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French Kids Eat Everything: How Our Family Moved to France, Cured Picky Eating, Banned Snacking, and Discovered 10 Simple Rules for Raising Happy, Healthy Eaters

von Karen Le Billon

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3402079,104 (3.78)10
French Kids Eat Everything is a wonderfully wry account of how Karen Le Billon was able to alter her children's deep-rooted, decidedly unhealthy North American eating habits while they were all living in France. At once a memoir, a cookbook, a how-to handbook, and a delightful exploration of how the French manage to feed children without endless battles and struggles with pickiness, French Kids Eat Everything features recipes, practical tips, and ten easy-to-follow rules for raising happy and healthy young eaters-a sort of French Women Don't Get Fat meets Food Rules.… (mehr)
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Interesting parts about French and American/Canadian food culture (very interesting), some tips on raising children for parents with food-anxiety (mildly interesting) and lots of whining and rants about the Daily Life of the Author (don't you have an editor, Karen?!). ( )
  jd7h | Feb 18, 2024 |
An interesting look at the different eating habits of children In America and France. Liked the memoir format and appreciated that she included some of the recipes mentioned in the book. ( )
  Catherinesque | Jan 25, 2023 |
I'm beyond the years with kids that might be picky eaters but read this book as part of our "Travel by Book Month" for our bookclub. What a great approach to get kids to eat better. There were some obstacles, but all rang true from what I watch parents do now when too busy to sit and make sure kids eat what they should. All new parents should read this book. ( )
  mchwest | Mar 7, 2022 |
Lots of helpful suggestions here. I also liked the studies she used. And I really struggle with the snacks. They are everywhere. I also think it's important to feed your baby (if breastfeeding) as much as they want in the first week to establish a supply... and also, don't put cereal in your baby's milk. Just don't. (To give her credit, she doesn't seem to recommend either. The French seem to).

I struggled with the parenting models presented. They seemed to be polar extremes and I prefer a happy medium. Some of this may not be feasible for some below a certain pay grade. I attended a meeting once with a group of women who worked contract work. $3/lb of fruit picked during the day. For them, vegetables with dinner meant a can of tomato paste/sauce included in the water they boiled their rice in. Their kids made their own breakfast (usually cereal) because they went to work at 3am. Taking a week off work meant homelessness(1 year in France would be unthinkable).

In all fairness, I must also state that I have had several socially traumatizing events related to the topic that clouded my opinion. I think I have adequately adjusted the score. I hope so. :)

Also, last thought, constant snacking can sometimes be a symptom of health problems. It wouldn't hurt to check if you (or your child) always has the munchies. Speaking from experience, it's hard to regulate your eating habits and amounts if you're getting conflicting signals from your body. ( )
  OutOfTheBestBooks | Sep 24, 2021 |
The author moved to France with her husband and young kids and was shocked by the culture's different approach to food. Below are the 10 rules she created to help change her own family's eating habits.

1) Parents: You are in charge of your children’s food education.
2) Avoid emotional eating. Food is not a pacifier, a distraction, a toy, a bribe, a reward, or a substitute for discipline.
3) Parents schedule meals and menus. Kids eat what adults eat: no substitutes and no short-order cooking.
4) Food is social. Eat family meals together at the table, with no distractions.
5) Eat vegetables of all colors of the rainbow. Don’t eat the same main dish more than once per week.
6) For picky eaters: You don’t have to like it, but you do have to taste it. For fussy eaters: You don’t have to like it, but you do have to eat it.
7) Limit snacks, ideally one per day (two maximum), and not within one hour of meals.
8) Take your time, for both cooking and eating. Slow food is happy food.
9) Eat mostly real, homemade food, and save treats for special occasions. (Hint: Anything processed is not “real” food.)
10) Eating is joyful, not stressful. Treat the food rules as habits or routines rather than strict regulations; it’s fine to relax them once in a while. ( )
  bookworm12 | Jan 24, 2021 |
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French Kids Eat Everything is a wonderfully wry account of how Karen Le Billon was able to alter her children's deep-rooted, decidedly unhealthy North American eating habits while they were all living in France. At once a memoir, a cookbook, a how-to handbook, and a delightful exploration of how the French manage to feed children without endless battles and struggles with pickiness, French Kids Eat Everything features recipes, practical tips, and ten easy-to-follow rules for raising happy and healthy young eaters-a sort of French Women Don't Get Fat meets Food Rules.

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