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The Reign of the Brown Magician (1996)

von Lawrence Watt-Evans

Reihen: Three Worlds (3)

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1021275,573 (2.17)2
THE POWER OVER LIFE AND DEATH They called him Pelbrun the Brown Magician. He'd been plain old marketing consultant Pel Brown until the day a mystic doorway had appeared in his basement. That improbable portal had led him and his family to the magic land of Faerie; another had opened the way to the super-science universe of the Galactic Empire. But this was no fairy tale . . . At first Pel had sought the key that would take them safely home. But before he could wrest the matrix of magic away from the despot Shadow, Pel's wife and daughter were brutally murdered. Neither absolute control over the matrix nor rulership of Faerie could ease the pain in Pels heart--until he realized that the matrix held power over life and death! So this once-ordinary man set out to overturn the irrefutable laws of mortality. But even his newfound omnipotence couldn't protect him from the pitfalls that lay ahead, as both the Empire and Earth's military sought to exploit his incredible power. Then the Empire invaded Faerie--forcing Pel to fight in order to keep his dreams alive . . .… (mehr)
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The premise of this series, parallel worlds with different physical laws isn't new, but this is a decent treatment of the idea. Pel Brown, the refugee from Earth has considerable power in the world of Faerie, but the space going Empire threatens to take control of Earth. Up to this point things haven't been going well for Pel, he's gained in power and prestige but lost nearly everything else. This isn't an especially cheery series but it was good, and seems to be under-appreciated. ( )
  Karlstar | May 15, 2013 |
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THE POWER OVER LIFE AND DEATH They called him Pelbrun the Brown Magician. He'd been plain old marketing consultant Pel Brown until the day a mystic doorway had appeared in his basement. That improbable portal had led him and his family to the magic land of Faerie; another had opened the way to the super-science universe of the Galactic Empire. But this was no fairy tale . . . At first Pel had sought the key that would take them safely home. But before he could wrest the matrix of magic away from the despot Shadow, Pel's wife and daughter were brutally murdered. Neither absolute control over the matrix nor rulership of Faerie could ease the pain in Pels heart--until he realized that the matrix held power over life and death! So this once-ordinary man set out to overturn the irrefutable laws of mortality. But even his newfound omnipotence couldn't protect him from the pitfalls that lay ahead, as both the Empire and Earth's military sought to exploit his incredible power. Then the Empire invaded Faerie--forcing Pel to fight in order to keep his dreams alive . . .

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