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von Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Weitere Autoren: Scott Magoon (Illustrator)

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3153086,196 (4.15)2
When a pair of chopsticks get separated, after some traumatic moments the two friends eventually learn to stand on their own.
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"This book is about two chopstick friends who are inseparable- they were best friends and did everything together. They had the same friends, went the same places, until one day, they became detached and were distraught. It wasn't until then that they realized how much more they could experience without being attached to each other. This book demonstrates the power in independence and experiencing life while not being by their friend's side constantly. This children's book is great for children between ages 5-8!"
  TallyChan5 | Dec 14, 2022 |
This is such a funny and cute little story!
  Jennifer.Russell | Dec 8, 2019 |
A followup to spoon. Very cute and sure to delight young readers and their parents! ( )
  Jandrew74 | May 26, 2019 |
This is a hilarious book about two best friends (a pair of chopsticks) who do everything together until the day one gets injured. At that point, the other chopstick must venture out and meet different utensils, discovering a variety of new things to love.

As with other books by Krouse Rosenthal, this title is full of clever puns and wordplay. The simple illustrations fit the text well. Although it is humorous overall, this book could also be used to talk about serious topics such as making new friends, trying new experiences, and embracing differences. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | Aug 16, 2018 |
"Chopsticks" by Amy Krouse Rosenthal is a funny book for both children and adults. While reading it to children I find myself laughing at certain jokes that Rosenthal puts in like how at one point no one was stirring, not even the spoon. Throughout this book the chopsticks are never apart, they did everything together, until one of them breaks their leg. The chopstick is put back together with glue, but is out of commission for a little while for the glue to dry and heal. The other chopstick refuses to leave his side until he is forced to get out there. By being apart the chopstick with the good leg is able to do little adventures like be a stick for pick up sticks and play with other utensils. In the end the chopsticks learn that they work really well together, but they still need to spend some time apart to experience new things. It's a good read aloud for children in kindergarten and perfect for children to start reading to themselves in first and second grade since the sentences are very short and easily readable. ( )
  CassieHurley | Apr 14, 2018 |

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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Amy Krouse RosenthalHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Magoon, ScottIllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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When a pair of chopsticks get separated, after some traumatic moments the two friends eventually learn to stand on their own.

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4 34
5 24

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