Ideas and advice for editions needed

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Ideas and advice for editions needed

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Nov. 25, 2009, 9:47 am

I had been looking at the sorry state of my AC collection these days: in 3 languages, in all type of formats and some of the books in a really bad state (bought like this mainly in my first years away from home when the idea was to buy as many books as I can for as little money as I can).

So it is about time for an upgrade. I am trying to get all in the same style (preferably hardcovers). The ones I had been looking at are:

1. The paperback HarperCollins ones (they did it a few times actually - the ones with the list of the series at the back of the book and on the non-series ones, the list of all non-series works) - like this one

Even if I prefer hardcovers, these are the same at least :)

2. The Facsimile editions (HarperCollins again) like this one:

3. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers hardcovers:

Any other possibility? Any recommendations between 2 and 3?

Nov. 25, 2009, 1:22 pm

I think that the facsimile firsts are delightful although my personal inclination is towards the Fontana paperbacks of the 1960s and 1970s because those were how I first read most of them.

Bearbeitet: Nov. 25, 2009, 1:56 pm

Oh, I do not think I will ever get rid of my Abagar paperbacks (they published most of the Poirots and Miss Marples in the90s here) and that's one of the first series I was buying when I could afford them. :) I just want to get them all in English and in hardcover if I can :)

Guess I will just order one of the facsimile ones and see how I like it.

Thanks for taking the time to answer :)