Naval Fiction

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Naval Fiction

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Aug. 17, 2009, 6:11 pm

South to Java by Adm. Wlliam P. Mack USN (Ret)
The book is about an old WW1 four stacker destroyer in the Plillipines at the start of WW2. The main charactor is a young Naval Officer is the gunnery officer. Just so happens that at the start of WW2 that Adm. William P. Mack USN (Ret.) was was a young gunnery officer on the USS Pope an old WW1 vintage four stacker station in the Phillipines.

This is what makes this book unique from the many other fiction books that I have read set in this time frame. There is a feel of authenticity to the conversations amoung the charactrs;
"Where and when will the war will start. Pearl Harbor, Hong Kong, Singapore etc."

Also the charactors or more fleshed out than in most books of this kind. Not only the officers but the enlisted as well. They all have their lives and problems aboard ship and ashore. We care about them.

The battle sequences were well written and the fictional USS O'Leary DD 200 Took nothing away from the actual historical battles.
Overall a good read and recommended to any that like Naval Fiction.There are a few more books that the author wrote to continue the story. I just might look into them

Jan. 6, 2012, 7:36 am

HMS Saracen by Douglas Reeman (3 Stars)

In 1915 Midshipman Rchard Chesnaye reports aboard the HMS Saracen, a new type of war ship called a monitor, it's shallow draft and large guns are designed to provide close support for troops during the Gallipoli Campaign. His experiences scar him for life and serve him well when he is called back to service in 1941 to be Saracen's Captain.

I only stared reading Reeman's modern naval books recently and find them enjoyable. Have read (and enjoyed) most of his Age of Sail books about the life Richard Bolitho that he wrote under the name Alexander Kent.

Jan. 6, 2012, 9:46 am

My interest in the Aubrey-Maturin series takes up my reading, but it's also whetted my appetite for other nautical yarns. Have a Ramage and several Hornblower on the shelves, plus a WW2 novel I've forgotten the title of, all inherited from my dear granddad, but haven't heard of either of the titles you review above. I'll follow any other posts you add here, thanks.

Jan. 6, 2012, 10:41 am


If you haven't read them yet Alaric Bond's Fighting Sail series is fairly good;
His Majesty's Ship book1
The Jackass Frigate Book 2
True Colours book 3
CUT AND RUN book 4

Jan. 6, 2012, 11:35 pm

After reading several reviews of the first 2 titles, I'm persuaded to add to my wishlist.

It appears the sequence you list above is not the publication order. I assume that's your recommended reading order, has Bond commented on what he'd suggest?

Bearbeitet: Jan. 6, 2012, 11:59 pm

The Jackass Frigate was actually his first (Age of Sail) book but Bond reworked it to fit into the series as the second book after His Majesty's Ship was published and became popular and he decided to continue the series.

So you'll see an earlier volume of this book listed in several places. (it's hard to find)