Zweig: The Post Office Girl

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Zweig: The Post Office Girl

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Jan. 3, 2010, 6:18 pm

Discuss Zweig's The Post Office Girl in this thread. It would seem many are starting the year with this book.

Jan. 3, 2010, 9:08 pm

Cross-posting from the Reading Zweig thread:

I just finished The Post-Office Girl yesterday and thought it was pretty amazing. Here's my LT Review. It's also on my blog.

Would love to hear thoughts on this book from others.

Jan. 22, 2010, 12:50 pm

I finished The Post-Office Girl yesterday. Three pages in, I was hooked. I found this book mesmerizing, absolutely!~!
I enjoyed the characters, actually cared about most of them. Her sister was a real bitch, but it happens. I loved how Zweig portrayed Christine in one way at home in her daily life and she completely blossomed under his pen when she was invited on holiday and during that time. It felt so real to me as I do see people behaving differently in different places, circumstances, and situations.
This was my first Stefan Zweig but I can guarantee you that it will not be my last. I have already put all of his books that my library has on hold but they only have (other than this one) his biography types of Marie Antoinette, Magellan, and one other that I cannot remember right now. But perhaps they can order from their partner-library.
Anyway, this book easily rates 5 stars from me. I thought it exceptionally good!~!

Jan. 23, 2010, 8:43 am

Glad you enjoyed it, Belva!

Jan. 26, 2010, 4:48 am

Amazing, wonderful book. I just couldn't stop reading it. I felt Christine's disillusionment with life echoed Zweig's own, sometimes just surviving the war is not enough. I did think the two parts were a bit uneven with the first part much better.

Unfortunately, my library only has The Post Office Girl and Chess so I will have to look elsewhere for his other books, maybe an interlibrary loan. I am so glad this group introduced me to Stefan Zweig. I hadn't even heard of him prior to this.

Mai 31, 2010, 2:49 pm

Spectacular book! Like everyone else, I couldn't put it down. The first part, especially, went by quickly, almost in a blur (like Christine's stay in Switzerland). It is one of those rare books that I want to re-read as soon as I've finished it, but maybe more slowly next time.

The description of the effects the war had on Christine, how quickly she lost her youth, was the most heartbreaking part of the book. In light of that, all her naive hopefulness while on vacation, and her bitterness and rage when she had to return to her normal life, felt very real and true.

I loved the ending, too, and am going to believe that everything worked out for them.