Elizabeth Peters / Amelia P. Emerson mysteries

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Elizabeth Peters / Amelia P. Emerson mysteries

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Aug. 7, 2006, 5:24 pm

I just don't think you can have a historical mystery forum without talking about Amelia Peabody! I've read them all, and this summer I just finished listening to almost all of them on my mp3 player. Barbara Rosenblat, who is Elizabeth Peter's officially sanctioned narrator for the series, is just fabulous! So good, that I may never actually reread the books again; I might just re-listen to them. For anyone who's library has a NetLibrary account; you can download them all from there.

What do people think of the latest Peabody mystery Tomb of the Golden Bird?

Aug. 9, 2006, 6:56 am

About four months ago (while in my cups at the local pub) I proclaimed that I could willingly selling a good share of my personal library, only to have my husband point out that there was a section he knew I could never part with...and they're all Peabody - all the time. *grin* Someone at the table asked me why I couldn't part with my "Peabody Collection," and my lovely spouse answered..."Because I think she secretly wants to BE Peabody." There was much applause at the vision of me running around Egypt with my umbrella sword.

I'm a Peabody freak. I admit it. About four years ago I found Seeing a large cat in the sale section of B&N. I was hooked. Within three months I'd acquired all of her books (to that date) in paperback via Amazon. Since then I've been unable to wait for the paperback editions, so I've collected the hardback, and would actually like to get all hardback editions if possible at some point in the future.

Elizabeth Peters really opened the door for me to the world of historical mysteries. I'd always been a big historical fiction fan but had never ventured into the mystery category. Along with Peabody I also became quite hooked on other egyptian mysteries such as The Anubis Slayings by P.C. Doherty and A path of shadows by Lauren Haney.

Tomb of the Golden Bird, was as usual, a wonderful read. In my opinion it began a touch slower than her previous stories, but was not at all lacking in the normal adventures of the Emerson clan. I'll be very sad to see the series end - as it has opened up so many new avenues and love of historical mysteries.

Sept. 26, 2006, 12:56 pm

I was fortunate to "read" the first in the series ~ Crocodile on the Sandbank ~ on audio. Like Kat and Sage, I can't get enough of Peabody. She is probably THE most appealing woman in all of popular literature. IMHO. :) It doesn't hurt either that Ms. Peters is a meticulous researcher and fabulous writer. And I too just love Barbara Rosenblatt's renditions on the audiobook versions.

Sept. 28, 2006, 3:30 am

I am definitly going to have to chime in with my love of Peabody! I havent read them all yet...just give me time!

Okt. 8, 2006, 6:18 pm

I loved the first few and agree that Rosenblat is supreme. There are a few of the later novels in my collection, but I find Rameses so annoying that I can no longer tolerate the series. Bah. Hasn't anyone plugged that kid yet??

Okt. 9, 2006, 12:02 am

Good Gad! See how different people react differently to different characters! I really like Ramses ~ the older version, anyway. I think he's rather sweet, and quite hunky. But Emerson is and will always be my favorite! ;D

Feb. 26, 2008, 11:00 am

I really like Ramses, too. I thought he was hysterical as a kid, especially with all of his big words...and constant talking. And I definitely agree that he becomes really hunky as an adult.

And I definitely wish I was Peabody (not so secretly) - the whole concept of a steel-reinforced parasol for prodding purposes makes me happy...

Feb. 26, 2008, 11:06 am

Besides, what goes around comes around - Ramses has a kid just like him!

Mrz. 12, 2008, 5:01 pm

Don't know if you are also fans of E.P's other series, but there is going to be a new Vickie Bliss novel this year! YAY!

Mai 27, 2008, 7:31 pm

I can't wait for the new Vickie Bliss!!!!
She's been hinting around at a connection between John Smythe and the Peabody series...

I too am a huge fan of Elizabeth Peters - I've read them all. I'm also a huge fan of her other books written under the name of Barbara Michaels (they lean toward gothic romance mystery).

Aug. 12, 2008, 1:09 am

I love her books , Who doesn't want to be peabody?? Honestly, fun, adventure, murder,crime solving, Emmerson, Egypt. Doesn't get much better lol.

I like everything Elizabeth Peters, I like the Bliss series and some of the other ones she writes plus the Barbara Mertz, Barbara micheals she writes under. Superlative author.

Aug. 12, 2008, 2:24 pm

From the first book, Crocodile on the Sandbank thru the ninth book Seeing a Large Cat I loved the series. But with the 10th book, The Ape Who Guards the Balance, the focus shifted too much onto the young people.

I love Amelia and Radcliffe, and could even tolerate the young Ramses. Although I got the next four books as they came out, I'm not interested in reading them. I'll probably not read another in the series unless Peters goes back and fills in some early years, when Amelia and Radcliffe would again be in the spotlight without the distractions of the younger generation.

Aug. 17, 2008, 3:47 pm

I, too, am an avid fan of this series but did get a bit tired with the last few - partly because Ramses & you know who and kids (I don't want to have a spoiler in here because some are reading earlier in the series) and other characters are becoming a bit hollow and treatment of them is uneven.

I always get quite a chuckle with Peabody's repetitive (enjoyably so) description of Emerson - very modest LOL.

Still, I always look forward to the new ones.

Aug. 18, 2008, 9:21 am

Ramses' kids aren't nearly as amusing as Ramses himself was. And I was disappointed in Margaret Minton's reappearance. She was not one of my favorite characters. Still one of the best series ever, and I'm counting down to the new Vicky Bliss novel--which evidently takes place in Egypt again.

Feb. 19, 2009, 1:12 pm

I've gotten tired of Sethos being in every book, even when he shouldn't be, and becoming such a focus. He was much more interesting as the moderately evil nemesis.