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Die Drenai-Saga: Winterkrieger

von David Gemmell

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Reihen: Drenai-Saga (08), Drenai: Chronological order (12)

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884825,313 (3.92)3
Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:Winged demons gather, silent and unseen, above the city of Usa, their talons long and sharp. Their purpose is clear, as is the prophesy: Upon the deaths of the three kings, the demon riders of the Krayakin will become flesh, free to slake their thirst with human blood - and the stench of evil will cover the land.  

Two of the kings are already dead. For the prophesy to be fulfilled, spreading carnage across the world, the Demon Lord must sacrifice the third king: Queen Axiana's unborn child.

When Emperor Skanda disbands his army, the pregnant queen takes flight, pursued by the Lords of the Undead. All hope lies with three ancient heroes, though discarded by the emperor, they are still Drenai soldiers: Bison the giant, Kebra the bowman, and the great swordsman Nogusta - the Demon Lord's greatest foe. But will these warriors - once the best in the land - be enough to stem the tide of gruesome horror that threatens to envelop the world?
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    Eisenthron von George R. R. Martin (Anonymer Nutzer)
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Yet to read a Gemmell book I haven't enjoyed.
This book falls short because I feel I have read it all before.
Different era, different character names - but basically the same characters and general story as previous books, particularly Quest for Lost Heroes.
I'd rather a follow up story with previous characters than a new generation with new stereotypical characters.
The only difference this book had was a raising of stakes from country vs country to world vs demon invasion. ( )
  stubooks | Apr 4, 2024 |
Now that, my friends, is a book cover. I love great art on the cover of a novel and, in my mind, Winter Warriors certainly falls into that category. If being picky I would have the bird removed but as it has a significance in the story it's fine where it is.
Winter Warriors is the tale of three ageing warriors who are thrust to the forefront of a fight against demonic forces. Those forces, to be unleashed upon the world in all their evil fury, need the sacrificial blood of three kings. The first two come easily but the third is who the story revolves around.
The third king is actually heir to the throne as he is yet to be born when the novel begins. The three warriors Nogusta who is a great swordsman, Kebra the Bowman and Bison the giant vow to protect the unborn child and his mother, the queen, with their lives. Do they succeed?
As any regular visitors to my blog know I love David Gemmell's work. This novel was no exception and it is of course filled with all of Gemmell's hallmarks such as main characters who are easy to relate to, great dialogue, heroic deeds, joy and despair. Yes, despair. He always gets me with the despair and it's very rare I read a Gemmell novel without tears welling up in my eyes at one point or another. It takes a great talent to get me emotionally invested in a novel and great talent is something the author certainly had. I say "had" in the past tense as David Gemmell passed away back in 2006.
If you like a supernatural element in your novels then you will find magic, sorcery, demons and spiritual possession within these pages. The story itself would not have worked anywhere near as well without those supernatural elements and so it forms the backbone of the story itself.
As much as I loved Winter Warriors I wasn't reading it with blinkers on and there were a few things I didn't like. Firstly, it took a while for the story to drag me in as it focused too much on building up the characters at the beginning - around the first quarter of the book was used to lay the foundation of the story. That paid off in the end when the story reached a climax and I didn't know who was going to die or who was going to survive but the beginning didn't need to be as fleshed out as much as it was. Also, the main city is called Usa, as in oo-sar, but due to conditioning I read it as the name of the country. Perhaps that can be seen as the fault of the reader but I think most people seeing Usa would read it as the abbreviation for United States of America and, for me at least, that kept pulling me out of the story whenever I read it.
Overall though this was a magical tale of great quality and wonderful story telling. It was the type of book that left me sad once it had ended and made it difficult to start reading something new. ( )
  BookMarcBlogpants | Mar 19, 2011 |
Another of Gemmell's popular themes. Three older warriors, once heroes, now partially forgotten must save themselves and the kingdom again, even if it looks impossible and they won't get the credit in the end. Unlike some others this features a team of heroes so the dynamics are a bit different, but still typical David Gemmell. Good stuff for sword and sorcery fans, though mostly sword. ( )
  Karlstar | Feb 3, 2010 |
Winter Warriors is more akin to the Dragons series of books by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman. There are prophecies, evil wizards, treacherous demons, a city befouled, and lots of protagonists to follow. Whereas Gemmell's work is usually tight and grounded in war, Winter Warriors definitely follows a different path. The plot is somewhat unoriginal, however Gemmell is a masterful author and ensures the characters are well defined (for some have appeared in a previous Drenai tale) and the relationships between them are fraught with tension and honour. It's a book that you won't put down, although it's not Gemmell's best work. An enjoyable fantasy romp. ( )
  SonicQuack | Jan 15, 2009 |
Three old ex-soldiers fought against the forces of Darkness. Classic! ( )
  raistz | Nov 18, 2008 |
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David GemmellHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Howe, JohnUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Royo, LuisUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Dank aan mijn uitgeefster, Lisa Reeves; Proeflezers Val Gemmell en Stella Graham; Persklaarmaker Carol Johnson; corrector Michael Bennie: en aan Alan Fischer, wiens commentaar van onschatbare waarde is
Mijn speciale dank gaat uit naar mijn petekind, Cloe Reeves, voor de vreugde van haar gezelschap.
Dertig jaar geleden zag ik een jonge vrouw in de stromende regen langs een rotswand omhoog klimmen. Ze was te klein om de hogere steunpunten te bereiken en ze had geen schijn van kans om de top te halen, maar ze bleef zich aan de rotswand vastklemmen en vertikte het zich te laten zakken, tot ze uiteindelijk van uitputting wel moest loslaten. Twintig jaar later wilde dezelfde vrouw de marathon van Londen in minder dan vier uur lopen. Na tweeëntwintig kilometer brak ze haar voet - en rende door naar de finish in drie uur en negenenvijftig minuten. De winterkrijgers wordt met veel liefde opgedragen aan Valerie Gemmell.
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Aan de nachtelijke hemel boven de bergen was geen wolkje te bekennen en de sterren leken diamanten op zwart fluweel.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:Winged demons gather, silent and unseen, above the city of Usa, their talons long and sharp. Their purpose is clear, as is the prophesy: Upon the deaths of the three kings, the demon riders of the Krayakin will become flesh, free to slake their thirst with human blood - and the stench of evil will cover the land.  

Two of the kings are already dead. For the prophesy to be fulfilled, spreading carnage across the world, the Demon Lord must sacrifice the third king: Queen Axiana's unborn child.

When Emperor Skanda disbands his army, the pregnant queen takes flight, pursued by the Lords of the Undead. All hope lies with three ancient heroes, though discarded by the emperor, they are still Drenai soldiers: Bison the giant, Kebra the bowman, and the great swordsman Nogusta - the Demon Lord's greatest foe. But will these warriors - once the best in the land - be enough to stem the tide of gruesome horror that threatens to envelop the world?

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