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Blackwater Sound (2001)

von James W. Hall

Reihen: Thorn PI (7)

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305489,322 (3.6)1
The Braswell family had everything people would kill for: money, looks, power. But their eldest son, the family's shining light, died in a bizarre fishing accident. And when he disappeared-hauled into the depths by the giant marlin he had been fighting-he took with him a secret so corrupt that it could destroy the Braswells. Ten years later, a huge airliner crashes in the steamy shallows off the Florida coast, killing all aboard. Helping pull bodies from the water, Thorn finds himself drawn into a bizarre conspiracy: someone has developed a high tech weapon capable of destroying electrical systems in a powerful flash. The terrorist potential is huge. How are the secretive Braswells and their family-owned company, MicroDyne, involved? And what does it have to do with the family's obsessive hunt for the great marlin that killed their golden boy? With the Braswells, James W. Hall introduces one of the most evil and dysfunctional families in the history of fiction. And, along with Thorn, he brings back favorite characters from his earlier books, including Alexandra Rafferty and her father, Lawton Collins, a retired and increasingly dotty former police investigator whose methods of investigation result in his kidnapping. A story that bristles with all the heat and tension of a tropical Florida summer, Blackwater Sound is destined to rank among the greatest suspense thrillers of the new decade.… (mehr)
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This is my first book by this author. He's a good writer but I might not finish the book.

I'm currently in search of good thriller writers I have run out of John D. McDonald and Lee Child books. I've read good things about James W. Hall and his Thorn series. I'm not impressed by this book. Reads like and old James Bond novel. I'm sure Dr. Evil will appear in a later chapter.

For Florida based thrillers I've discovered authors Randy Wayne White, and Les Standiford. ( )
  ikeman100 | May 18, 2020 |
Loved this installment in the Thorn series and when I passed it along to the bartender at Nippers on Guana Cay, she gave me a couple free drinks! No library on the island and they love James W. Hall books! ( )
  JoniMFisher | Sep 19, 2019 |
Well written thriller about a secret weapon set in an evocative Florida. ( )
  edwardsgt | Apr 28, 2007 |
De familie Braswell bezat alles waar mensen bereid zijn een moord voor te doen: geld, aanzien, macht.
Maar hun oudste zoon, het genie van de familie, verloor bij een bizar ongeluk tijdens het vissen het leven. En toen hij verdween - meegetrokken de diepte in door een reusachtige marlijn - nam hij een geheim met zich mee dat zó verdorven was dat het de Braswells zou kunnen vernietigen.

Tien jaar later stort een vliegtuig neer voor de kust van Florida. Als Thorn, die toevallig ter plaatse is, helpt met het redden van overlevenden, merkt hij al snel dat er sprake is van een gevaarlijke samenzwering: iemand heeft een high-tech wapen ontwikkeld dat in staat is met één krachtige stroomstoot elektrische systemen te vernietigen. Dit wapen mag absoluut niet in handen van terroristen vallen.

Op welke manier zijn de geheimzinnige Braswells en hun familiebedrijf, MicroDyne, bij dit alles betrokken? En wat heeft het precies te maken met de obsessieve jacht van de familie naar de blauwe marlijn die hun briljante zoon heeft gedood?
  Juliette2701 | Apr 8, 2007 |
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Thorn had brought along the .357 magnum not because he was worried about being attacked by pirates, but because he wanted to give the pistol a long-overdue burial at sea.
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The Braswell family had everything people would kill for: money, looks, power. But their eldest son, the family's shining light, died in a bizarre fishing accident. And when he disappeared-hauled into the depths by the giant marlin he had been fighting-he took with him a secret so corrupt that it could destroy the Braswells. Ten years later, a huge airliner crashes in the steamy shallows off the Florida coast, killing all aboard. Helping pull bodies from the water, Thorn finds himself drawn into a bizarre conspiracy: someone has developed a high tech weapon capable of destroying electrical systems in a powerful flash. The terrorist potential is huge. How are the secretive Braswells and their family-owned company, MicroDyne, involved? And what does it have to do with the family's obsessive hunt for the great marlin that killed their golden boy? With the Braswells, James W. Hall introduces one of the most evil and dysfunctional families in the history of fiction. And, along with Thorn, he brings back favorite characters from his earlier books, including Alexandra Rafferty and her father, Lawton Collins, a retired and increasingly dotty former police investigator whose methods of investigation result in his kidnapping. A story that bristles with all the heat and tension of a tropical Florida summer, Blackwater Sound is destined to rank among the greatest suspense thrillers of the new decade.

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