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Knochenjagd (2012)

von Kathy Reichs

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Reihen: Temperance Brennan (15)

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1,7174610,569 (3.72)34
Forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan examines the bodies of three babies while Detective Ryan investigates their mother in a case with ties to the high-stakes world of diamond mining.
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Despite the subject matter I found it very easy to fall asleep while listening to this book. This is a good thing, actually. Since I am struggling to regain a more normal circadian rhythm. I always enjoy books by Kathy Reichs.

That being said this one did fall a tad flat for me. I think that might be because I read it out of sequence. I will come back to this one at a later time and see how I feel about it after reading the books in order. ( )
  thebacklistbook | Jul 31, 2024 |
This one was one of the worst in the series. Find her grasp of Canadian culture tenuous at best. Don’t think I have ever heard a Canadian say “patootie” or “cussed out”. And a Whitman Sampler in Yellowknife? I doubt it, you can barely find them in southern Ontario. The plot was confusing as well.
If you want to read more authentic mysteries set in Canada, try Giles Blunt’s Cardinal series. ( )
  dihiba | Jul 10, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
(2012)In Canada, Brennan tries to help track down the killer of 3 babies found mummified in a building. Takes her to Yellowknife NWT as she thinks it is part of a drug gang warfare. Turns out it was related to gold mining and the stealing of mineral rights. Showdown occurs in a gold mine with the thief who tries to stash her in a barrel containing arsenic.KIRKUS REVIEWA grisly discovery at the home of a suspected baby-killer leads forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan and the S?ret? du Qu?bec on a wild chase to the depths of far-off Edmonton and environs.Complaining of vaginal bleeding, Amy Roberts gives every sign of having recently borne a child. So when she disappears from the H?pital Honor?-Mercier, the law naturally goes after her. They don't find Amy, but they do find a slew of interchangeable false names and something much more horrible: three dead infants, one recently deceased, the others not so recently. The investigation would be ticklish even if it didn't bring Tempe together with her long-ago fling Sgt. Oliver Isaac Hasty, who's convinced against all the evidence that she wants to get back together, and Lt. Andrew Ryan, her much more recent and serious lover. The ill-matched trio follows the trail of Annaliese Ruben, if that's indeed her real name, to Edmonton, where a fellow prostitute reported her missing four months after she quit working the streets. There the case takes an abrupt turn from personal vice to grand-scale economic malfeasance with the news that Ruben's late father, Farley McLeod, had been involved in a quest for diamonds that pitted McLeod's unexpectedly numerous brood of survivors against environmental activists like Friends of the Tundra's Horace Tyne, with the DeBeers organization hovering barely offstage. Nor are the opportunities for forensic surprises at an end.Reichs (Flash and Bones, 2011, etc.) delivers solid, albeit grueling, post-mortem work, nonstop complications and enough action for a weekend at the bijou. Even if you can't keep track of all the suspects, you'll be deeply relieved when she brings down the curtain.Pub Date: Aug. 28th, 2012ISBN: 978-1-4391-0243-5Page count: 304ppPublisher: ScribnerReview Posted Online: July 22nd, 2012Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 15th, 2012
  derailer | Jan 25, 2024 |
Just like always after light book come one that hit you in the face. And not just one time. Stuff happening here.

But the patterns... those patterns again and again!

Only one book left. Last push. ( )
  WorkLastDay | Dec 17, 2023 |
The bodies of three murdered babies are found in a Montreal apartment. Ace forensic anthropologist Temp Brennan gets on the case, which takes her to Edmonton and Yellowknife and into a convoluted plot involving diamond mining.

Though the excitement is breathless and convincing, Reichs does some odd tricks with her dialogue. She seems to be aiming for speedy banter, something like an update of Hammett’s Nick and Nora Charles. Alas, Reichs’s ear is too tinny to pull off such sophisticated stuff.
hinzugefügt von VivienneR | bearbeitenThe Toronto Star, Jack Batten (Jan 21, 2013)

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Kathy ReichsHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
rosenblat, barbaraErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Bob "Airborne" Abel
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The baby's eyes startled me. So round and white and pulsing with movement.
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Forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan examines the bodies of three babies while Detective Ryan investigates their mother in a case with ties to the high-stakes world of diamond mining.

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