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Sword in the Stars (The Dark Sea Annals)

von Wayne Thomas Batson

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Haunted by memories of a violent past, Alastair Coldhollow wagers his life on the hope that a sword will appear in the stars and the foretold Halfainin, the Pathwalker, would come.
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Deep in the depths of imagination is a story that I was challenged with. It was hard at first for me to follow all the creatures and mystical beings. There were times when the battles were graphic but for me it added just the right amount to vividly see the adventure unfold. I really liked the battle with the dragon at the beginning of the story. The author has a way with descriptive words which place readers in the arena watching as one by one the dragon prevailed.

I suddenly found myself really into the story as Alistair became this person who seemed lost and hoping for forgiveness from his past. He is a worthy opponent and does have a soft side which he tries to hide from others. There is definitely darkness throughout the story and a vast array of creatures that would scare anyone. I began to wonder what all these battles, kings and creatures where trying to project. These are just my thoughts and maybe someone else will see the story in a different way. Alistair is always looking for Halfanin. He is always seeking for that someone, a being , anything that would forgive him. Isn't that what we do? We want forgiveness, but at times don't realize that God is right there waiting with arms wide open.

There is another part in the story that took my breath away. Lady Abbagael is quite the character. Alistair has called on her to help with a baby he has been given to protect. There are a few laughs when they banter over how to take care of the baby. The most significant part for me was in the midst of the battle, the baby who seemed to be covered in blood was unharmed. Perhaps what Alistair had been searching for all this time, was right there in front of him. A mere infant clothed in cloth, innocent and yet full of hope.

I fell in love with the Willowfolk and wanted to be in their presence. They had an aura of peace around them, but were fierce when protecting each other. The author has written such a wonderful story that takes readers on a journey like none has ever imagined. The genius of the authors' writing has surpassed many others who write in this genre. It is brilliant and the ending is nothing short of epic. I have become a fan although at first I was overwhelmed by all the characters in the book. Well done story and a series of battles make this book a must read. Don't miss your chance to read a book rich in imagination and filled with truths and lessons.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. ( )
  Harley0326 | Nov 6, 2018 |
I really enjoyed this book of fantasy. This was a really interesting world. This is a bit like the Bible taking place in a different time and place. I loved Alastair who has turned his life around. I loved all the different characters. I especially like Abbagael and Telwyn. I am looking forward to seeing how this series continues in the next book. I received a copy of this book from Celebratelit for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will. ( )
  Virginia51 | Nov 5, 2018 |
A great book! Mr. Batson does it again! Great characters, plot, and subplots. Buy it now. ( )
  Belac2 | May 8, 2012 |
A destroyed man. Identical twin kings who don’t have similar plans for the kingdom. A world hanging in the balance with only One who can save it.
Alastair is a man searching; whether for peace of mind, someone to save him and the world through The Halflainin, or for relief from life in the bottom of a bottle of Whitchdrale, he is searching. I like him because he doesn't know, he is uncertain, lost even. So often in books the hero might not know what to do but they just keep pushing on, thinking it will work out. Alastair falls over and over because of his past life, he is more real then most characters in books now a days. I felt I needed to read this book, I found strength in Alastair to get me through my life. He had me thinking, if Alastair can get up so can I.
Abbagael who has so much spunk, perseverance, and determination that you can't help but love her. She is caring, smart, and funny, good with a bow as well. She is so much like me, I had to laugh at myself as I laughed at her. She reflects what I think most girls wish they were like and gives them courage. Wayne Thomas Batson didn’t make her a true warrior women which I felt was wise, so often authors make girls just a strong/fierce as the men and some girls might be like this but not all, he added depth to the whole story through her.
There are two villains, I can't decide which one is my "favorite" bad guy. Morlan the jealous, power hungry, almost above genius king. Or the psychopathic, autopsy, assassin, and right hand man Crythraul. Wayne Thomas Batson did a great job telling us about Morlan. He didn't swamp us with detail so that we understand him too much, he gave us just what is needed to wrap our minds around the traitorous things he has done and has in mind.
As for the land, Myriad, I felt like I knew in a matter of moments. With the Marinaen, who can breath underwater, the Windborne men with wings, and many more great races like:
Shepherds- their job is to give council, and fight if needed, also their rather cool powers.
Willowfolk - which you have to love becausetheytalklikethis, and are just a lot of fun.
Gorracks - which are evil in their own right, not quite human yet not a true beast, I love how Wayne Thomas Batson did that.
Now I know a lot of people will be saying “to many”. To many races, to many places, to many characters, just to many! And I will admit, there was a lot to learn in Myriad. I feel a map would have helped tremendously, but I also enjoyed having to slow down to read this book. This is a book so deep you have to stop and enjoy it.
I had fun looking within the story for references to other books I have read like: Le-Saide and Fane from the White Lion Chronicles by Christopher Hopper, or Librettowit from Donita K. Pauls Dragon Keeper series and many more which I am sure I missed. Also I knew some of the people mentioned in the book.
Sword in the Stars is a book that’s target age is older then most of Wayne Thomas Batson’s books. I like that fact, I think he is staying with his readers as they grow up as well.
Overall I really enjoyed learning of Myraid’s history in a way I have never seen an author do before. 5 Stars! ( )
  Goldarrow | Dec 13, 2010 |
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Haunted by memories of a violent past, Alastair Coldhollow wagers his life on the hope that a sword will appear in the stars and the foretold Halfainin, the Pathwalker, would come.

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