barbara Dever (mezzo-soprano (Mme Podtochina), Kathryn Day, mezzo-soprano (Respectable lady), Orchestra and Chorus of Metropolitan Opera/Valery Gergiev.

Mrz. 19, 2010, 2:58 pm

Saturday 20th March 2010 (starting tomorrow afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 18:50 (1 hour and 50 minutes long)

From the Met.

Janacek's From the House of the Dead: From the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Esa-Pekka Salonen conducts a performance of Janacek's final opera, based on Dostoyevsky's novel. The opera is set in a prison and focuses on the daily lives and pasts of its various inmates such as Shishkov, imprisoned for murdering his wife, and the wrongly imprisoned young Tatar Alyeya. Through their bleak existence, hope is given to the inmates by the defiance of an injured eagle, captive with them. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Willard White (bass-baritone (Gorianchikov), Kurt Strei, tenor (Skuratov), Peter Mattei, tenor (Shishkov), Stefan Margita, tenor (Filka Morozov), Peter Hoare, tenor (Shapkin), Eric Stoklossa, tenor (Alyeya), Peter Straka, tenor (Nikita), Vladimir Chmelo, baritone (Short Prisoner), Vladimir Ognovenko, bass (Prison Commandant), Jeffrey Wells, bass (Chekunov), Richard Bernstein, bass (The Cook), Adam Klein, tenor (Drunk Prisoner), John Cheek, bass (Priest), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/Esa-Pekka Salonen.

Mrz. 27, 2010, 3:23 am

Saturday 27th March 2010 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 21:00 (4 hours long)

Ambroise Thomas' Hamlet.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Louis Longree conducts a 19th-century Romantic interpretation of Shakespeare's tragedy. It originally had a happy ending, but this was subsequently changed to reflect the play a little more closely. Simon Keenlyside is the tormented Prince seeking vengeance for his father's death, in one of the few chances for a baritone to play the lead role. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with Ira Siff as guest commentator. With live backstage interviews during the interval. Simon Keenlyside, baritone (Hamlet), Marlis Petersen, soprano (Ophelia), Toby Spence, tenor (Laertes), Jennifer Larmore, mezzo-soprano (Gertrude), James Morris, baritone (Claudius), David Pittsinger, bass (The Ghost), Liam Bonner, baritone (Horatio), Maxim Mikhailov, bass (Polonius), Richard Bernstein, bass (First Gravedigger), Mark Schowalter, tenor (Second Gravedigger), Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra/Louis Langree.

Apr. 3, 2010, 2:39 am

Saturday 3rd April 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 22:00 (4 hours long)

Verdi's Aida.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Marco Armiliato conducts a performance of Verdi's spectacular opera Aida. Set in the ancient Egypt of the pharaohs, it tells the story of the Ethiopian slave girl who finds that her lover and her father are on the opposite sides of warring nations. A love rival to her princess employer, she chooses to be buried alive with her lover Radames, rather than endure life without him. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. With live backstage interviews and the Met Quiz during the two intervals. Hui He, soprano (Aida), Salvatore Licitra, tenor (Radames), Dolora Zajick, mezzo-soprano (Amneris), Carlo Guelfi, baritone (Amonasro), Stefan Kocan, bass (King of Egypt), Carlo Colombara, bass (Ramfis - Chief Priest), Elizabeth DeShong, soprano (High Priestess), Diego Torre, tenor (Messenger), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/Marco Armiliato.

Apr. 10, 2010, 2:32 am

Saturday 10th April 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Mozart's Die Zauberflote.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Adam Fischer conducts Nathan Gunn as Papageno, Matthew Polenzani as Tamino and Julia Kleiter as Pamina in Julie Taymor's production of Mozart's great comic opera. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. There are live backstage interviews with members of the cast during the interval. Nathan Gunn, baritone (Papageno), Matthew Polenzani, tenor (Tamino), Julia Kleiter, soprano (Pamina), Albina Shagimuratova, soprano (Queen of the Night), Wendy Bryn Harmer, soprano (1st Lady), Jamie Barton, mezzo (2nd Lady), Tamara Mumford, mezzo (3rd Lady), Jakob Taylor, treble (1st Boy), Neem Ram Nagarajan, treble (2nd Boy), Jonathan A Makepeace, countertenor (3rd Boy), Monica Yunus, soprano (Papagena), Hans-Peter Konig, bass (Sarastro), David Pittsinger, bass (Speaker), Greg Fedderly, tenor (Monostatos), David Crawford, bass-baritone (1st Priest), Bernard Fitch, tenor (2nd Priest), Philip Webb, tenor (1st Armed Man), Richard Bernstein, bass (2nd Armed Man), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/Adam Fischer.

Apr. 16, 2010, 5:05 pm

Saturday 17th April 2010 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Verdi's La Traviata.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Yves Abel conducts Verdi's tragic love story, with Angela Georghiu in the role which launched her international opera career. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. The two intervals contain live backstage interviews with the cast and the famous Met Quiz. Angela Gheorghiu, soprano (Violetta Valera), James Valenti, tenor (Alfredo Germont), Thomas Hampson,baritone (Giorgio Germont), Theodora Hanslowe, mezzo-soprano (Flora Bervoix), Kathryn Day, soprano (Annina), Eduardo Valdes, tenor (Gaston), John Hancock, baritone (Baron Douphol), Louis Otey, bass (Marquis d'Obigny), Paul Plishka, bass (Doctor Grenvil), Juhwan Lee, tenor (Giuseppe), Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra/Yves Abel.

Apr. 24, 2010, 2:49 am

Saturday 24th April 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Puccini's Tosca.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Fabio Luisi conducts Patricia Racette, Jonas Kaufmann and Bryn Terfel in Puccini's grisly tale of torture, suicide, murder and execution, which has been one of the most popular of all operas ever since its 1900 premiere. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. The two intervals feature the famous Met Quiz and live backstage interviews with members of the cast. Patricia Racette, soprano (Tosca), Jonas Kaufmann, tenor (Cavaradossi), Bryn Terfel, bass (Scarpia), David Pittsinger, bass (Angelotti), John del Carlo, bass (Sacristan), Eduardo Valdes, tenor (Spoletta), Jeffrey Wells, bass (Sciarrone), Richard Bernstein, bass (Gaoler), Jonathan Makepeace, boy alto (Shepherd Boy), Metropolitan Chorus and Orchestra/Fabio Luisi.

Apr. 26, 2010, 8:46 am

I couldn't catch Tosca when it was airing (too late for me!) but surprise surprise! A friend snagged tickets for me, so I'll be seeing it at the Met Thursday :) I'd love to talk to all of you about it - Puccini is one of my faves.

Mai 1, 2010, 2:50 am

Lucky you! How was it live?

This evening:

Saturday 1st May 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 22:30 (4 hours and 30 minutes long)

Rossini's Armida.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera New York, Riccardo Frizza conducts six tenors for the venue's premiere performance of Armida. Renee Fleming performs the role of the sorceress who plans to use her beauty to enslave the crusading soldiers. She falls in love with Rinaldo, who is captivated by her until he sees his reflection and realises he is no longer the noble warrior he once was. Presented by Margaret Juntwait, with guest commentator Ira Siff. There are backstage interviews and the famous Met Quiz during the intervals. Renee Fleming, soprano (Armida), Lawrence Brownlee, tenor (Rinaldo), John Osborn, tenor (Goffredo), Jose Manuel Zapata, tenor (Gernando), Barry Banks, tenor (Carlo), Kobie van Rensburg, tenor (Ubaldo), Yegishe Manucharyan, tenor (Eustazio), Peter Volpe, bass (Idraote), Keith Miller, bass (Astarotte), Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra/Riccardo Frizza.

Mai 1, 2010, 11:08 am

Just saw it, it was AWESOME. The tenor was so incredible - in Act II, after he was tortured and the guards come in with the news of Napoleon's victory, the way he sings "Victoria! Victoria!" and holding these ridiculously high notes...brought the house down. I was actually in a pretty rowdy audience, they were not afraid about screaming out 'BRAVO' after any of the impressive arias. I was also with a bunch of friends who had never seen any opera before, and they seemed impressed.

And, of course, I cried during Vissi d'arte. Because...well, it's *that* aria.

I wish I could see Armida, but I'm pretty sure tickets in my price range (see: really, really cheap) are all sold out. Maybe next weekend I will try to get a standing room ticket and report back. I would LOVE to see Renee Fleming live. Or I could ask my parents for a ticket as a graduation present :)

I'll definitely listen to it when it airs on the radio here, though - or stay up late to listen on BBC or something. I love Rossini.

Actually, the opera that I'm most excited to see will be Lepage's version of The Ring Cycle (the first two parts go up in the Fall, I think?) Robert Lepage is a directorial GENIUS. His version of Le Damnation de Faust was one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen - he used really, brilliantly-done video and projection, and it was so refreshing to see, especially in a house as generally staid as the Met.

Mai 7, 2010, 2:03 pm

Saturday 8th May 2010 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 22:30 (4 hours and 30 minutes long)

Berg's Lulu.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Fabio Luisi conducts soprano Marlis Petersen as the eponymous scandalous femme fatale of Berg's opera, a role for which she has won international praise. Anne Sofie von Otter sings Countess Geschwitz, Gary Lehman is Alwa and James Morris is Dr Schon. An animal trainer presents to his audience the wonderful wild beasts they are about to see. There's a tiger, a bear and a dangerous serpent - who will mesmerise, seduce and kill, and who eventually get murdered by Jack the Ripper. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with Ira Siff as guest commentator. With live backstage interviews and the Met Quiz during the two intervals. Marlis Petersen, soprano (Lulu), Anne Sofie von Otter, mezzo-soprano (Countess Geschwitz), Gary Lehman, tenor (Alwa), Michael Schade, tenor (Painter), David Pittsinger, bass (Animal Trainer/Acrobat), James Morris, baritone (Dr Schon/Jack the Ripper), Ginger Costa-Jackson, soprano (Wardrobe Mistress/Schoolboy/Page), Graham Clark, tenor (Prince/Manservant/Marquis), Gwynne Howell, bass (Schigolch), James Courtney, bass (Theatre Manager/Banker), Jane Shaulis, mezzo-soprano (Mother), Edyta Kulczak, mezzo-soprano (Designer), Joshua Benaim, baritone (Journalist), LeRoy Lehr, bass (Servant), Metropolitan Opera Orchestra/Fabio Luisi.

Bearbeitet: Mai 14, 2010, 1:44 am

From Radio 3 Controller's Newsletter:

You may have been following the live Saturday transmissions from the Metropolitan Opera since December, and our new Thursday afternoon operas building on the success of our complete Handel in 2009. Opera is undeniably a very international world, and on the coming Thursday afternoons we are visiting Pesaro for Rossini’s Zelmira , starring Juan Diego Flórez (27 May). Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde from Vienna, starring Robert Gambill and Violeta Urmana, will be conducted by Sir Simon Rattle (10 June); and Beethoven’s Fidelio from Barcelona stars Karita Mattila (17 June).

We are also going to create our own A-Z of Opera, or rather from aria to zarzuela! From Wednesday 19 May for 26 days, our drivetime programme, In Tune, will unveil a letter a day, demystifying opera through a series of short features. Each one will feature some aspect of opera, described in interviews with key figures, such as the legendary British bass Robert Lloyd, conductor Sir Mark Elder, voice coach Mary King, and tenor Rolando Villazón. The A-Z series will be broadcast each weekday at 5.40pm and will also be available as downloads.

Following the end of the Metropolitan Opera season, Radio 3 will present specially recorded operas from the UK each Saturday, beginning with Rossini's Il turco in Italia from the Royal Opera House on 15 May. Also from Covent Garden we have productions of Prokofiev’s The Gambler, starring Sir John Tomlinson and Roberto Saccà (22 May), Richard Strauss's Der Rosenkavalier starring Soile Isokoski (5 June), and Massenet's Manon starring Anna Netrebko and Vittorio Grigolo (10 July). We will also be presenting English National Opera’s production of Janácek’s Katya Kabanova, with Patricia Racette in the title role (12 June) and Opera North’s production of Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda starring Sarah Connolly as Mary Queen of Scots (19 June).

Composer of the Week is going to feature operatic composers throughout 2010. The big names of the nineteenth century - Verdi, Wagner - have whole weeks to themselves. Donald Macleod also explores the history of opera through locations and groups of composers spread across the year. Coming up soon there’s a week on the ‘verismo’ opera of the 19th century, in which Roger Parker explains exactly what verismo or realism actually was (17 - 21 May). We spend a week listening to the glorious repertoire of the French Opera Comique (23-28 August), and in November we have a visit to Drottningholm near Stockholm, a wonderfully preserved 18th-century theatre, complete with the original stage mechanics, and a focus on the story of Russian opera over Christmas.

On Sunday May 30th presenter Claire van Kampen sets off in search of the first English opera. The Siege of Rhodes dating from 1656 reached the ears of Samuel Pepys, and remains an important landmark in both English literature and music. Its creator, Sir William Davenant, was one of the great innovators of the English theatre, inventing English opera and promoting the idea of Shakespeare as the national poet.

n The Essay, starting on 31 May, we hear from five people whose lives have been shaped by opera. They describe how they have interacted with the operatic world as critics, performers and commentators. Michael Chance, one of the world’s foremost counter-tenors, ponders the life of an itinerant performer. Critic Tom Sutcliffe argues for the relevance of opera, while Matt Peacock, originator of Streetwise Opera, reflects on how opera has changed the lives of people he has met through his work with the homeless.

Our opera focus is part of a BBC-wide season of opera which extends across radio, television and online. It is the widest range of operatic programming that the BBC has ever undertaken. You can find the full details at www.bbc.co.uk/opera. I hope you enjoy it.

Mai 14, 2010, 11:40 am

Saturday 15th May 2010 (starting in 1 day)
Time: 18:00 to 21:15 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

Rossini's Il Turco in Italia.

In a performance given in April at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Maurizio Benini conducts Rossini's perceptive comedy of Neapolitan life and love in a production updated to the 1960s. With additional insights during the interval from writer and broadcaster Daniel Snowman, members of the cast, conductor Maurizio Benini, and directors Moshe Leiser and Patrice Caurier. Aleksandra Kurzak, soprano (Fiorilla), Colin Lee, tenor (Don Narciso), Alessandro Corbelli, baritone (Don Geronio), Ildebrando d'Arcangelo, bass (Selim), Thomas Allen, baritone (Prosdocimo), Leah-Marian Jones, mezzo-soprano (Zaida), Steven Ebel, tenor (Albazar), Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Maurizio Benini.

Mai 22, 2010, 2:06 am

Saturday 22nd May 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:35 (2 hours and 35 minutes long)

Prokofiev's the Gambler.

From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Antonio Pappano conducts Prokofiev's rarely-heard opera, based on Dostoyevsky's novel, featuring some of his most unusual and energetic music. In the town of Roulettenburg, the whole of life is based around the casino. In the middle of this money-driven world is the possibility of a love story, but is Alexey really in love with Polina, or addicted to her in the same way as he is to his gambling? Andrew McGregor is joined by Prokofiev biographer David Nice, as well as conductor, director and members of the the cast. Roberto Sacca, tenor (Alexey), Angela Denoke, soprano (Polina), John Tomlinson, bass (General), Jurgita Adamonyte, mezzo-soprano (Blanche), Kurt Streit, tenor (Marquis), Mark Stone, baritone (Mr Astley), Susan Bickley, mezzo-soprano (Babulenka), John Easterlin, tenor (Prince Nilsky), Dawid Kimberg, baritone (Potapytch), Jeremy White, bass (Baron), Simona Mihai, soprano (Gaudy Lady), Elisabeth Meister, soprano (Pale Lady), Elizabeth Sikora, mezzo-soprano (Dubious Old Lady), Carol Rowlands, soprano (Lady Comme Ci, Comme Ca), Kai Ruutel, mezzo-soprano (Venerable Lady), Jeffrey Lloyd-Roberts, tenor (Rash Gambler), Steven Ebel, tenor (Hypochondriac Gambler), Alasdair Elliott, tenor (Hunchback Gambler), John Cunningham, bass-baritone (Aged Gambler), David Woloszko, bass-baritone (Fat Englishman), Lukas Jakobski, bass (Tall Englishman), Graeme Danby, bass (Casino Director), Hubert Francis, tenor (First Croupier), Robert Anthony Gardiner, tenor (Second Croupier), Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Antonio Pappano.

Mai 28, 2010, 2:12 pm

Saturday 29th May 2010 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:15 (2 hours and 15 minutes long)

Janacek's the Cunning Little Vixen.

Martin Handley introduces a performance from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, in which the great Janacek interpreter Charles Mackerras conducts Australian soprano Emma Matthews and baritone Christopher Maltman in a magical opera about the life of a vixen (Janacek: The Cunning Little Vixen). A work which holds a special place in the repertoire, its characters are a mixture of human beings and animals and started life as a cartoon-strip in a newspaper. Emma Matthews, soprano (Vixen Sharp-Ears), Christopher Maltman, baritone (Forester), Elizabeth Meister, soprano (Fox), Robin Leggate, tenor (Schoolmaster/Mosquito), Madeleine Shaw, mezzo-soprano (Gamekeeper's Wife/Owl), Jeremy White, bass (Priest/Badger), Matthew Rose, bass (Harasta), Alasdair Elliott, tenor (Pasek), Elizabeth Sikora, mezzo-soprano (Inkeeper's Wife), Simona Mihai, soprano (Pepik), Elizabeth Cragg, soprano (Frantik), Deborah Peake-Jones, soprano (Rooster/Jay), Glenys Groves, soprano (Chief Hen), Peter Shafran, treble (Cricket), Talor Hanson, child soprano (Caterpillar), Harry Bradford, treble (Frog), Eleanor Burke, child soprano (Young Vixen), Amanda Floyd, mezzo-soprano (Woodpecker), Royal Opera Chorus, Children's Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Charles Mackerras.

Jun. 5, 2010, 2:23 am

Saturday 5th June 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 22:00 (4 hours long)

Strauss's Der Rosenkavalier.

Christopher Cook introduces a performance given in December 2009 at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden of Strauss's comedy of manners about age and class. The story tells of the love triangle between the noble Marschallin, her young lover Octavian and Sophie, daughter of the nouveau riche Herr von Faninal. Christopher also presents interviews with the conductor, Kirill Petrenko, as well as members of the cast. Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier. Sophie Koch, mezzo-soprano (Octavian), Soile Isokoski, soprano (Marschallin), Lucy Crowe, soprano (Sophie), Peter Rose, bass (Baron Ochs), Thomas Allen, bass (Herr von Faninal), Graham Clark, tenor (Valzacchi), Leah-Marian Jones, mezzo-soprano (Annina), Elaine McKrill, soprano (Marianne Leitmetzerin), Lynton Black, bass-baritone (Notary), Wookyung Kim, tenor (Italian Singer), Glenys Groves, soprano (Noble Widow), Andrea Hazell, mezzo-soprano, Tamsin Coombs, Deborah Peake-Jones, sopranos (Noble Orphans), Robert Anthony Gardiner, tenor (Major Domo to Marschallin), Steven Ebel, tenor (Major Domo to Faninal), Alan Duffield, tenor (Doctor), Robert Worle, tenor (Inkeeper), Jeremy White, bass (Police Commissioner), Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Kirill Petrenko.

Jun. 11, 2010, 2:24 pm

Saturday 12th June 2010 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:15 (2 hours and 15 minutes long)

Janacek's Katya Kabanova.

In a performance given in March at the Coliseum in London, Martin Handley presents ENO's version of Janacek's tragic opera, written in the composer's creative Indian summer. Starring soprano Patricia Racette and tenor Stuart Skelton, it tells the story of a woman trapped in a loveless marriage, stifled by provincial society - and an insufferable mother-in-law. Before the opera begins, Martin discusses its themes and origins with Mike Ashman. Patricia Racette, soprano (Katya Kabanova), Stuart Skelton, tenor (Boris), Susan Bickley, mezzo-soprano (Kabanicha), John Graham-Hall, tenor (Tikhon), Anna Grevelius, mezzo-soprano (Varvara), Alfie Boe, tenor (Vanya), Clive Bayley, bass (Dikoy), Valerie Reid, mezzo-soprano (Glasha), Nicholas Folwell, baritone (Kuligin), Michelle Daly, mezzo-soprano (Feklusha), Orchestra of English National Opera/Mark Wigglesworth.

Jun. 18, 2010, 1:48 pm

Saturday 19th June 2010 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:15 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

Donizetti's Maria Stuarda.

Donald Macleod presents an Opera North performance from the Grand Theatre, Leeds, of Donizetti's controversial opera about Mary, Queen of Scots. The work focuses on the fictional and confrontational meeting between Mary Stuart, the catholic Queen of Scotland, and the protestant Queen Elizabeth I, resulting in Mary's condemnation and execution. The opera is now considered one of Donizetti's most powerful and compelling, culminating in a dramatic final scene. Sarah Connolly, mezzo-soprano (Mary Stuart), Antonia Cifrone, soprano (Queen Elizabeth), Bulent Bezduz, tenor (Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester), David Kempster, baritone (Sir William Cecil), Frederic Bourreau, bass (George Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury), Michelle Walton, soprano (Hannah Kennedy), Orchestra and Chorus of Opera North/Guido Johannes Rumstadt.

Jun. 26, 2010, 2:37 am

Saturday 26th June 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Verdi's Aida.

Suzy Klein presents a new production from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden of one of the greatest love stories in opera. A work featuring lust and violence, war and doomed love, it tells the story of the slave girl who finds that her father and her lover are on opposite sides in a confrontation between nations. Suzy is joined by Italian opera expert Roger Parker. Micaela Carosi, soprano (Aida), Marcelo Alvarez, tenor (Radames), Marianne Cornetti, mezzo-soprano (Amneris), Giacomo Prestia, baritone (Ramfis), Marco Vratogna, baritone (Amonasro), Robert Lloyd, bass (King of Egypt), Ji-Min Park, tenor (Messenger), Elisabeth Meister, soprano (High Priestess), Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Nicola Luisotti.

Jul. 2, 2010, 2:58 pm

Saturday 3rd July 2010 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 22:30 (4 hours and 30 minutes long)

Handel's Tamerlano.

A performance given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, of Handel's touching drama - a tale of tyranny and power, betrayal and love. Tamerlano, the great Tartar warlord, boasts of having conquered the proud Turkish Sultan Bajazet, but spurns Irene, his betrothed princess, for Asteria, the Sultan's daughter. Presented by Louise Fryer with guest Sarah Lenton. Handel: Tamerlano. Christianne Stotijn, mezzo-soprano (Tamerlano), Kurt Streit, tenor (Bajazet), Sara Mingardo, contralto (Andronico), Christine Schaefer, soprano (Asteria), Renata Pokupic, soprano (Irene), Vito Priante, bass (Leone), Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment/Ivor Bolton.

Bearbeitet: Jul. 9, 2010, 2:38 pm

Saturday 10th July 2010 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Massenet's Manon Lescaut.

In a performance given last week at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Antonio Pappano conducts soprano Anna Netrebko and tenor Vittorio Grigolo in Massenet's opera Manon Lescaut. The story centres on a young woman as she tries to come to terms with the conflicts imposed by love, wealth, family and faith - a story that inspires Massenet to compose some of his most memorable and lyrical music. Presented by Martin Handley, who is joined by French music expert Claire Launchbury. Anna Netrebko, soprano (Manon Lescaut), Vittorio Grigolo, tenor (Chevalier des Grieux), Russell Braun, tenor (Lescaut), Christophe Mortgane, tenor (Guillot de Morfontaine), William Shimell, baritone (De Bretigny), Simona Mihai, soprano (Pousette), Louise Innes, mezzo-soprano (Javotte), Kai Ruutel, mezzo-soprano (Rosette), Lynton Black, bass-baritone (Inkeeper), Christof Fischesser, bass (Comte des Grieux), John Bernays, bass (Sergeant), Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Antonio Pappano.

Bearbeitet: Jul. 15, 2010, 6:15 am

I've just noticed that Radio 3 is broadcasting a recording of last year's Royal Opera production of The Flying Dutchman at 14.00 BST today. With Bryn Terfel as the Dutchman and the super Anja Kampe as Senta, this is very well worth listening to.

Jul. 17, 2010, 2:48 am

Saturday 17th July 2010 (starting in 5 hours and 13 minutes)
Time: 13:00 to 14:00 (1 hour long)

Opera Profile.

Lully's Armide: As part of The Early Music Show's monthly profile of important Baroque masterworks, Lucie Skeaping presents a profile of Jean-Baptiste Lully's 17th-century operatic masterpiece Armide, with French conductor Hugo Reyne highlighting some of its qualities and innovations. Lully almost single-handedly created French opera and Armide was the culmination of a long and fruitful collaboration with librettist Philippe Quinault - and it was instantly recognised as a masterpiece. Excerpts from the opera are performed from CD by Philippe Herreweghe and Collegium Vocale.

Jul. 17, 2010, 2:49 am

Abbott, thank you for reminding me. Radio 3 has an opera slot every Thursday afternoon, when I am at work unfortunately, but there is always listen again.

Sept. 18, 2010, 2:22 am

Saturday 18th September 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:45 (3 hours and 45 minutes long)

Mozart's Idomeneo.

Donald Macleod presents a performance given at the Usher Hall as part of the 2010 Edinburgh Festival of Mozart's colourful early masterpiece. Roger Norrington conducts the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and a star-studded cast in the dramatic Greek drama of Idomeneo, featuring the inevitable struggle of love versus duty, an insoluable love triangle and the intervention of a sea monster and Neptune himself. Mozart: Idomeneo - in three acts. Kurt Streit, tenor (Idomeneo), Joyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano (Idamante), Rosemary Joshua, soprano (Ilia), Emma Bell, soprano (Elettra), Rainer Trost, tenor (Arbace), Keith Lewis, tenor (Sacerdote), Jan Martinik, bass (La Voce). Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra Chorus/Roger Norrington.

Sept. 25, 2010, 2:19 am

Saturday 25th September 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Britten's Billy Budd.

Presented by Andrew McGergor. In a performance given at the 2010 Glyndebourne Festival, Mark Elder conducts a new production of Benjamin Britten's Billy Budd, based on Herman Melville's allegorical tale of good versus evil on board an 18th-century warship. Andrew talks to director Michael Grandage about his operatic debut and to Mark Elder who is also conducting this opera for the first time. John Mark Ainsley, tenor (Captain Vere), Jacques Imbrailo, baritone (Billy Budd), Phillip Ens, bass (Claggart), Iain Paterson, bass (Mr Redburn), Matthew Rose, bass (Mr Flint), Darren Jeffery, bass (Lieutenant Ratcliffe), Alasdair Elliott, tenor (Red Whiskers), John Moore, baritone (Donald), Jeremy White, bass (Dansker), Ben Johnson, tenor (The Novice), Colin Judson, tenor (Squeak), Richard Mosley-Evans, baritone (Bosun), London Philharmonic, The Glyndebourne Chorus/Mark Elder.

Okt. 2, 2010, 2:19 am

Saturday 2nd October 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:45 (2 hours and 45 minutes long)

Verdi's Rigoletto.

Christopher Cook introduces a performance given at the Wales Millennium Centre of Verdi's famously controversial tragedy Rigoletto, featuring the much-anticipated debut of baritone Simon Keenlyside in the title role. Welsh National Opera's revived production brings together director James McDonald and designer Robert Innes Hopkins to transport Verdi's Mantua to the Washington of the Kennedy era. Christopher's co-presenter is Welsh bass and close friend of Simon Keenlyside, Gwynne Howell. Before the final act there is a chance to explore the magical process of bringing the Oval Office into the opera house, as Christopher meets the skilled draftsmen, carpenters and painters who convert a designer's vision into on-stage reality. Simon Keenlyside, baritone (Rigoletto), Gwyn Hughes Jones, tenor (The Duke), Sarah Coburn, soprano (Gilda), Michael Druiett, baritone (Monterone), David Soar, bass (Sparafucile), Leah-Marian Jones, mezzo-soprano (Maddalena), Chorus and Orchestra of Welsh National Opera/Pablo Heras-Casado.

Okt. 3, 2010, 2:22 am

Sunday 3rd October 2010 (starting in 5 hours and 39 minutes)
Time: 13:00 to 14:10 (1 hour and 10 minutes long)

Opera Profiles.

5. As part of a series of monthly reflections on great baroque operas, presented as part of the Opera on the BBC season, Catherine Bott introduces a performance of John Blow's masque Venus and Adonis given at the 2010 York Early Music Festival by Theatre of the Ayre directed by Elizabeth Kenny. Venus and Adonis was the last masque ever composed for the Stuart court, and while it is in effect a miniature opera, it was intended as a vehicle for the members of the royal court to take part in. John Blow crafted an allegory on contemporary court issues around the classical myth of the goddess Venus and her thwarted love for the mortal Adonis. It became the model for Purcell's celebrated Dido and Aeneas. Catherine also talks to several of the participants in this production about the work.

Okt. 8, 2010, 1:43 pm

Saturday 9th October 2010 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:45 (3 hours and 45 minutes long)

Wagner's Lohengrin.

Andrew McGregor introduces a performance given at the 2010 Bayreuth Festival of Wagner's controversial Lohengrin. Andris Nelsons conducts Jonas Kaufmann - in his debut at the event - as the mysterious knight who arrives on a swan and refuses to reveal his identity. Annette Dasch is the woman who falls in love and marries him, even though she is never to ask him his name. Observer critic Fiona Maddocks reveals what it was like to be at the first night of this production - the opening opera in the initial season run by Wagner's two granddaughters. Wagner: Lohengrin. Jonas Kaufmann, tenor (Lohengrin), Georg Zeppenfeld, bass (King Henry), Annette Dasch, soprano (Elsa), Hans-Joachim Ketelsen, baritone (Telramund), Evelyn Herlitzius, mezzo-soprano (Ortrud), Samuel Youn, bass (The Herald), Stefan Heibach, tenor (1st Nobleman), Willem van der Heyden, tenor (2nd Nobleman), Rainer Zaun, bass (3rd Nobleman), Christian Tschelebiew, bass (4th Nobleman), Bayreuth Festival Chorus, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra/Andris Nelsons.

Okt. 16, 2010, 2:45 am

Saturday 16th October 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:00 (2 hours long)

Strauss's Salome.

Andrew McGregor presents a performance given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden of Strauss's Salome, in a revival of David McVicar's celebrated and shocking 2008 production. Strauss's work adapted Oscar Wilde's lurid tale of power, corruption, depravity and obsession and was based on a short biblical reference to a girl dancing for King Herod and the immortal line: 'nring me the head of John the Baptist. Strauss: Salome. Andrew Staples, tenor (Narraboth), Sarah Castle, mezzo-soprano (The Page), Nicolas Courjal, bass (First Soldier), Alan Ewing, bass (Second Soldier), Johan Reuter, baritone (Jokanaan), John Cunningham, bass-baritone (A Cappadocian), Angela Denoke, soprano (Salome), Gerhard Siegel, tenor (Herod), Irina Mishura, mezzo-soprano (Herodias), Adrian Thompson, tenor (First Jew), Robert Anthony Gardiner, tenor (Second Jew), Hubert Francis, tenor (Third Jew), Steven Ebel, tenor (Fourth Jew), Jeremy White, bass (Fifth Jew), Vuyani Mlinde, bass (First Nazarene), Dawid Kimberg, baritone (Second Nazarene), Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Harmut Haenchen.

Okt. 23, 2010, 2:34 am

Saturday 23rd October 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Steffani's Niobe, regina di Tebe: From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Louise Fryer presents a rare chance to hear Steffani's Niobe, regina di, Tebe. Based on Ovid's Metamorphoses, the work tells the story of Queen Niobe, whose pride insults the gods. As punishment, her children are killed and in her grief she turns to stone. Veronique Gens sings Niobe, and male soprano Jacek Laszczkowski her husband Anfione, a role originally written for a castrato. Thomas Hengelbrock conducts his own Balthasar Neumann Ensemble, and discusses why Steffani's music, which had such an influence on Handel, deserves to become better known. Jacek Laszczkowski, soprano (Anfione), Veronique Gens, soprano (Niobe), Delphine Galou, contralto (Nerea), Tim Mead, alto (Clearte), Lothar Odinius, Tenor (Tiberino), Amanda Forsythe, soprano (Manto), Bruno Taddia, baritone (Tiresia), Alastair Miles, bass (Poliferno), Iestyn Davies, countertenor (Creonte), Balthasar Neumann Ensemble/Thomas Hengelbrock.

Nov. 5, 2010, 1:00 pm

Saturday 6th November 2010 (starting in 1 day)
Time: 17:45 to 21:15 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Gounod's Romeo Et Juliette: Presented by Suzy Klein.

In a performance given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, French specialist Daniel Oren conducts Charles Gounod's version of Shakespeare's great play. This revival production by Nicolas Joel, not seen in a decade, features a cast led by Piotr Beczala and Nino Machaidze. Gounod: Romeo et Juliette. Piotr Beczala, tenor (Romeo), Nino Machaidze, soprano (Juliette), Stephane Degout, tenor (Mercutio), Alfie Boe, tenor (Tybalt), Ketevan Kemoklidze, mezzo-soprano (Stephano), Simon Neal, bass (Duke of Verona), ZhengZhong Zhou, baritone (Count Paris), Vitalij Kowaljow, bass (Frere Laurent), Darren Jeffery, baritone (Count Capulet), Diana Montague, mezzo-soprano (Gertrude), James Cleverton, baritone (Gregorio), Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Royal Opera House Chorus/Daniel Oren.

Nov. 12, 2010, 12:15 pm

Saturday 13th November 2010 (starting in 1 day)
Time: 18:00 to 20:35 (2 hours and 35 minutes long)

Strauss's Ariadne auf Naxos: Donald Macleod presents a performance given at the Wales Millennium Centre of Richard Strauss's paradoxically light-hearted confection Ariadne auf Naxos. Welsh National Opera's revived production by director Neil Armfield features the collision of boisterous comedy and tragedy and explores themes such as the spiritual versus the material world, the nature of theatre, love and death, and ultimately the power of music. Eric Roberts (Major-Domo), Robert Poulton, baritone (Music Master), Sarah Connolly, mezzo-soprano (composer), Tamura, tenor (Bacchus), Stephen Wells, bass (Lackey), Philip Pooley, tenor (Officer), George Newton-Fitzgerald, bass (Wig-Maker), Gillian Keith, soprano (Zerbinetta), Orla Boylan, soprano (Ariadne), Stephen Rooke, tenor (Dancing Master), Mary-Jean O'Doherty, soprano (Naiad), Patricia Orr, alto (Dryad), Joanne Boag, soprano (Echo), Owen Webb, baritone (Harlequin), Aled Hall, tenor (Scaramuccio), Julian Close, bass (Truffaldino), Wynne Evans, tenor (Brighella), Orchestra of Welsh National Opera/Lothar Koenigs.

Nov. 20, 2010, 2:19 am

Saturday 20th November 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:25 (3 hours and 25 minutes long)

Handel's Radamisto.

From the Coliseum in London, Donald Macleod presents an English National Opera production of Handel's intensely dramatic opera Radamisto, a work that took the theatre-going public of London at the time of its premiere. Set in the ancient kingdom of Thrace, it follows prince Radamisto, who tries to follow a noble path despite being under siege in the city from the Armenian tyrant Tiridate. Handel: Radamisto. Lawrence Zazzo, countertenor (Radamisto), Christine Rice, mezzo-soprano (Zenobia), Ryan McKinny, baritone (Tiridate), Sophie Bevan, soprano (Polissena), Henry Waddington, bass (Farasmane), Ailish Tynan, soprano (Tigrane), English National Opera Orchestra/Laurence Cummings.

Nov. 26, 2010, 2:40 pm

Saturday 27th November 2010 (starting tomorrow afternoon)
Time: 13:00 to 14:00 (1 hour long)

Opera Profiles: 8.

As part of a series of reflections on great baroque operas, presented as part of the Opera on the BBC season, Lucie Skeaping delves into the music and history surrounding Handel's Alcina. Based on the epic poem by Ariosto, the libretto by Antonio Marchi provided Handel with some very intense dramatic opportunities, including star-crossed lovers, dark magic and madness. Alcina was composed for Handel's first season at London's Covent Garden Theatre, and it premiered on April 16, 1735. Like many of the composer's other serious stage works, it fell into general obscurity; after a revival in Brunswick in 1738 it was not performed again until a production in Leipzig nearly two centuries later, in 1928. It has now become one of Handel's most popular operas. Lucie talks to American harpsichordist and musical director Alan Curtis at his home in Florence, who recorded Alcina in 2007 with his ensemble Il Complesso Barocco.

Nov. 27, 2010, 2:17 am

Saturday 27th November 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:15 to 21:45 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Mozart's Don Giovanni.

Live from London's Coliseum, Suzy Klein presents an ENO production of Mozart's famous opera Don Giovanni. It centres on a young, arrogant, contemptuous and dissolute aristocrat who doesn't take no for an answer and leaves a trail of outrage and wrecked lives in his wake. He soon comes up against something he can't dupe, evade, or kill. Suzy is joined by novelist Jeanette Winterson to discuss the multilayered music and the production by theatre director, Rufus Norris. Mozart: Don Giovanni. Iain Paterson, bass (Don Giovanni), Brindley Sherratt, bass (Leporello), Katherine Broderick, soprano (Donna Anna), Robert Murray, tenor (Don Ottavio), Rebecca Evans, soprano (Donna Elvira), Matthew Best, bass (The Commendatore), John Molloy, bass (Masetto), Sarah Tynan, soprano (Zerlina), Orchestra and Chorus of English National Opera/Kirill Karabits.

Dez. 4, 2010, 2:45 am

Saturday 4th December 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:45 to 22:30 (3 hours and 45 minutes long)

Cilea's Adriana Lecouvreur.

Live from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Donald Macleod presents a performance in which Mark Elder conducts a new David McVicar production of Cilea's masterpiece, not heard at that venue since 1906. Adriana Lecouvreur, an actress, has her heart is set on Maurizio, whom she believes is an officer in the service of the Count of Saxony. She is mistaken in this assumption, however, and she finds she has a rival for the man's affections in the form of a princess who will stop at nothing to get rid of her. Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur. Angela Gheorghiu, soprano (Adriana Lecouvreur), Jonas Kaufmann, tenor (Maurizio), Maurizio Muraro, bass (Princesse de Bouillon), Bonaventura Bottone, tenor (L'Abate di Chazeuil), Alessandro Corbelli, baritone (Michonnet), David Soar, bass (Quinault), Iain Paton, tenor (Poisson), Olga Borodina, mezzo-soprano (Princess de Bouillon), Janis Kelly, soprano (Mlle Jouvenot), Sarah Castle, mezzo-soprano (Mlle Dangeville), Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Royal Opera House Chorus/Mark Elder.

Dez. 11, 2010, 2:13 am

Saturday 11th December 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Rossini's Otello.

Alexandra Wilson presents a concert performance of Rossini's rarely heard opera, given at Theatre Chatelet, Paris by the Lyon Opera. The setting of Francesco Berio di Salsa's libretto based on a French translation of Shakespeare's play features American tenor John Osborn in the title role with Anna Caterina Antonacci as his wife Desdemona. Rossini's Otello was written for performance in Naples and first given in 1816. It many respects it has been overshadowed by Verdi's operatic masterpiece but Rossini's opera marks a real development in his dramatic style. The libretto gives a different emphasis to some of the characters both in Shakespeare's original and in Verdi's version most notably Iago. John Osborn, tenor (Otello), Anna Caterina Antonacci, mezzo-soprano (Desdemona), Dario Schmunck, tenor (Iago), Dmitri Korchak, tenor (Rodrigo), Jose Manuel Zapata, tenor (Jago), Jose Maria Lo Monaco, mezzo-soprano (Emilia), Tansel Akzeybek, tenor (Doge of Venice and Gondolier), Fabrice Constans, tenor (Lucio), Lyon Opera Orchestra and Chorus/Evelino Pido.

Dez. 18, 2010, 2:39 am

Saturday 18th December 2010 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:30 to 22:30 (5 hours long)

Verdi's Don Carlo.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Yannick Nezet-Seguin conducts a cast including Marina Poplavskaya, Yonghoon Lee and Simon Keenlyside in Verdi's Don Carlo. When Carlo, the son of Philip II of Spain meets Elisabeth, the daughter of the King of France, whom he must marry to unite the two countries, he falls in love with her straight away. When news reaches him that his father has decided to marry Elisabeth himself, he is devastated. This sets in motion a sequence of events with tragic consequences for everybody. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Marina Poplavskaya, soprano (Elisabeth de Valois), Anna Smirnova, mezzo-soprano (Eboli), Yonghoon Lee, tenor (Don Carlo), Simon Keenlyside, baritone (Rodrigo), Ferruccio Furlanetto, bass (Philip II), Eric Halfvarson, bass (Grand Inquisitor), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/Yannick Nezet-Seguin.

Dez. 25, 2010, 4:58 am

Saturday 25th December 2010 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:55 (3 hours and 55 minutes long)

Wagner's Tannhauser.

Martin Handley introduces the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden's first performance in more than 20 years of Wagner's opera telling the story of a medieval troubadour's tussle between the sensual and the spiritual. A new production, directed by Tim Albery, which opened earlier this month features leading South African tenor Johan Botha in the title role and is conducted by highly experienced Wagnerian Semyon Bychkov. The two women who represent the opposing poles of his attraction are Venus (sung by Michaela Schuster) and Elisabeth (sung by Eva-Maria Westbroek). Christof Fischesser, bass (Hermann), Johan Botha, tenor (Tannhauser), Christian Gerhaher, baritone (Wolfram), Timothy Robinson, tenor (Walter), Clive Bayley, bass (Biterolf), Steven Ebel, tenor (Heinrich), Jeremy White, bass (Reinmar), Eva-Maria Westbroek, soprano (Elisabeth), Michaela Schuster, mezzo-soprano (Venus), Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House/Semyon Bychkov.

Jan. 15, 2011, 2:18 am

Saturday 15th January 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Verdi's La Traviata.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Gianandrea Noseda conducts a cast including Marina Poplavskaya and Matthew Polenzani as the ill-fated lovers in Verdi's ever-popular La Traviata. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Marina Poplavskaya, soprano (Violetta Valery), Matthew Polenzani, tenor (Alfredo Germont), Andrzej Dobber, baritone (Giorgio Germont), Jennifer Holloway, mezzo-soprano (Flora Bervoix), Maria Zifchak, soprano (Annina), Scott Scully, tenor (Gastone), Jason Stearus, baritone (Barone Douphol), Kyle Pfortmiller, bass (Marchese d'Obigny), Luigi Roni, bass (Dottore Grenvil), Juhwan Lee, tenor (Giuseppe), Seth Malkin, bass (Flora's servant), Joseph Turi, bass (Commissioner), Orchestra and Chorus of Metropolitan Orchestra/Gianandrea Noseda.

Jan. 29, 2011, 2:34 am

Saturday 29th January 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Puccini's Tosca.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Marco Armiliato conducts Puccini's tale of love, lust, corruption and revenge. In this revival of Luc Bondy's dramatic production, Sondra Radvanovsky sings the title role for the first time at the Met, starring as the prima donna with the firebrand artist lover, who thinks she knows how to outwit the notorious Baron Scarpia - the vicious Police Chief, who will stop at nothing to have her. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Sondra Radvanovsky, soprano (Floria Tosca - a celebrated singer), Marcelo Alvarez, tenor (Mario Cavaradossi - a painter), Falk Struckmann, baritone (Baron Scarpia - Chief of Police), Peter Volpe, bass (Cesare Angelotti - former Consul of the Roman Rep), Paul Plishka, bass (a Sacristan), Dennis Petersen, tenor (Spoletta - a police agent), James Courtney, bass (Sciarrone - a gendarme), Harold Wilson, bass (A jailer), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/Marco Armiliato.

Feb. 5, 2011, 2:33 am

Saturday 5th February 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:15 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

Verdi's Simon Boccanegra.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, James Levine conducts a performance of Verdi's opera Simon Boccanegra, featuring Dmitri Hvorotovsky, Barbara Frittoli, Ferruccio Furlanetto and Ramon Vargas. In 14th-century Genoa, there is a conspiracy afoot to overthrow the aristocracy. Popular former pirate Simon Boccanegra will be made doge, but this public success is complicated by a private tragedy involving an illegitimate child he had by the daughter of a nobleman. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Dmitri Hvorostovsky, baritone (Simon Boccanegra - a corsair), Barbara Frittoli, soprano (Maria Boccanegra - his daughter, aka Amelia), Ferruccio Furlanetto, bass (Jacopo Fiesco, a Genoese nobleman), Ramon Vargas, tenor (Gabriele Adorno, a Genoese gentleman), Nicola Alaimo, bass (Paolo Albiani - a goldsmith), Richard Bernstein, baritone (Pietro - a Genoese popular leader), Adam Laurence Herskowitz, tenor (Captain of the Crossbowmen), Edyta Kulczak, mezzo-soprano (Amelia's maid), Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera/James Levine.

Feb. 12, 2011, 2:49 am

Saturday 12th February 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 22:00 (4 hours long)

John Adams's Nixon in China.

Live from New York's Metropolitan Opera, John Adams conducts the Met debut of his Nixon in China, in the same production first seen at ENO in 1987, with James Maddalena reprising a role which he made his own. The opera explores the important moment in American history when President Nixon and his wife met Chairman Mao in Communist China, and the political and cultural differences which arise between the two leaders. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. James Maddalena, baritone (Richard Nixon), Janis Kelly, soprano (Pat Nixon), Russell Braun, baritone (Chou En-lai), Robert Brubaker, tenor (Mao Tse-tung), Richard Paul Fink, bass (Henry Kissinger), Kathleen Kim, soprano (Chiang Ch'ing), Ginger Costa-Jackson, mezzo-soprano (Nancy T'sang - first secretary to Mao), Teresa S Herold, contralto (Second secretary to Mao), Tamara Mumford, contralto (Third secretary to Mao), Chorus and Orchestra of Metropolitan Opera/John Adams.

Feb. 25, 2011, 2:07 pm

Saturday 26th February 2011 (starting tomorrow evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Gluck's Iphigenie en Tauride.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Patrick Summers conducts a performance of Gluck's potent interpretation of the Greek myth, starring soprano Susan Graham and tenor-turned-baritone Placido Domingo as the siblings who endure family murder, vengeance and a great storm before eventually being reconciled. Presented by Margaret Juntwait. Gluck: Iphigenie en Tauride. Susan Graham, soprano (Iphigenie), Placido Domingo, baritone (Oreste), Paul Groves, tenor (Pylade), Gordon Hawkins, bass (Thoas), Chorus and Orchestra of the New York Metropolitan Opera/Patrick Summers.

Apr. 2, 2011, 2:23 am

Saturday 2nd April 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Wagner's Das Rheingold.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Fabio Luisi conducts a performance of the first installment of Wagner's Ring cycle, Das Rheingold, in which all the problems for the gods in Valhalla and mortals on earth are set up for the rest of the epic series. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Wendy Bryn Harmer, soprano (Freia), Stephanie Blythe, mezzo (Fricka), Patricia Bardon, mezzo (Erda), Arnold Bezuyen, tenor (Loge), Gerhard Siegel, tenor (Mime), Bryn Terfel, baritone (Wotan), Eric Owens, bass (Alberich), Franz-Josef Selig, bass (Fasolt), Hans-Peter Konig, bass (Fasolt), Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera/Fabio Luisi.

Apr. 9, 2011, 2:09 am

Saturday 9th April 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:15 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

Rossini's Le Comte Ory.

In a live performance from Lincoln Center, New York, Maurizio Benini conducts Rossini's comic opera Le Comte Ory in its Metropolitan Opera premiere. Count Ory is determined to win the countess Adele, and will do anything to get access to the castle where the women are, including disguising himself and his men as nuns. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Diana Damrau, soprano (Countess Adele), Joyce DiDonato, mezzo (Isolier), Susanne Resmark, mezzo, Ragonde), Juan Diego Florez, tenor (Count Ory), Stephane Degout, baritone (Rimbaud), Rob Besserer, baritone (The Prompter), Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera/Maurizio Benini.

Apr. 16, 2011, 2:08 am

Saturday 16th April 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:00 (2 hours long)

Direct from the New York Metropolitan Opera, Alan Berg's Wozzeck, one of the 20th century greatest dramatic works, the story of a man at the bottom of the heap who goes to pieces under unrelenting pressure, with a plot of crushing despair that leaves no hint of hope or redemption. Baritone Alan Held takes the title role and mezzo Waltraud Meier is his common law wife Marie, with Stuart Skelton, tenor (Drum Major), Gerhard Siegel, tenor (Captain), Walter Fink, bass (Doctor), Russell Thomas, tenor (Andres), Wendy White, contralto (Margret), Richard Bernstein, bass (First Apprentice), Mark Schowalter, baritone (Second Apprentice), Philippe Castagner, tenor (Madman), Daniel Clark Smith, tenor (A Soldier), New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra/James Levine. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff.

Mai 7, 2011, 2:51 am

Saturday 7th May 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Strauss's Ariadne Auf Naxos.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, a performance of Strauss's two-act opera. Presented by Margaret Juntwait and Ira Siff. Violeta Urmana, soprano (Ariadne), Joyce DiDonato, mezzo (The Composer), Kathleen Kim soprano (Zerbinetta), Vasili Ladyuk, baritone (Harlequin), Mark Schowalter, tenor (Scaramuccio), Joshua Bloom, bass (Truffaldino), Paul Appleby, tenor (Brighella), Thomas Allen, baritone (The Music Master), Robert Dean Smith, tenor (Bacchus), Tony Stevenson, tenor (The Dancing Master), David Crawford, baritone (A Wigmaker), James Courtney, bass (A Footman), Noah Baetge, tenor (An Officer), Michael Devlin, spoken role (The Major-Domo), Metropolitan Opera Chorus/Fabio Luisi.

Mai 21, 2011, 2:16 am

Saturday 21st May 2011 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 22:00 (5 hours long)

Wagner's Parsifal.

From London's Coliseum, Donald Macleod presents ENO's celebrated production of Wagner's last opera, with Mark Wigglesworth conducting. The knights of the Holy Grail are in disarray. Only a blameless fool, made wise through compassion, can cure Amfortas's wound and so set them on the way to recovery. Unlikely as it seems at first, Parsifal might well be that saviour. Stuart Skelton, tenor (Parsifal), Iain Paterson, bass (Amfortas), Andrew Greenan, bass (Titurel), John Tomlinson, bass (Gurnemanz), Tom Fox, bass (Klingsor), Jane Dutton, mezzo (Kundry), English National Opera Orchestra and Chorus/Mark Wigglesworth.

Mai 28, 2011, 1:56 am

Saturday 28th May 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:35 (2 hours and 35 minutes long)

Weinberg's the Portrait.

From the Grand Theatre in Leeds, a new Opera North production of Moisey Weinberg's three-act opera The Portrait, based on a short story by Nikolai Gogol. The work tells the cautionary tale of the painter Chartkov who yearns for fame and fortune until he acquires a portrait which brings him exactly that. Blinded by the attentions of the rich and famous he betrays his artistic integrity and, distraught at his own actions, resorts to desperate measures. Presented by Christopher Cook with Russian music expert David Nice. Paul Nilon, tenor (Chartkov), Katherine Broderick, soprano (Liza), Richard Burkhard, baritone (Nikita), Peter Savidge, baritone (Professor of Fine Arts/Journalist/Art Dealer/Landlady/Earl), Nicholas Sharratt, tenor (Lamplighter/Noble Gentleman), Jonathan Best, bass (3rd Seller/Dignitary), Richard Angas, bass (Policeman/General), Helen Field, soprano (Female Seller/Lady in Waiting), Mark Le Brocq, tenor (1st Seller/1st Waiter/Turk), Christopher Steele, tenor (2nd Seller/2nd Waiter/Cavalry Officer), Carole Wilson, mezzo (Noblewoman), Orchestra of Opera North/Rossen Gergov.

Jun. 4, 2011, 2:10 am

Saturday 4th June 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:50 (2 hours and 50 minutes long)

Massenet's Werther.

From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Andrew McGregor presents a performance of Massenet's Goethe-based opera Werther, with tenor Rolando Villazon and mezzo Sophie Koch as the doomed lovers. Passionate young poet Werther meets Sophie and falls instantly in love. Sophie falls for him, too, but has promised her dying mother she will marry Albert and cannot break her vow. Including conductor Antonio Pappano talking to Andrew McGregor about his view of the opera. Rolando Villazon, tenor (Werther), Sophie Koch, mezzo (Charlotte), Audun Iversen, baritone (Albert), Eri Nakamura, soprano (Sophie), Alain Vernhes, bass (Magistrate), Darren Jeffrey, baritone (Johann), Stuart Patterson, tenor (Schmidt), Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Antonio Pappano.

Jun. 11, 2011, 2:53 am

Saturday 11th June 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:15 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

Rimsky-Korsakov's the Tsar's Bride.

Martin Handley presents a performance given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, of The Tsar's Bride. Marina Poplavskaya, soprano (Marfa Sobakina), Johan Reuter, baritone (Grigory Gryaznoy), Ekaterina Gubanova, mezzo-soprano (Lyubasha), Dmitry Popov, tenor (Ivan Sergeyevich Likov), Vasily Gorshkov, bass (Elisa Bomelius), Paata Burchuladze, bass (Vasily Sobakin), Jurgita Adamonyte, mezzo (Dunyasha Saburova), Elizabeth Woollett, soprano (Domna Saburova), Alexander Vinogradov, bass (Malyuta-Skuratov), Anne-Marie Owens, mezzo (Petrovna), Royal Opera House Chorus and Orchestra/Mark Elder.

Jun. 18, 2011, 2:27 am

17:00 to 20:00 (3 hours long)

Verdi's Macbeth.

From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Andrew McGregor presents a performance of the celebrated revival of Verdi's Macbeth, featuring Simon Keenlyside and Liudmyla Monastyrska. When witches prophesy that Macbeth will be made thane of Cawdor and eventually King of Scotland, they unleash in him a turmoil of anticipation and misery. But Lady Macbeth suffers none of her husband's uncertainty. She covets the kingship for him and is prepared to go to any length to obtain it. Simon Keenlyside, baritone (Macbeth), Liudmyla Monastyrska, soprano (Lady Macbeth) Raymond Aceto, bass (Banquo), Dmitri Pittas, tenor (Macduff), Steven Ebel, tenor (Malcolm), Elizabeth Meister, soprano (Lady-In-Waiting), Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Antonio Pappano.

Jun. 25, 2011, 2:13 am

Saturday 25th June 2011 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:30 to 20:00 (2 hours and 30 minutes long)

Beethoven's Fidelio.

From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Martin Handley presents a performance of Beethoven's only opera, Fidelio, which tells story of a woman's determination to rescue her husband from imprisonment at the hands of an evil governor. Swedish soprano Nina Stemme tackles the demanding title role for the first tme on stage and is supported by an experienced cast and conductor, Mark Elder. Nina Stemme, soprano (Leonore), Endrik Wottrich, tenor (Florestan), Steven Ebel, tenor (Jaquino), Elizabeth Watts, soprano (Marzelline), John Wegner, bass (Don Pizarro), Willard White, bass (Don Fernando), Kurt Rydl, bass (Rocco), Dawid Kimberg, baritone (Prisoner), Royal Opera Chorus/Renato Balsadonna, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Mark Elder.

Jul. 2, 2011, 2:22 am

Saturday 2nd July 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:45 to 22:00 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

Puccini's Madama Butterfly.

Live from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Suzy Klein presents a performance of a revival of Puccini's Madama Butterfly - a tragic tale of boundless love and selfish betrayal, with undertones of the clashing of two cultures. With soprano Kristine Opolais in the title role as Cio-Cio San, a tender Japanese geisha, and tenor James Valenti as Pinkerton, the US Navy lieutenant who deceives her. Kristine Opolais, soprano (Cio-Cio San), James Valenti, tenor (Pinkerton), Anthony Michaels-Moore, baritone (Sharpless), Robin Leggate, tenor (Goro), Helene Schneiderman, soprano (Suzuki), Jeremy White, bass (Bonze), Zheng Zhou, baritone (Yamadori), Royal Opera House Orchestra and Chorus/Andris Nelsons.

Jul. 9, 2011, 2:28 am

Saturday 9th July 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:45 to 22:00 (3 hours and 15 minutes long)

Massenet's Cendrillon.

Live from Covent Garden, London, Donald Macleod presents the first Royal Opera House production of Massenet's opera Cendrillon, based on Perrault's version of the fairytale of Cinderella. Donald is joined by Sarah Lenton to discuss the background to the opera, and he interviews the cast and conductor about their roles in it. Massenet: Cendrillon. Joyce DiDonato, mezzo (Cendrillon), Eglise Gutierrez, soprano (La fee), Alice Coote, mezzo (Le prince charmant), Ewa Podles, mezzo (Madame de la Haltiere), Jean-Philippe Lafont, baritone (Pandolfe), Madeleine Pierard, soprano (Noemie), Kai Ruutel, mezzo (Dorothee), Jeremy White, bass (Roi), Harry Nicoll, tenor (Doyen de la Faculte), Dawid Kimberg, baritone (Surintendant des Plaisirs), John-Owen Miley-Read (Premier Ministre), Royal Opera House Chorus and Orchestra/Bertrand de Billy.

Sept. 24, 2011, 2:29 am

Saturday 24th September 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:45 to 22:30 (3 hours and 45 minutes long)

Gounod's Faust.

Live from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Louise Fryer presents a performance of Gounod's Faust, in a revival of David McVicar's production. Soprano Angela Georghiu plays the innocent Marguerite alongside and young Italian tenor Vittorio Grigolo as Faust, who seduces her after making a devilish pact with Mephistopheles to exchange his soul for youth. Louise is joined by French music expert Claire Launchbury to discuss the work. Vittorio Grigolo, tenor (Faust), Rene Pape, bass (Mephistopheles), Angela Gheorghiu, soprano (Marguerite), Dmitri Hvorostovsky, baritone (Valentin), Michele Losier, mezzo-soprano (Siebel), Carole Wilson, mezzo-soprano (Martha Schwerlein), Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Evelino Pido.

Okt. 1, 2011, 2:08 am

Saturday 1st October 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:40 (2 hours and 40 minutes long)

Puccini's Tosca in a Royal Opera House production conducted by Antonio Pappano featuring soprano Angela Gheorghiu in the title role, tenor Jonas Kaufmann as her lover Cavaradossi and baritone Bryn Terfel as the menacing embodiment of sadistic evil Baron Scarpia. With Hubert Francis, tenor (Spoletta), Lukas Jakobski, bass (Angelotti), Jeremy White, bass (Sacristan), Zheng Zhou, baritone (Sciarrone), William Payne, treble (Shepherd Boy), Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

Okt. 8, 2011, 2:50 am

Saturday 8th October 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:40 (3 hours and 40 minutes long)

Debussy: Pelleas Et Melisande.

A concert performance given in May this year at the Theatre des Champs-Elysees, Paris. With soprano Natalie Dessay and baritone Simon Keenlyside in the title roles, with Marie-Nicole Lemieux, contralto (Genevieve), Laurent Naouri, baritone (Golaud), Alain Vernhes, bass (Arkel), Khatouna Gardelia, soprano (Yniold), Nahuel di Pierro, bass (The Doctor), Paris Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Louis Langree.

Okt. 15, 2011, 2:16 am

Saturday 15th October 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:20 (3 hours and 20 minutes long)

Weinberg's the Passenger.

In a performance given at the 2010 Bregenz Festival, Andrew McGregor presents Mieczyslaw Weinberg's opera The Passenger. Banned in the USSR, the work was not given its first full staging until 14 years after the composer's death. A chance encounter between two women travelling at sea - one a former Auschwitz guard, the other (the Passenger) a former prisoner - triggers memories which plunge them into a moral battle between guilt and denial, retribution and absolution. Elena Kelessidi (Martha, The Passenger), Artur Rucinski (Tadeusz), Roberto Sacca (Walter), Michelle Breedt (Lisa), Artur Rucinski (Tadeusz), Svetlana Doneva (Katja), Angelica Voje (Krzystina), Elzbieta Wroblewska (Vlasta), Agnieszka Rehlis (Hannah), Talia Or (Yvette), Helen Field (Old woman prisoner), Liuba Sokolova (Bronka), Tobias Hachler (1st SS-officer), Wilfried Staber (2nd SS-officer), David Danholt (3rd SS-officer), Richard Angas (Steward), Heide Capovilla (Boss), Chorus of the Prague Philharmonic, Vienna Symphony Orchestra/Teodor Currentzis.

Okt. 29, 2011, 2:33 am

Saturday 29th October 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Tchaikovsky's the Queen of Spades.

From the Grand Theatre in Leeds, Christopher Cook introduces Opera North's new period production of Tchaikovsky's tragic tale of obsession and greed - The Queen of Spades. The young gambler Hermann attempts to end his run of bad luck by trying to discover the old Countess's secret of the cards and winning the hand of her granddaughter Lisa in marriage, but ends up gambling with love and life and losing at both. Orla Boylan, soprano (Lisa), Josephine Barstow, soprano (Countess), Jeffrey Lloyd-Roberts, tenor (Hermann), Jonathan Summers, baritone (Count Tomsky), William Dazeley, baritone (Prince Yeletsky), Alexandra Sherman, mezzo-soprano (Pauline), Fiona Kimm, mezzo-soprano (Governess), Daniel Norman, tenor (Chekalinsky), Julian Tovey, baritone (Sourin), Gillene Herbertm soprano (Masha), David Llewellyn, tenor (Tchaplitsky), Dean Robinson, bass (Narumov), Paul Rendall, tenor (Master of Ceremonies), Miranda Bevin, soprano (Chloe), Orchestra of Opera North/Richard Farnes.

Nov. 5, 2011, 3:48 am

Saturday 5th November 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Domingo Celebration: From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Andrew McGregor presents a special homage to renowned tenor Placido Domingo, who is considered one of the greatest voices of all time. The celebration marks the fortieth anniversary of Domingo's London debut, with acts from three Verdi operas that have had special significance in the Spanish tenor's career: Otello, Rigoletto and Simon Boccanegra. Placido Domingo, tenor-baritone (Otello/Rigoletto/Boccanegra), Marina Poplavskaya, soprano (Desdemona/Amelia), Ailyn Perez, soprano (Gilda), Francesco Meli, tenor (Duke/Adorno), Paata Burchuladze, bass (Ludovico/Sparafucile/Fiesco), Jonathan Summers, bass (Iago), Royal Opera House Chorus and Orchestra/Antonio Pappano.

Nov. 12, 2011, 2:12 am

Saturday 12th November 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:45 (2 hours and 45 minutes long)

Wagner's Der Fliegende Hollander.

Louise Fryer presents a performance given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden of Wagner's celebrated opera The Flying Dutchman, with Jeffrey Tate conducting a revival of Tim Albery's 2009 production. Egils Silins sings the part of the man cursed to sail his ghostly ship for eternity and only allowed ashore every seven years. The only way to break the curse is to find a woman who will be faithful to him until death. Anje Kampe sings Senta, who believes she is that woman, despite having promised herself to somebody else. Stephen Milling, bass (Daland), Anja Kampe, soprano (Senta), Endrik Wottrich, Tenor (Erik), John Tessier, tenor (Steersman), Egils Silins, bass (The Dutchman), Royal Opera House Orchestra and Chorus/Jeffrey Tate.

Nov. 19, 2011, 2:21 am

Saturday 19th November 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:45 (2 hours and 45 minutes long)

Bellini's La Sonnambula.

Ivan Hewett presents a performance given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, in which Daniel Oren conducts Bellini's La Sonnambula. The story centres on the unfortunate Amina, whose sleepwalking causes her fiance Elvino to doubt her. Ivan is joined in the box by translator and writer on music Kenneth Chalmers. Elena Xanthoudakis, Soprano (Lisa), Eglise Gutierrez, Soprano (Amina), Elizabeth Sikora, mezzo-soprano (Teresa), Celso Albelo, tenor (Elvino), Michele Pertusi, baritone (Count Rodolfo), Royal Opera House Orchestra and Chorus/Daniel Oren.

Dez. 3, 2011, 2:21 am

Saturday 3rd December 2011 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:30 to 21:55 (4 hours and 25 minutes long)

Handel's Rodelinda.

The 2011-12 season of live broadcasts from the Metropolitan Opera, New York begins with a performance of Handel's Rodelinda, starring Renee Fleming and Andreas Scholl, and conducted by Harry Bicket. King Bertarido has been deposed, assumed dead, leaving his Queen, Rodelinda and son behind. Grimoaldo is determined to become king, not realising that Bertarido is in fact alive, and planning to come back to rescue his family. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Renee Fleming, soprano (Rodelinda), Stephanie Blythe, mezzo-soprano (Eduige), Andreas Scholl, countertenor (Bertarido), Iestyn Davies, countertenor (Unulfo), Joseph Kaiser, tenor (Grimoaldo), Shenyang, bass-baritone (Garibaldo), Metropolitan Opera Orchestra/Harry Bicket.

Dez. 10, 2011, 2:35 am

Saturday 10th December 2011 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 22:10 (4 hours and 10 minutes long)

Gounod's Faust.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Yannick Nezet-Seguin conducts a performance of Gounod's Faust, the very first opera to be staged at the venue when it opened in 1883. The work tells the famous story of Dr Faust and how he sells his soul to the devil, Mephistopheles, in order to regain his youth. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Jonas Kaufmann, tenor (Faust), Rene Pape, bass (Mephistopheles), Marina Poplavskaya, soprano (Marguerite), Russell Braun, baritone (Valentin), Jonathan Beyer, baritone (Wagner), Michele Losier, mezzo-soprano (Siebel), Wendy White, mezzo-soprano (Marthe Schwerlein), New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus/Yannick Nezet-Seguin.

Jan. 1, 2012, 2:37 am

Sunday 1st January 2012 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 14:45 to 21:15 (6 hours and 30 minutes long)

Wagner's Die Meistersinger Von Nurnberg.

Live from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Martin Handley presents a performance of Wagner's Die Meistersinger, with Wolfgang Koch (Hans Sachs), Simon O'Neill (Walter von Stolzing) and Emma Bell (Eva). Wolfgang Koch, baritone (Hans Sachs), Simon O'Neill, tenor (Walter von Stolzing), Emma Bell, soprano (Eva), Peter Coleman-Wright, baritone (Sixtus Beckmesser), John Tomlinson, bass (Veit Pogner), Toby Spence, tenor (David), Heather Shipp, mezzo (Magdalene), Colin Judson, tenor (Kunz Vogelsang), Nicholas Folwell, baritone (Konrad Nachtigall), Donald Maxwell, baritone (Fritz Kothner), Jihoon Kim, baritone (Hermann Ortel), Martyn Hill, tenor (Balthazar Zorn), Pablo Bemsch, tenor (Augustin Moser), Andrew Rees, baritone (Eisslinger), Jeremy White, bass (Hans Foltz), Richard Wiegold, bass (Hans Schwarz), Robert Lloyd, bass (Nightwatchman), Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Antonio Pappano.

Jan. 7, 2012, 2:52 am

Saturday 7th January 2012 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:30 (2 hours and 30 minutes long)

Humperdinck's Hansel und Gretel: Live from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Robin Ticciati conducts an English language production of Humperdinck's perennially popular opera. With mezzo Alice Coote donning trousers to play Hansel, and tenor Robert Brubaker pulling on a frock and clutching a broomstick to play the wicked witch. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Humperdinck: Hansel and Gretel. Alice Coote, mezzo (Hansel), Aleksandra Kurzak, soprano (Gretel), Robert Brubaker, tenor (the Gingerbread Witch), Dwayne Croft, baritone (Peter), Michaela Martens, mezzo (Gertrud), Jennifer Johnson Cano, soprano (Sandman), Lei Xu, soprano (Dewman), Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Metropolitan Opera Children's Chorus/Robin Ticciati.

Jan. 14, 2012, 2:45 am

This evening:


English National Opera have undoubtedly helped to establish Handel in the modern repertoire with many acclaimed productions in recent years. Now, with Castor and Pollux, they have their first stab at Handel’s comparatively neglected French contemporary, Jean-Philippe Rameau.

Director Barrie Kosky’s controversial updating of this mythical story took some critical flak, but there are plenty of stylish musical moments under the sympathetic baton of Baroque specialist Christian Curnyn. And superb singing, too, particularly from Allan Clayton and Roderick Williams as the identical twins who love the same woman, Télaire, enchantingly sung here by Sophie Bevan.

Rameau's Castor and Pollux, a tangled tale of devotion and unrequited love, presented by Donald Macleod in conversation with Simon Heighes. This new production by Barry Kosky, translated by Amanda Holden, is the first time any Rameau opera has been staged at English National Opera. Rameau: Castor and Pollux. Allan Clayton (tenor: Castor), Roderick Williams (baritone: Pollux), Sophie Bevan (soprano: Telaire), Laura Tatulescu (soprano: Phoebe), Henry Waddington (bass: Jupiter), Andrew Rupp (baritone: High Priest of Jupiter), Ed Lyon (tenor: Mercury/Athlete), English National Opera Chorus and Orchestra, conductor Christian Curnyn.

Jan. 21, 2012, 2:44 am


The Enchanted Island (Music by Handel, Rameau and Vivaldi)

Live from The Met

The Live from the Met season continues with the world première of The Enchanted Island, a contemporary revival of the 18th century musical pastiche by the British librettist Jeremy Sams in collaboration with the Baroque music expert William Christie. Inspired by two Shakespeare plays, the story finds the four lovers from A Midsummer Night's Dream landed on an island where Sycorax and Prospero from The Tempest are embroiled in a supernatural battle. This modern Baroque fantasy features arias by various composers including Handel, Rameau and Vivaldi.

Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff

Prospero.....David Daniels (countertenor)
Sycorax.....Joyce DiDonato (mezzo-soprano)
Ariel.....Danielle de Niese (soprano)
Neptune.....Placido Domingo (tenor)
Caliban.....Luca Pisaroni (baritone)
Miranda.....Lisette Oropesa (soprano)
Ferdinand.....Anthony Roth Constanzo (countertenor)
Helena.....Layla Claire (soprano)
Hermia.....Elizabeth DeShong (mezzo-soprano)
Demetrius.....Paul Appleby (tenor)
Lysander.....Elliot Madore (baritone)
New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus
Conductor.....William Christie.

Feb. 4, 2012, 2:35 am

Today: Donizetti's Anna Bolena live from the Met.
Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff.

Anna Netrebko portrays the ill-fated queen driven insane by her unfaithful king, in Donizetti's tragic two-act opera. She sings one of opera's greatest mad scenes as Henry VIII abandons her and takes up with Jane Seymour, previously her lady-in-waiting. Ekaterina Gubanova sings Jane, Ildar Abdrazakov takes the role of Henry VIII, and Marco Armiliato conducts.

Anna Bolena ..... Anna Netrebko (soprano)
Giovanna Seymour ..... Ekaterina Gubanova (mezzo-soprano)
Enrico VIII ..... Ildar Abdrazakov (bass)
Smeaton ..... Tamara Mumford (contralto)
Lord Riccardo Percy ..... Stephen Costello (tenor)
New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Marco Armiliato (conductor).

Feb. 18, 2012, 2:34 am

Saturday 18th February 2012 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Rossini's Il Barbiere di Siviglia, live from the New York Metropolitan Opera, in a production by Bartlett Sher. Diana Damrau, soprano (Rosina), Colin Lee, tenor (Count Almaviva), Rodion Pogossov, baritone (Figaro), John Del Carlo, bass-baritone (Dr Bartolo), Ferruccio Furlanetto, bass (Don Basilio). New York Metropolitan Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Marco Armiliato.

Mrz. 10, 2012, 2:36 am

Saturday 10th March 2012 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 20:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Mozart's Don Giovanni.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Andrew Davis conducts a performance of Mozart's Don Giovanni. Baritone Gerald Finley potrays the indiscriminate and sexually voracious Don Giovanni, a man who will not take no for an answer, leaving a trail of outrage and wrecked lives in his wake. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Gerald Finley, baritone (Don Giovanni), Bryn Terfel, bass (Leporello), Marina Rebeka, soprano (Donna Anna), Ellie Dehn, soprano (Donna Elvira), Don Ottavio, soprano (Matthew Polenzani), Shenyang, bass (Masetto), Isabel Leonard, soprano (Zerlina). James Morris, bass (Il Commendatore), New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Metropolitan Opera Chorus/Andrew Davis.

Mrz. 17, 2012, 3:38 am

Saturday 17th March 2012 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 16:00 to 20:30 (4 hours and 30 minutes long)

Mussorgsky's Khovanshchina.

Live from The Metropolitan Opera, Kirill Petrenko conducts a performance of Mussorgsky's epic tale, on the stage in New York for the first time in more than a decade.The opera, set during the reign of Peter the Great, tells the story of rebellion led by Prince Ivan Khovansky, commander of the streltsy guards, against the ruler and his attempts to bring reforms to Russia. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Olga Borodina, mezzo-soprano (Marfa), Misha Didyk, tenor (Andrei Khovansky), Vladimir Galouzine, tenor (Vasily Golitsin), George Gagnidze, bass-baritone (Shaklovity), Anatoli Kotscherga, bass (Ivan Khovansky), Ildar Abdrazakov, bass (Dosifei), Maria Gavrilova, soprano (Susanna), John Easterlin, tenor (Scrivener), Wendy Bryn Harmer, soprano (Emma), David Crawford, bass (Varsonofyev), Mark Schowalter, tenor (Kuzka), Michael Todd Simpson, tenor (Streshnev), New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus/Kirill Petrenko.

Mrz. 24, 2012, 3:38 am

Saturday 24th March 2012 (starting this evening)
Time: 19:30 to 22:00 (2 hours and 30 minutes long)

The Spirit of Schubert.

Fierrabras: Andrew McGregor presents a performance of Schubert's last completed opera, Fierrabras - an early example of the German romantic operatic style. The story is set in the courts of the Frankish King Charlemagne and the Moorish Prince Boland. Claudio Abbado conducts the Chamber Orchestra of Europe in a production featuring singers Karita Mattila and Josef Protschka. Schubert: Fierrabras. Karita Mattila, soprano (Emma), Robert Holl, bass (Konig Karl), Thomas Hampson, baritone (Roland), Robert Gambill, tenor (Eginhard), Laszlo Polgar, bass (Boland), Josef Protschka, tenor (Fierrabras), Cheryl Studer, soprano (Florinda), Brigitte Balleys, contralto (Maragond), Hartmut Welker, baritone, Brutamonte), Arnold Schoenberg Choir, The Chamber Orchestra of Europe/Claudio Abbado.

Apr. 7, 2012, 2:30 am

Saturday 7th April 2012 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 21:00 (4 hours long)

Massenet's Manon.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, principal conductor Fabio Luisi leads a performance of Massenet's opera Manon. The Chevalier des Grieux falls in love with Manon at first sight. When she tells him that her fondness for pleasure has led her family to send her to a convent, he is determined to rescue her from such a fate. But all will not go smoothly for the eloping couple. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Anna Netrebko, soprano (Manon), Piotr Beczala, tenor (Chevalier des Grieux), Paulo Szot, baritone (Lescaut), David Pittsinge, bass (Comte des Grieux, Christoph Mortagne, baritone (Guillot Morfontaine), Bradley Garvin, bass (Monsieur de Bretigny), Anne-Carolyn Bird, soprano (Poussette), Jennifer Black, soprano (Javotte), Ginger Costa-Jackson, mezzo-soprano (Rosette), Philip Cokorinos, tenor (Innkeeper), Kathryn Day, mezzo-soprano (Maid), New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus/Fabio Luisi.

Apr. 21, 2012, 2:40 am

Saturday 21st April 2012 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 16:00 to 22:00 (6 hours long)

Wagner's Siegfried.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Fabio Luisi conducts a performance of Wagner's opera Siegfried, the part of the Ring Cycle. When Siegfried eventually finds the sleeping Brunnhilde, he is overwhelmed by her beauty and finally realises the meaning of fear. Awakened by his kiss, Brunnhilde tries to resist his declarations of passion, but finally gives in and joins Siegfried in praise of love. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Jay Hunter Morris, tenor (Siegfried), Deborah Voigt, soprano (Brunnhilde), Patricia Bardon, contralto (Erda), Gerhard Siegel, tenor (Mime), Bryn Terfel, bass-baritone (Wanderer), Eric Owens, baritone (Alberich), Hans-Peter Konig, bass (Fafner), Erin Morley, soprano (Waldvogel), Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra/Fabio Luisi.

Apr. 28, 2012, 2:25 am

Saturday 28th April 2012 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 16:00 to 21:30 (5 hours and 30 minutes long)

Wagner's Die Walkure.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Fabio Luisi conducts a performanace of the second part of Wagner's Ring Cycle. Siegmund and his sister Sieglinde fall in love with each other, and Brunnhilde is banished to a fire-surrounded rock by her father, Wotan, for disobeying him. Only a hero will be able to break through the flames to rescue her - could Sieglinde's unborn baby Siegfried be man Brunnhilde is waiting for? Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Jonas Kaufmann, tenor (Siegmund), Eva-Maria Westbroek, soprano (Sieglinde), Hans-Peter Koenig, bass (Hunding), Bryn Terfel, baritone (Wotan), Stephanie Blythe, mezzo-soprano (Fricka), Katarina Dalayman, soprano (Brunnhilde), Kellie Cae Hogan, soprano (Gerhilde), Wendy Bryn Harmer, soprano (Ortlinde), Marjorie Elinor Dix, soprano (Waltraute), Mary Phillips, soprano (Schwertleite), Molly Fillmore, soprano (Helmwige), Eve Gigliotti, mezzo-soprano (Seigrune), Mary Ann Mccormick, mezzo-soprano (Grimgerde), Lindsay Ammann, mezzo-soprano (Rossweisse), New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus/Fabio Luisi.

Mai 5, 2012, 2:24 am

Saturday 5th May 2012 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:30 to 20:30 (3 hours long)

Janacek's the Makropoulos Case.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Jiri Belohlavek conducts the Metropolitan Opera and Chorus. When, at the end of the 16th century alchemist Hieronymus Makropulos made a potion that would extend the span of human life, he tested it on his daughter Elina. She fell into a coma and Hieronymus was sent to prison. But after a week Elina woke up and fled with the formula. Three hundred years later, she is still going - but does life have any value if it goes on for ever? Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Karita Mattila, soprano (Emilia Marty), Richard Leech (Tenor (Albert Gregor), Tom Fox, bass (Dr Kolenaty), Alan Oke, tenor (Kolenaty's Clerk), Johan Reuter, baritone (Baron Prus), Matthew Plenk, tenor (Janek), Bernard Fitch, tenor (Count Hauk-Sendorf), James Courtney, bass (Stagehand), Jane Shaulis, mezzo-soprano (Cleaning Woman), Edyta Kulczak, mezzo-soprano (Chambermaid), Emalie Savoy, soprano (Kristina), New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra/Jiri Belohlavek.

Bearbeitet: Mai 19, 2012, 2:50 am

Saturday 19th May 2012 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:00 (2 hours long)

Judith Weir's Miss Fortune.

A performance given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden featuring the British premiere of Judith Weir's new opera Fortune. Miss Tina Fortune is born into a wealthy family, but loses her luck thanks to the meddling hands of Fate, who is ever-present on stage with her. Her fortune only begins to improve when she confronts Fate, and they come to a truce. Sara Mohr-Pietsch talks to Judith Weir and conductor Paul Daniel about the opera. Emma Bell, soprano (Tina), Jacques Imbrailo, baritone (Simon), Andrew Watts, countertenor (Fate), Anne-Marie Owens, mezzo-soprano (Donna), Noah Stewart, Tenor (Hassan), Alan Ewing, bass (Lord Fortune), Kathryn Harries, soprano (Lady Fortune), Royal Opera House Orchestra, Royal Opera House Chorus/Paul Daniel.

Saturday 19th May 2012 (starting this evening)
Time: 20:00 to 22:00 (2 hours long)

Gerald Barry's the Importance of Being Earnest.

A performance given at the Barbican in London of Irish composer Gerald Barry's three-act opera based on the celebrated Oscar Wilde play. Thomas Ades conducts the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group. Barry: The Importance of Being Earnest. Barbara Hannigan (Cecily Cardew), Peter Tantsits (John Worthing), Joshua Bloom (Algernon Moncrieff), Katalin Karolyi (Gwendolen Fairfax), Hilary Summers (Miss Prism), Alan Ewing (Lady Bracknell), Benjamin Bevan (Lane/Merriman), Joshua Hart (Dr Chasuble). Birmingham Contemporary Music Group/Thomas Ades.

Mai 26, 2012, 2:23 am

Saturday 26th May 2012 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Mozart's the Marriage of Figaro.

From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Louise Fryer presents a performance of Mozart's great comic opera. When Count Almaviva takes an over-eager interest in his cunning manservant's wife-to-be, he sets off an elaborate train of events and finds himself thwarted many times. But after a day of madness and a night of confusion, everything ends more or less happily. Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro. Ildebrando D'Arcangelo, bass (Figaro), Aleksandra Kurzak, soprano (Susanna), Carlo Lepore, bass (Bartolo), Ann Murray, mezzo-soprano (Marcellina), Anna Bonitatibus, mezzo-soprano (Cherubino), Lucas Meachem, baritone (Count Almaviva), Bonaventura Bottone, tenor (Basilio), Jeremy White, bass (Antonio), Harry Nicoll, tenor (Don Curzio), Susana Gaspar, main artist (Barbarina), Kate Royal, soprano (Countess Almaviva), Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Antonio Pappano.

Jun. 2, 2012, 2:29 am

From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Louise Fryer presents a performance of Dvorak's Rusalka, in its first fully-staged production there. In a radical interpretation by Jossi Wieler and Sergio Morabito, Dvorak's 'lyric fairytale' stars Finnish soprano Camilla Nylund in the title role and Yannick Neezet-Seguin makes his Royal Opera debut conducting the late romantic score. Camilla Nylund, soprano (Rusalka), Alan Held, baritone (Vodnik, Spirit of the Lake), Brian Hymel, tenor (Prince), Petra Lang, mezzo-soprano (Foreign Princess), Agnes Zwierko, mezzo-soprano (Jezibaba), Daniel Grice, bass-baritone (Voice of Huntsman), Gyula Orendt, baritone (Gamekeeper), Ilse Eerens, soprano (Kitchen Boy), Anna Devin, soprano (Wood Nymph), Madeleine Pierard, soprano (Wood Nymph), Justina Gringyte, mezzo-soprano (Wood Nymph), Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House/Yannick Nezet-Seguin.

Jun. 9, 2012, 2:12 am

Saturday, June 9th, 2012 on
BBC Radio Three from 6:00pm to 8:40pm

Verdi's Rigoletto.

From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Louise Fryer presents a performance of Verdi's tragic and provocative tale of the cynical court jester who, against his better nature, wreaks havoc with the lives of others. In this revival of David McVicar's production, Dimitri Platanias is the hunchback jester, Ekaterina Siurina his daughter Gilda, and Vittorio Grigolo the handsome, amoral Duke who poses as a penniless student to gain Gilda's love. Verdi: Rigoletto. Vittorio Grigolo, tenor (Duke Of Mantua), Dimitri Platanias, baritone (Rigoletto), Ekaterina Siurina, soprano (Gilda), Christine Rice, mezzo-soprano (Maddalena), Matthew Rose, bass (Sparafucile), Elizabeth Sikora, mezzo-soprano (Giovanna), Gianfranco Montresor, baritone (Monterone), Zheng Zhou, baritone (Marullo), Pablo Bemsch, tenor (Borsa), Jihoon Kim, bass-baritone (Count Ceprano), Susana Gaspar, soprano (Countess Ceprano), Nigel Cliffe, tenor (Usher), Andrea Hazell, mezzo-soprano (Page), Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera/John Eliot Gardiner.

Jun. 16, 2012, 2:23 am

Saturday, June 16th, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 6:00pm to 8:45pm

Puccini's La boheme: Featuring Carmen Giannattasio (Mimi) and Joseph Calleja (Rodolfo). Semyon Bychkov conducts the Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House.

Jun. 23, 2012, 2:20 am

Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Donald Macleod presents a performance given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden of Mozart's opera Don Giovanni, a tale of vengeance and retribution, even from beyond the grave. Mozart: Don Giovanni. Erwin Schrott, bass (Don Giovanni), Alex Esposito, bass (Leporello), Reinhard Hagen, bass (Commendatore), Ruxandra Donose, mezzo-soprano (Donna Elvira), Carmela Remigio, soprano (Donna Anna), Pavol Breslik, tenor (Don Ottavio), Kate Lindsey, mezzo-soprano (Zerlina), Matthew Rose, bass (Masetto), Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera/Constantinos Carydis.

Jul. 7, 2012, 2:14 am

Saturday 7th July 2012 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:40 (2 hours and 40 minutes long)

Christopher Cook presents the English National Opera's UK premiere of Glanert's opera Caligula at the London Coliseum - already acclaimed as perhaps the finest German opera of the 21st century. Baritone Peter Coleman-Wright takes the title role as a larger-than-life, timeless dictator in a veritable tour-de-force inspired by Albert Camus' existentialist play portraying the Roman Emperor in the shadow of Hitler and Stalin. This disturbing spectacle of tyranny, corruption and decadence is set by director Benedict Andrews in a contemporary football stadium. Peter Coleman-Wright, baritone (Caligula); Yvonne Howard, mezzo-soprano (Caesonia); Christopher Ainslie, countertenor (Helicon); Pavlo Hunka, bass-baritone (Cherea); Carolyn Dobbin, mezzo-soprano (Scipio); Brian Galliford, tenor (Mucius); Eddie Wade, baritone (Mereia/Lepidus); Julia Sporsen, soprano (Livia). English National Opera Chorus and English National Opera Orchestra. Ryan Wigglesworth (conductor).

Aug. 6, 2012, 5:32 am

Er - I'm impressed by the relentless industry of this string - but I seem to recall that Radio 3 broadcast Rossini's Adelaide di Borgogna some time ago, in a recording from the Pesaro Festival. i was looking through this for the cast. Then I found ( after a bit) that you only recognise Saturday evening broadcasts as opera. The closing line of "Some like it Hot" springs to mind.

Aug. 6, 2012, 1:09 pm

No, not entirely true Charlecote, I have, above, pointed to opera outside the Saturday slot and was intending recently to post information about an opera performance at the Proms - but I would have posted this under the Proms 2012 thread.

What is the last line?

Bearbeitet: Aug. 6, 2012, 6:13 pm

"Nobody's perfect." Said, if I remember correctly, by Joe E. Brown (playing a millionaire) to the cross-dressing Jack Lemmon (who he fancies) when the latter admits that he is, in fact, a man. Great movie! If you haven't seen it it, do borrow the DVD.

ETA that I continue to follow this thread - thanks for your efforts, antimuzak.

Aug. 8, 2012, 3:26 pm

Thanks abbottthomas.

I do sometimes wonder, though, if I might drown out other postings - someone, late last year, signed off of this group telling me that my postings drowned out everyone else and discouraged others posting anything. So, that was his feeling.

On the other hand, I notice that many, or most, other groups are inactive or minimally active after an initial flurry of posts.

I don't know - I hope that there is no discouragement here. It would be nice to have more discussion.

Thanks for the quote. I have seen the film but some time ago.

In the meantime I carry on posting.

Aug. 25, 2012, 10:18 am

Count me as one who is quite grateful for your postings. I unjoined some time ago when I kept going abroad where I didn't have Internet access (or sometimes v-e-r-y s-l-o-w access), but now that I'm back and can enjoy streaming again, I find your information helpful.
I will say, though, that I hesitate to post because it wasn't clear if postings were welcome or if this was a thread that was dedicated ONLY to informing about the performances.
Thanks for carrying on.

Sept. 16, 2012, 2:56 am

Thanks Nycticebus, welcome back to the UK and Radio 3. Good to know that you find my postings useful. I've recently been absent due to holidays abroad and not having internet access, and then slowly getting back into things.

Yes, I can see the confusion about whether this is open to postings or if the Forum is solely for listings of broadcasts. I would like more comment and discussion here and we have had discussions but they are sporadic and it seems difficult to sustain ongoing conversations about multiple programmes and topics and only one or two people ever contribute. I note that the same is true of other Library Thing Groups - All the World's a Stage or the Radio 4 Group, for example - and many groups, after some initial activity, lapse into silence.

Sept. 22, 2012, 2:17 am

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Scottish Opera's new production of Stravinsky's opera The Rake's Progress, with tenor Edgaras Montvidas as Tom Rakewell, Carolyn Sampson as Anne Trulove, Leah-Marian Jones as Baba the Turk and Steven Page as Nick Shadow. Sian Edwards conducts the Chorus and Orchestra of Scottish Opera. Inspired by Hogarth's 18th century engravings, the libretto by WH Auden and Chester Kallman charts the decline of Tom Rakewell and his final descent to madness abetted by Nick Shadow, who turns out to be the Devil.

Okt. 6, 2012, 2:54 am

Saturday, October 6th, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Mozart: The Magic Flute

Andrew McGregor presents a performance given at the 2012 Salzburg Festival of one of Mozart's last works, with veteran instrument specialist Nikolaus Harnoncourt conducting his long-time ensemble, Concentus Musicus Vienna. Mozart's opera is a work where true love, jealousy and freemasonry are afoot in an imaginary ancient Eygpt, featuring an evil Queen of the Night, a giant serpent, pairs of lovers and titular magic flute. Mozart: The Magic Flute: Georg Zeppenfeld, bass (Sarastro), Bernard Richter, tenor (Tamino), Mandy Fredrich, soprano (Queen Of The Night), Julia Kleiter, soprano (Pamina), Sandra Trattnigg, soprano (First Lady), Anja Schlosser, mezzo (Second Lady), Wiebke Lehmkuhl, contralto (Third Lady), Tolzer Knabenchor (Three Boys), Markus Werba, baritone (Papageno), Elisabeth Schwarz, soprano (Papagena), Rudolf Schasching, tenor (Monostatos), Martin Gantner, baritone (Speaker), Lucian Krasznec, tenor (First Armoured Man/First Priest), Andreas Horl, bass (Second Armoured Man), Concentus Musicus Vienna, Nikolaus Harnoncourt (conductor).

Okt. 21, 2012, 2:47 am

Sunday, October 21st, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 2:45pm to 9.20pm

Wagner: Siegfried

Live from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Donald Macleod presents a performance of Acts 1 and 2 of the third of Wagner's Ring dramas, Siegfried. Donald is joined by Wagner expert John Deathridge for discussion on the work. Wagner: Siegfried. Gerhard Siegel, tenor (Mime), Stefan Vinke, tenor (Siegfried), Bryn Terfel, bass-baritone (Wanderer - Wotan), Wolfgang Koch, baritone (Alberich), Eric Halfvarson, bass (Fafner), Sophie Bevan, soprano (Woodbird), Maria Radner, contralto (Erda), Susan Bullock, soprano (Brunnhilde), The Orchestra of The Royal Opera House, Antonio Pappano (conductor).

The Writers' Ring Cycle

Sunday, October 21st, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 6:15pm to 7:30pm

The second in a series of specially commissioned responses to Wagner's Ring Cycle from four leading writers. Novelist Andrew O'Hagan, author of Our Fathers and The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog and of his Friend Marilyn Monroe reads a polemical essay in response Wagner's character Siegfried, in a recording made in front of an audience at the Linbury Theatre at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

Nov. 3, 2012, 8:41 am


Handel's Julius Caesar

Andrew McGregor presents English National Opera's brand new production of one of Handel's greatest operas. The action centres around Cleopatra's quest to overthrow her brother Ptolemy in order to gain control of Egypt, and the burgeoning love affair between her and the emperor Julius Caesar.

Written for some of the finest singers of Handel's day, Julius Caesar features some of Handel's most popular arias.

The Romans
Julius Caesar..... Lawrence Zazzo (counter-tenor)
Curio..... George Humphreys (bass)
Cornelia Pompey's widow.....Patricia Bardon (mezzo-soprano)
Sesto ..... Daniela Mack (mezzo-soprano)

The Egyptians
Cleopatra..... Anna Christy (soprano)
Ptolemy, Cleopatra's brother...... Tim Mead (counter-tenor)
Achillas, his general...... Andrew Craig Brown (bass-baritone)
Nirenus, Cleopatra's servant...... James Laing (counter-tenor)

English National Opera Orchestra
English National Opera Chorus
Conductor.....Christian Curnyn.

Nov. 10, 2012, 2:37 am

Saturday, November 10th, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Louise Fryer presents Opera North's new production of Gounod's Faust - bringing a modern spin to one of the most popular 19th-century operas. Gounod: Faust. Peter Auty, tenor (Faust), James Creswell, bass (Mephistopheles), Paul Gibson, bass (Wagner), Marcin Bronikowski, baritone (Valentin), Robert Anthony Gardiner, tenor (Siebel), Juanita Lascarro, soprano (Marguerite), Sarah Pring, mezzo-soprano (Marthe), Orchestra and Chorus of Opera North, Stuart Stratford (conductor).

Nov. 17, 2012, 2:42 am

Saturday, November 17th, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 6:00pm to 10:00pm

Rossini's Matilde di Shabran.

John Shea presents a peformance of Rossini's Matilde di Shabran given at the 2012 Pesaro Festival, conducted by Michele Mariotti and featuring Olga Peretyatko in the title role. Rossini: Matilde di Shabran. Olga Peretyatko, soprano (Matilde di Shabran), Anna Goryachova, mezzo (Edoardo), Marco Filippo Romano, baritone (Raimondo Lopez), Juan Diego Florez, tenor (Corradino), Simon Orfila, bass-baritone (Ginardo), Nicola Alaimo, baritone (Aliprando), Paolo Bordogna, baritone (Isidoro), Chiara Chialli, mezzo (Contessa d'Arco), Giorgio Misseri, tenor (Egoldo), Ugo Rosati, tenor (Rodrigo), Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Comunale, Bologna, Michele Mariotti (conductor).

Nov. 24, 2012, 2:40 am

Saturday, November 24th, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 6:15pm to 9:30pm

Vaughan Williams's the Pilgrim's Progress.

Live from the Coliseum in London, Martin Handley presents an English National Opera production of Vaughan Williams's opera based on John Bunyan's allegory The Pilgrim's Progress. The scenario is of a dream of a quest with Bunyan himself as the dreamer and the pilgrim his alter ego who overcomes trials and tribulations on the real and symbolic journey from his home in the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. Vaughan Williams: The Pilgrim's Progress. Roland Wood, baritone (Pilgrim/John Bunyan), Benedict Nelson, baritone (Evangelist/Watchful/First Shepherd), George von Bergen, baritone (Obstinate/Herald/Lord Hate-Good), Timothy Robinson, tenor (Interpreter/Usher/Mr By-Ends/Second Shepherd), Colin Judson, tenor (Timorous/Lord Lechery/Messenger), Alexander Sprague, tenor (Pliable/Superstition/Celestial Voice 1), Mark Richardson, bass-baritone (Mistrust/Apollyon/Envy/Third Shepherd), Eleanor Dennis, soprano (First Shining One/Madam Wanton/Voice of a Bird/Celestial Voice 3), Aoife O'Sullivan, soprano (2nd Shining One/ Branch-Bearer/Malice), Kitty Whately, mezzo-soprano (Third Shining One/Cup-bearer/Pickthank/Woodcutter's Boy), Ann Murray, mezzo-soprano (Madam Bubble/Mrs By-Ends/Celestial Voice 2), Chorus and Orchestra of English National Opera, Martyn Brabbins (conductor).

Dez. 15, 2012, 2:48 am

Saturday, December 15th, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 5:45pm to 10:30pm

Meyerbeer's Robert le diable: Live from the Royal Opera House, Martin Handley presents Laurent Pelly's new production of Meyerbeer's grand opera, on the Covent Garden stage for the first time since 1890. Though hugely successful when it had its premiere in Paris in 1831 the work subsequently fell out of favour and was rarely performed in the 20th century. It depicts a grand battle between good and evil. With a plot featuring courtly entertainments, jousting, romance and the supernatural, it features one of opera's most memorable scenes - the ballet of the nuns. Meyerbeer: Robert Le diable. Bryan Hymel, tenor (Robert), John Relyea, bass (Bertram), Jean-Francois Borras, tenor (Raimbaut), Marina Poplavskaya, soprano (Alice), Patrizia Ciofi, soprano (Isabelle), Nicolas Courjal, bass (Alberti), Jihoon Kim, bass (Priest/Chevalier), Pablo Bemsch, tenor (Herald/Chevalier), David Butt Philip, tenor (Master of Ceremonies/Chevalier), Ashley Riches, baritone (Chevalier), Dusica Bijelic, soprano (Dame), Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Daniel Oren (conductor).

Dez. 22, 2012, 2:27 am

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 on BBC Radio Three from 6:00pm to 8:30pm

Rossini's the Barber of Seville.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Rossini's great comic opera, in Bartlett Sher's English adaptation, with Isabel Leonard as Rosina, Rodion Pogossov as Figaro and Alek Shrader as Count Almaviva. Rossini's prequel to The Marriage of Figaro focuses on Count Almaviva's attempts at persuading the beautiful Rosina to love him for himself, rather than for his money. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with commentary by Ira Siff. Rossini: Il barbiere di Siviglia. Isabel Leonard, contralto (Rosina), Alek Shrader, tenor (Count Almaviva), Rodion Pogossov, baritone (Figaro), John del Carlo, baritone (Dr Bartolo), Jordan Bisch, bass (Don Basilio), Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus, Yves Abel (conductor).

Jan. 5, 2013, 2:37 am

Saturday 5th January 2013 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 22:30 (5 hours and 30 minutes long)

Berlioz's Les troyens: Live from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, a performance of Berlioz's epic opera based on Virgil's poem The Aeneid, about the Trojan War. The Greeks have departed Troy after ten years of siege, leaving behind a huge wooden horse. While the Trojans see it as an offering to the goddess Athena, only King Priam's daughter Cassandra suspects it signifies impending disaster for Troy. Presented by Margaret Juntwait and Ira Siff. Berlioz: Les troyens. Deborah Voigt, soprano (Cassandra), Susan Graham, mezzo (Dido), Karen Cargill, mezzo (Anna), Marcello Giordani, tenor (Aeneas), Eric Cutler, tenor (Iopas), Dwayne Croft, baritone (Chorebe), Kwangchul Youn, bass (Narbal), Troy Cook, baritone (Soldier), Richard Bernstein, bass (Panthus), Eduardo Valdes, tenor (Helenus), Julie Boulianne, mezzo (Ascanio), Theodora Hanslowe, mezzo (Hecuba), Julien Robbins, bass-baritone (Priam), Connell C Rapavy, actor (Astyanax), David Crawford, bass-baritone (Ghost of Hector), Kwangchul Youn, bass (Voice of Mercury), Paul Appleby, tenor (Hylas), The Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Fabio Luisi (conductor).

Jan. 26, 2013, 2:31 am

Saturday 26th January 2013 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Tom Service presents. Starting our broadcasts of all of Benjamin Britten's operas in this, his centenary year, is a new production of Billy Budd, recorded last year at the English National Opera in London. Director David Alden sets the events at the HMS Indomitable, based on Herman Melville's novella, in a claustrophobic and dark world where good and evil, innocence and betrayal clash with tragic consequences. Edward Gardner conducts a stellar cast, including the debut of Benedict Nelson in the title role, the ever pure and charismatic, but eventually doomed young sailor; Kim Begley as the tormented Captain Vere, seeking redemption from his moral dilemma, and Matthew Rose as the evil Master-at-Arms Claggart, who masterminds Billy's unfair downfall. Benedict Nelson, baritone (Billy Budd), Kim Begley, tenor (Captain Vere), Matthew Rose, bass (Claggart), Jonathan Summers, baritone (Mr Redburn), Darren Jeffery, bass-baritone (Mr Flint), Henry Waddington, baritone (Lieutenant Ratcliffe), Michael Colvin, tenor (Red Whiskers), Duncan Rock, baritone (Donald), Gwynne Howell, bass (Dansker), Nicky Spence, tenor (Novice), Daniel Norman, tenor (Squeak), Andrew Rupp, bass (Bosun), Marcus Farnsworth, baritone (The Novice's Friend), Oliver Dunn, bass (First Mate), Gerard Collet, bass (Second Mate), Jonathan Stoughton, tenor (Maintop). Chorus and orchestra of English National Opera/Edward Gardner.

Feb. 2, 2013, 2:54 am

Saturday 2nd February 2013 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Rossini's Le Comte Ory.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Maurizio Benini conducts a performance of Rossini's comic opera Le comte Ory, which had its premiere in the 2011-season. Count Ory is determined to win the countess Adele, and will do anything to get access to the castle where the women are, including disguising himself and his men as nuns. With tenor Juan Diego Florez as the count, Pretty Yende as Adele and Karine Deshayes as Isolier. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Rossini: Le Comte Ory. Pretty Yende, soprano (Countess Adele), Karine Deshayes, mezzo-soprano (Isolier), Susanne Resmark, mezzo-soprano (Ragonde), Juan Diego Florez, tenor (Count Ory), Nathan Gunn, baritone (Raimbaud), Nicola Ulivieri, baritone (The Tutor), Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Maurizio Benini (conductor).

Feb. 9, 2013, 2:24 am

Saturday 9th February 2013 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 20:55 (2 hours and 55 minutes long)

Donizetti's L'elisir d'amore: Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, a performance of Donizetti's tuneful comedy L'elisir d'amore, with a cast of leading soloists including Anna Netrebko, Matthew Polenzani and Erwin Schrott. Nemorino is hopelessly in love with the fickle Adina, who seems more interested in the dashing Sergeant Belcore. Luckily for Nemorino, the quack doctor Dulcamara is selling a potion which he claims is an elixir of love. Presented by Margaret Juntwait and Ira Siff. Donizetti: L'elisir d'amore. Anna Netrebko, soprano (Adina), Matthew Polenzani, tenor (Nemorino), Mariusz Kwiecien, baritone (Belcore), Erwin Schrott, bass-baritone (Dulcamara), New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Maurizio Benini (conductor).

Feb. 23, 2013, 2:26 am

Saturday 23rd February 2013 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:30 to 21:00 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Bizet's Carmen.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera, New York, a performance of Bizet's celebrated opera Carmen, a work which centring on the downfall of Don Jose after he falls victim to the charms of the eponymous gypsy girl. Bizet: Carmen. Anita Rachvelishvili, mezzo-soprano (Carmen), Nikolai Schukoff, tenor (Don Jose), Ekaterina Scherbachenko, soprano (Micaela), Ildar Abdrazakov, baritone (Escamillo), Chorus and Orchestra of The Metroplitan Opera, New York, Michele Mariotti (conductor).

Mrz. 2, 2013, 2:29 am

Saturday 2nd March 2013 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 22:30 (5 hours and 30 minutes long)

Wagner's Parsifal.

Live from the Metopolitan Opera in New York, a perfomance of Parsifal, Wagner's final opera. Tenor Jonas Kaufmann is the the wild child innocent who stumbles upon the brotherhood of the holy grail, thereby finding wisdom and saving the grail's protectors from a curse put upon them. Soprano Katarina Dalayman is Kundry, a mysterious ageless woman, Evegeny Niktin the wicked Klingsor and Rene Pape the noble knight Gurnemanz. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with expert commentary from Ira Siff. Wagner: Parsifal. Jonas Kaufmann, tenor (Parsifal), Katarina Dalayman, soprano (Kundry), Peter Mattei, baritone (Amfortas), Evgeny Nikitin, bass-baritone (Klingsor), Rene Pape, bass (Gurnemanz), Chorus and Orchestra of The Metroplitan Opera, New York, Daniele Gatti (conductor).

Mrz. 23, 2013, 3:23 am

Saturday 23rd March 2013 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 17:00 to 21:00 (4 hours long)

Verdi 200 - La Forza del Destino: An historic performance of Verdi's La Forza del Destino given at New York's Metropolitan Opera in 1977, featuring two of the great operatic singers of our times. Leontyne Pryce and Placido Domingo play the roles of the ill-fated lovers Leonora and Don Alvaro in Verdi's tragic tale of love, divided loyalties, revenge and death. Verdi: La Forza del Destino. Leontyne Price, soprano (Leonora), Rosalind Elias, mezzo-soprano (Preziosilla), Placido Domingo, tenor (Don Alvaro), Cornell MacNeil, baritone (Don Carlo), Renato Capecchi, baritone (Fra Melitone), Martti Talvela (bass (Padre Guardiano), Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera, New York, James Levine (conductor).

Mrz. 30, 2013, 3:31 am

Saturday 30th March 2013 (starting this afternoon)
Time: 16:30 to 19:30 (3 hours long)

Verdi 200 - La Traviata.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera in New York, a performance of Verdi's La Traviata, with Placido Domingo singing the role of Germont for the first time in this production, and Diana Damrau also making her first appearance as Violetta, alongside Saimir Pirgu as Alfredo. The courtesan Violetta decides to put her party days behind when she meets Alfredo and settle down with him. But Alfredo's father begs her to leave him for the sake of his family name, and she agrees to sacrifice her love. By the time Alfredo discovers the truth behind her departure and hurries back to her, tuberculosis has set in, and it is too late. Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff. Verdi: La Traviata. Diana Damrau, soprano (Violetta Valery), Saimir Pirgu, tenor (Alfredo Germont), Placido Domingo, baritone, (Giorgio Germont), Patricia Risley, mezzo-soprano (Flora Bervoix), Maria Zifchak, soprano (Annina), Scott Scully, tenor (Gastone), Jason Stearns, baritone (Barone Douphol), Kyle Pfortmiller, bass (Marchese d'Obigny), James Courtney, bass (Dottore Grenvil), Juhwan Lee, tenor (Giuseppe), Seth Malkin, bass (Flora's servant), Joseph Turi, bass (Messenger), Paul Corona, bass (A Gentleman), Chorus and Orchestra of The Metropolitan Opera, New York, Yannick Nezet-Seguin (conductor).

Apr. 6, 2013, 2:30 am

Saturday 6th April 2013 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:00 (3 hours long)

Wagner 200 - Das Rheingold.

Live from the Metropolitan Opera in New York, a performance of Das Rheingold, the first instalment of Wagner's epic Ring Cycle. The Nibelung dwarf Alberich curses love and steals the Rhinemaidens' gold, setting in motion a train of events which will eventually lead to the downfall of the Gods. Presented by Margaret Juntwait and Ira Siff. Wagner: Das Rheingold. Mark Delavan, bass-baritone (Wotan), Stefan Margita, tenor (Loge), Wendy Bryn Harmer, soprano (Freia), Stephanie Blythe, mezzo-soprano (Fricka), Dwayne Croft, bass-baritone (Donner), Richard Cox, tenor (Froh), Meredith Arwady, contralto (Erda), Eric Owens, baritone (Alberich), Gerhard Siegel, tenor (Mime), Franz-Josef Selig, bass-baritone (Fasolt), Hans-Peter Konig, bass (Fafner), Meredith Hansen, soprano (Woglinde), Jennifer Johnson Cano, soprano (Wellgunde), Renee Tatum, mezzo-soprano (Flosshilde), Orchestra of the Metroplitan Opera, New York, Fabio Luisi (conductor). The broadcast includes a Wagner 200 Opera Guide on Das Rhinegold.

Mai 18, 2013, 2:31 am

Saturday 18th May 2013 (starting this evening)
Time: 18:00 to 21:30 (3 hours and 30 minutes long)

Charpentier's Medea.

Donald Macleod presents Marc-Antoine Charpentier's Medea at the London Coliseum in a new production for English National Opera by David McVicar. Sarah Connolly sings the title role, as the vengeful sorceress willing to sacrifice her own children to avenge her faithless husband Jason, performed by tenor Jeffrey Francis. Charpentier: Medea. Sarah Connolly, mezzo-soprano (Medea), Jeffrey Francis, tenor (Jason), Brindley Sherratt, bass (Creon), Katherine Manley, soprano (Creusa/Phantom I), Roderick Williams, baritone (Orontes), Rhian Lois, soprano (Nerina), Aoife O'Sullivan, soprano (Cleonis/Cupid), Oliver Dunn, baritone (Arcas/Vengeance), John McMunn, tenor (Corinthian/Jealousy), Sophie Junker, soprano (Italian woman/Phantom II), Jeremy Budd, tenor (Corinthian/Argive), Aoife O'Sullivan, soprano (Cupid's captives), Sophie Junker (soprano), John McMunn (tenor), Chorus and Orchestra of English National Opera, Christopher Curnyn (conductor).

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