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Where All the Dead Lie

von J. T. Ellison

Reihen: Taylor Jackson (7)

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14512195,158 (3.96)4
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

In her showdown with the murderous Pretender, a bullet taken at close range severed the connection between Taylor's thoughts and speech. Effectively mute, there's no telling if her voice will ever come back. Trapped in silence, she is surrounded by ghosts--of the past, of friendships and trusts lost...of a lost faith in herself and her motives that night.

When Memphis Highsmythe offers Taylor his home in the Scottish Highlands to recuperate, her fianc can't refuse her excitement, no matter his distrust of the man. At first, Memphis's drafty and singularly romantic castle seems the perfect place for healing. But shortly the house itself surrounds her like a menacing presence. As Taylor's sense of isolation and vulnerability grows, so, too, does her grip on reality.

Someone or something is coming after Taylor. But is she being haunted by the dead...or hunted by the living?
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#7 in series. Taylor is barely recovering from her gunshot to the head & frozen vocal cords and is now out of the hospital and home. Suffering PTSD and betrayal from Baldwin she decides to take Highsmythe up on his offer to stay in his castle to recover. Making the trip to Scotland, Taylor holes up in the castle and slowly starts losing her mind. Is it pills, alcohol, or Highsmythe? Starting therapy with a new Dr. friend of Highsmythes she starts making breakthroughs but something isn't right. Closed off from everyone she loves, Taylor slowly starts a descent into madness. But us she being helped along the way by power of suggestion, really seeing ghosts, or is it all in her head? Fast paced & page turner to get to the answers ( )
  LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
A murderous psychopath doesn't kill Nashville Homicide Lieutenant Taylor Jackson when he shoots her in the head, but she has lost her ability to speak and will face in the aftermath the greatest trial of her life. Leaving her financee Baldwin in Nashville, she takes up an offer of the beauty of the Scottish Highlands and the peace and quiet of an exquisite Scottish castle for as long as she feels she needs to recover her lost ability to speak and to straighten out the confusion and rid herself of the constant nightmares and fear. What befalls her instead is the solid conviction she is losing her mind. ( )
  SmithfieldJones | Jul 24, 2021 |
Loved, loved, loved this book. I didn't read this in sequence. I just dove it. Loved the setting, the snow, the characters, the female friendships, the use of technology. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Almost didn't get off my train a few times. Well done, JT! Thank you for a fascinating story. ( )
  BranC | Mar 31, 2016 |
Detective Taylor Jackson because of the tragic experiences described in the previous book, loses her voice. The fact that she can not go back to work and the tense situation between her and her fiancé, Baldwin, boosts her frustration. So when the Scottish aristocrat Memphis who is half in love with her offers her a trip to his castle, Taylor agrees without hesitation.

What I definitely didn’t like are some lengthy, occupying almost half of the book, non-criminal threads. I nearly abandoned the book because of the excess of the ‘romantic’ threads. Anyway, the issue crime is instant. I have the impression that the author, describing the emotional turmoil of heroes, suddenly discovered that she writes a crime story and she packed all the action in several chapters so the novel did not get too long. The idea of the intrigue allows for more extensive descriptions of the atmosphere of terror and madness, throwing suspicion on one person and another or, finally, a long process of investigation.

I also didn’t like the actions taken by Taylor in her personal life. Her behaviour toward Memphis is unfair to Baldwin. Taylor is aware of the intentions of Memphis, but deliberately does not set clear boundaries in their relationship. She also does not have any remorse when she thinks she betrayed Baldwin. For her this is just a problem that Baldwin must deal with.

The plot is largely unreal. However, if someone does not mind the solutions like some fake deaths and children changed at birth, can reach for this book. It would make a wonderful movie. There are some handsome and rich men in love with a cop with a complicated past, the castle standing on the heaths and secrets from the past. ( )
  Sarielle | Aug 10, 2014 |
Slow and boring start... More like a chick-let. I am reading J.T. Ellison because usually she writes engaging crime stories. The last third of the book was fast paced and intriguing, but after finishing it I still feel it is a bit far fetched. ( )
  Crissu | May 1, 2013 |
“Where all the Dead Lie” by JT Ellison:

Taylor Jackson is a steadfast Nashville homicide detective with a spine of steel, who has never met an obstacle she couldn’t overcome. Taylor feels the need to get away and goes to her friend Memphis’ castle in England. While there, she finds herself stranded during a blizzard. Memphis is away on a case and not long after he leaves, she discovers someone is trying to get her out of the way.
There are many players in this game of who-dun-it, and no one is what they seem. The guilty choices: Memphis, castle owner and the man in lust with Taylor, but still nursing a broken heart over his wife Evan’s “death.” Trixie, the maid who’s always ready with a spot of tea—drugged tea? Maddee, the psychiatrist friend of Memphis, who “only wants to help.” Or, maybe after being shot and almost killed by the serial killer, ‘The Pretender,’ hasn’t only left Taylor mute, but crazy.
With help from the outside via her cell phone, computer, her fiancé John—also a detective—and her friends Sam and Lincoln, Taylor finds information on everyone involved that leads her to believe not only has she placed her trust in the wrong people, but she is most definitely in mortal danger.
Taylor eventually finds a couple of allies inside the castle to help until John arrives. Lucky for Taylor, he was on the trail of a missing co-worker and winds up in Amsterdam, much closer to her than Nashville.
I have to say, when I first started reading this book I thought I would lose my mind half-way through. Ellison had stories inside her story and none of them were culminating, but…I read on. It was well worth the wait! Every story she had going came together in one dramatic, fantastic, exciting, sitting on the edge of my seat climax! I loved this book! The ending—I won’t ruin it—was superb. Ellison brought the English language to a new high. I was duly impressed.

Reviewed by Terri Ann Armstrong, author of “Morning Menace” & “Medieval Menace”

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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

In her showdown with the murderous Pretender, a bullet taken at close range severed the connection between Taylor's thoughts and speech. Effectively mute, there's no telling if her voice will ever come back. Trapped in silence, she is surrounded by ghosts--of the past, of friendships and trusts lost...of a lost faith in herself and her motives that night.

When Memphis Highsmythe offers Taylor his home in the Scottish Highlands to recuperate, her fianc can't refuse her excitement, no matter his distrust of the man. At first, Memphis's drafty and singularly romantic castle seems the perfect place for healing. But shortly the house itself surrounds her like a menacing presence. As Taylor's sense of isolation and vulnerability grows, so, too, does her grip on reality.

Someone or something is coming after Taylor. But is she being haunted by the dead...or hunted by the living?

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