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Star Wars: Legacy, Volume 10: Extremes

von John Ostrander, Jan Duursema (Illustrator)

Weitere Autoren: Dan Parsons (Illustrator)

Reihen: Star Wars: Legacy (Volume 10), Star Wars Legends/ EU (non-canon) ((Legacy GN 47-50) 138 ABY), Krieg der Sterne [Franchise]

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652418,308 (4.04)Keine
One hundred thirty-three years after Luke Skywalker made his final stand against the Emperor and Darth Vader, the Galactic Alliance, Emperor-in-exile Roan Fel's forces, and the reunited Jedi Order are finally ready to take on the Sith Empire. Everyone is out of hiding, and the battle lines have been drawn! Cade Skywalker is back in action, as well--leading a personal vendetta against the Sith and brought to the brink of having to accept his family legacy or deny it once and for all! • The galaxy united against the Sith Empire! • Collects Star Wars: Legacy #47-#50.… (mehr)
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Had a minor heart attack after finishing reading this book, since I thought for a second that it was the final book in the series and had left us with a stunning cliffhanger. Thankfully, there's one more volume in which Cade Skywalker and company have the chance to wrest control of the galaxy back from Darth Krayt and the One Sith. ( )
  JaimieRiella | Feb 25, 2021 |
As this volume opens, the Galactic Alliance Remnant finally engages openly with the Sith Empire on a massive scale, swooping in to the save the Mon Calamari from genocide.  As always, Gar Stazi is awesome, running into what he knows is a trap and still managing to win.  Well, sort off-- even that many ships can evacuate only a scant fraction of the total population of Dac.  But it's great space battle action nonetheless.

After that, Extremes struggles to insert Cade Skywalker and his buddies into the ongoing plotline about the war between the Sith Empire and the rest of the galaxy.  Cade, who since his rejection of the Dark Side has been exclusively pursuing bounties on Sith, ends up protecting Gar Stazi from an assassination attempt.  The story is a rushed attempt to tie up Legacy (the series was originally cancelled with this volume) and not altogether interesting.  It has its moments, but it's small-scale, so thankfully this wasn't the actual end of Legacy.  The large-scale political plotline and the small-scale Cade one just can't be wedded successfully as attempted here.  (Though it was highly amusing to see Delilah Blue flirting with Stazi.)

There's also a plotline about Antares Draco rescuing Princess Marasiah from the Sith.  This would be more interesting if 1) we'd ever seen or even heard of Draco's old master who turned evil before it was dramatically revealed he was not dead or 2) we didn't know from Broken was Marasiah is a kickass warrior who doesn't need rescuing, thank you very much.

But it's not the end, as the final moments reveal... the galaxy has more troubles to come...
  Stevil2001 | Feb 24, 2012 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
John OstranderHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Duursema, JanIllustratorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Parsons, DanIllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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One hundred thirty-three years after Luke Skywalker made his final stand against the Emperor and Darth Vader, the Galactic Alliance, Emperor-in-exile Roan Fel's forces, and the reunited Jedi Order are finally ready to take on the Sith Empire. Everyone is out of hiding, and the battle lines have been drawn! Cade Skywalker is back in action, as well--leading a personal vendetta against the Sith and brought to the brink of having to accept his family legacy or deny it once and for all! • The galaxy united against the Sith Empire! • Collects Star Wars: Legacy #47-#50.

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