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Dark Visions (2011)

von Jonas Saul

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Eighteen-year-old Sarah Roberts experiences blackouts from which she wakes to notes written by her own hand. Prophecies. Dark Visions. Future events with dire consequences only she can avert. Sarah is an Automatic Writer who suffers from a rare obsessive-compulsive disorder called trichotillomania. She receives a message that details a kidnapping and what she can do to stop it. She has averted kidnappings before. The notes are quite specific. She's convinced it won't be that hard. But things go wrong when the kidnappers spot her. People are killed. Witnesses place Sarah at the scene. The police find her notebook riddled with prophecies of accidents and crimes, and they want answers. Sarah is in a fight for her life with no one to trust and a kidnapping ring who only want to find out how she knows so much about them. The police are hunting her for very different reasons and her parents think she's at a sleepover.… (mehr)
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I liked this i am interested in more. This is the second book in John saul i have read i like the style ( )
  Everlord42 | Dec 5, 2023 |
From Amazon: Eighteen-year-old Sarah Roberts experiences blackouts. When she wakes, notes are written in her own hand. Prophecies. Dark Visions. Future events with dire consequences only she can avert.
Sarah is an Automatic Writer who suffers from a rare obsessive-compulsive disorder called, trichotillomania.

She receives a message that details a kidnapping and what she can do to stop it. She has averted kidnappings before. The notes are quite specific. She's convinced this one won't be that hard.
But things go wrong when the kidnappers recognize her. People are killed. Witnesses place Sarah at the scene. The police find her notebook riddled with prophecies of accidents and crimes - they want answers.

Talk about reading out of order.... i read #11 first, and gave it a so-so review, knowing that it would be more fair to start at the beginning. This girl has troubles, yup - social troubles, psyche troubles, parent troubles, troubles with cops and bad guys.

My biggest criticism on this novel would be that Sarah accepts situations so calmly that the reader doesn't get drawn into the suspense or tension of the moment.

( )
  ker95tx | May 27, 2020 |
I was a little torn when it come to Dark Visions. I liked the book and I liked the story I just felt like it was all over the place.
I think that the idea of the notebook, the blackouts, the cryptic messages was great the other ideas but I felt that the book was all over the place. I also think that the book took to long to get the point and when the point happened it was all done! I am not sure whether I will read the next book if I do it will have to be free and after the other 5,000 books on my Kindle. ( )
  Angel.Carter | Aug 11, 2016 |
This is a well written book with an intense plot that will keep you seating on the edge of your chair for most of the book. The characters are well defined and the environment richly described, making you feel the story as if you were there, cheering for Sarah.
Sarah is a young lady who writes mysterious messages during black-outs, warning about bad things to happen in the future, and she works alone to prevent those things to happen, without the knowledge even of her parents. But after preventing one kidnapping from happening, she was spotted by the kidnappers on a second try six months later. When the kidnappers saw her at the place where they should get their victim, they aborted their original plan and took her instead. The drama develops in a fast pace and the twists in the story will keep you hooked until you turn the last page.
I recommend this book to the permanent library of all readers who appreciate a nice thriller/suspense story with psychic touches. ( )
  rmattos | Jan 23, 2016 |
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Eighteen-year-old Sarah Roberts experiences blackouts from which she wakes to notes written by her own hand. Prophecies. Dark Visions. Future events with dire consequences only she can avert. Sarah is an Automatic Writer who suffers from a rare obsessive-compulsive disorder called trichotillomania. She receives a message that details a kidnapping and what she can do to stop it. She has averted kidnappings before. The notes are quite specific. She's convinced it won't be that hard. But things go wrong when the kidnappers spot her. People are killed. Witnesses place Sarah at the scene. The police find her notebook riddled with prophecies of accidents and crimes, and they want answers. Sarah is in a fight for her life with no one to trust and a kidnapping ring who only want to find out how she knows so much about them. The police are hunting her for very different reasons and her parents think she's at a sleepover.

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