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Der verschollene Krieger

von Erin Hunter

Weitere Autoren: Siehe Abschnitt Weitere Autoren.

Reihen: Zeichen der Sterne (5), Warrior Cats (23), Warriors Chronology (Omen of the Stars: 5)

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When an outsider appears in the ThunderClan's midst, it drives the Clans further apart and as tension mounts they must decide who they can trust before it is too late.
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The Forgotten Warrior by Erin Hunter is one of many books in the bestselling Warriors series. This series follows the lives of cats that live in the forest. They are separated into four Clans: ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan. They live by the warrior code, given to them by the spirits of their ancestors. The spirits of dead cats make up StarClan, a heavenly place where cats go when they die.

In this book, Jayfeather, ThunderClan’s medicine cat, has just returned from a trip to the mountains along with Dovewing, Foxleap, and Squirrelflight, who are warriors of ThunderClan. Dovewing struggles to forget bad memories from the mountains. Meanwhile, her sister Ivypool continues to train in the Dark Forest as a spy for ThunderClan. The Dark Forest is where the spirits of dead cats go if they did bad things when they were alive. In the story, the Dark Forest cats are planning to launch an attack on all of the Clans and destroy them. Ivypool pretends to be a loyal Dark Forest warrior as she trains there in her dreams, when really she’s waiting for information about the deadly battle.

Another threat soon appears in ThunderClan. A cat named Sol, who terrorized the Clans in the past, returns as a supposed peaceful guest. But then Dovewing and Ivypool overhear him plotting with WindClan cats to attack ThunderClan through a series of underground tunnels. The two sisters are then rescued from the tunnels by Hollyleaf, a former warrior whom every cat thought was dead. Hollyleaf returns to ThunderClan and helps them prepare for the battle against WindClan. Throughout the story, every Clan cat is on their guard, even those of StarClan, anxiously waiting for the battle of the Dark Forest. No cat knows who to trust, but they must decide quickly before it’s too late.

The Forgotten Warrior by Erin Hunter is an action packed book. The characters are cats, but they seem human in the way that they care for each other and will defend their Clan no matter what. I thought it was a very interesting story and found it hard to stop reading once I’d started. The cats’ struggle for survival and the vivid images created by the words are what make this book all the more impossible to put down. I would recommend this book and this series to anyone who is a cat-lover and likes a good action story. ( )
  br14kafr | May 18, 2014 |
Hollyleaf is back!!!!!!!!!!! Meanwhile, the Dark forest is preparing for battle. Longtail faces the rest of his destiny: in StarClan!!!!! :( (a.k.a. he died) ( )
  kenzie12368 | Jun 19, 2012 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Erin HunterHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Andrews, MacLeodErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Special thanks to Cherith Baldry
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Brambles rustled at the edge of a wood as a cat emerged into the open.
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When an outsider appears in the ThunderClan's midst, it drives the Clans further apart and as tension mounts they must decide who they can trust before it is too late.

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