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Deadly Reckoning

von Elle James

Reihen: Devil's Shroud (1)

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"You win for now, but it isn't over." Trouble has followed pregnant artist Kayla Davies to a picturesque Oregon town where she hopes to paint away memories of a brutal attack. Instead she finds herself again gripped by fear when a woman's murder and an eerily familiar stalker coincide with her arrival. Someone is watching her...and disappearing into the dreaded fog called The Devil's Shroud. Shaken, Kayla finds comfort in the arms of Gabe McGregor, the hard-bodied town sheriff and single dad. Though he and Kayla share a powerful attraction, neither wants anything beyond an earthshaking fling. Too many lies and secrets have come between them--until another vicious attack on Kayla changes everything....… (mehr)
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After an attempt on her life, Kayla Davies leave Seattle for a small Oregon town to try and get past the trauma so she can start painting again. Its not long before she realizes that what she ran away from has followed her after a girl is found murdered with a strong resemblance to her.

Gabe McGregor left Washington where he had been a police office to come back to his home town to raise the teenage son that had been suddenly thrust on him that he had no clue about. He works for the sheriff's department in the usually quite town. Now he not only has to deal with a surly teenager but also trying to catch a murder, and protect Kayla and his growing attraction to her.

The author did a great job of giving us many suspects to choose from and left you wanting Gabe to hurry up and figure out the clues to find out who the killer was. I really liked the relationship that formed between Gabe's son and Kayla. He had gotten himself into trouble in the city for graffiti and it didnt take Kayla long to figure out that he just needed canvas and paint to express himself. ( )
  CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |
This was pretty typical except the female lead Kayla was very strong and independent. I felt like she was a woman who would not be slowed down by adversity. ( )
  krystalsbooks | Jun 24, 2012 |
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"You win for now, but it isn't over." Trouble has followed pregnant artist Kayla Davies to a picturesque Oregon town where she hopes to paint away memories of a brutal attack. Instead she finds herself again gripped by fear when a woman's murder and an eerily familiar stalker coincide with her arrival. Someone is watching her...and disappearing into the dreaded fog called The Devil's Shroud. Shaken, Kayla finds comfort in the arms of Gabe McGregor, the hard-bodied town sheriff and single dad. Though he and Kayla share a powerful attraction, neither wants anything beyond an earthshaking fling. Too many lies and secrets have come between them--until another vicious attack on Kayla changes everything....

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