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Heroes Live Forever

von Chris Karlsen

Reihen: Knights in Time (book 1)

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Elinor Hawthorne has inherited a house that is haunted by the ghosts of two medieval knights, Basil Manneville and Guy Guiscard. Basil is the man of her dreams, her knight in shining armor. She falls in love with him and he with her. Basil soon realizes she needs to live a normal life, a happy life with a mortal. A lifetime later fate intervenes. Basil, still in love with Elinor, is told that her spirit lives on in a young woman and is given another chance at life to find her. --From book cover.… (mehr)
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A lovely romance spanning centuries. Ghosts are a part of Elinor's life...they have been her obsession and now she finds she lives with two of them. But one holds her interest and will eventually hold her heart. Basil is a 14th century knight who has been condemned along with his best friend to wander the earth. He strives to accept this life, but finds no interest as does Guy his friend in the new world. And then Elinor moves into their home and his interest is piqued. Their love becomes tangible over time and soon Basil must make a decision that could cost him everything or gain him his life back.
Ian is a historian who meets Miranda on the set of a show he is doing for her company. Immediately he feels a bond with her and pursues the woman endlessly. He manipulates her career to bring her closer, only to push her further away. Ian only wants Miranda to remember...remember the love they shared two centuries ago when he was a ghost and she his lady love. ( )
  wndy2011 | Dec 14, 2015 |
What a wonderful book and the cover fits the story perfectly. I found myself completely and utterly immersed in the world created by Chris Karlsen. Her characters were well developed and I fell in love with all of them.

This is a romantic story of a wonderful knight who is given a second chance of life and love. As a ghost he falls in love with Elinor who has inherited his ancestrial lands. It is a delightful tale with romance and humor. It was hard to put down. I highly recommend it and I plan to read her next novel.
( )
  booksto.gonow | Nov 25, 2014 |
Reviewed by Bri
Review copy provided by Chris Karlsen
I’m all for paranormal novels. As an author of paranormal romance, reviewer, and all around lifetime reader, I love the genre as a whole. My usual reads are vampires, werewolves, witches, and fey. Mostly other worlds and the occasional set in modern times but with a whole other hierarchy in conjunction with present day.

Aside from paranormal I’m a big historical romance reader, Highlander, knights, the Regency period are some of my favorites. Never that I can remember have I read a novel that took ghosts, reincarnation, history, present day and romance and blended it into a novel of such quality.

I found myself pissed by the middle of the book because I did not want it to go that way. I was unsure of exactly how it should go, but I did not like what was happening. That’s fabulous thing though. Often times I can discover a plot way before the end. Additionally I was invested and still am in Elinor and Basil. Their love is something to revel in.

However, my truly favorite character of Guy. He’s a regular rake knight in shining armor. Lucky for me he gets his own book this month. Moreover, I’m hoping that I’ll get my hands on it soon.

A true must read. ( )
  RtB | Jan 22, 2012 |
School teacher Elinor Hawthorne inherits from her grandmother a house in Scotland. Soon enough, she begins to suspect something strange is going on in the house. Naturally, Elinor has common sense and doesn’t believe in ghosts — that is, until she sees them.

That’s right, not one but two: Basil Manneville and Guy Guiscard, medieval knights killed in battle against the French back in the 1300s.

Though both become her confidants, she begins to fall in love with Basil. Their love, however, becomes impossible, for how can a woman have a relationship with a man in spirit form? Thus, Basil leaves her.

However, in a turn of fate and one lifetime later, Basil is given a second chance to be with her. Will their love transcend time and will they finally be together?

I throughly enjoyed reading Heroes Live Forever. It is a compelling, well-written story that combines sweet romance, fantasy and time travel. A strong-headed, feisty heroine, knights in shining armor, humor, thrilling love scenes and a magnificent setting add the perfect sprinkle of spice to the recipe. This is a romantic tale that will delight fans of the genre. Recommended!

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Elinor Hawthorne has inherited a house that is haunted by the ghosts of two medieval knights, Basil Manneville and Guy Guiscard. Basil is the man of her dreams, her knight in shining armor. She falls in love with him and he with her. Basil soon realizes she needs to live a normal life, a happy life with a mortal. A lifetime later fate intervenes. Basil, still in love with Elinor, is told that her spirit lives on in a young woman and is given another chance at life to find her. --From book cover.

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