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The Best Way: El Camino de Santiago

von Bill Walker

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Since the times of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, Americans have headed off to Europe on odysseys of self-improvement. But until recently, Americans have not chosen 'the best way'-El Camino de Santiago.Bill Walker ("Skywalker") decided to undertake this 500 mile pilgrimage, stretching from the Pyrenees in southern France to the mystical Galician province in Northwest Spain. Better yet, he did it in the 'Holy Year' of 2010. Fully 200,000 pilgrims were struggling on foot to make it to the Great Gothic Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. The Camino is supposed to be a religious-spiritual pilgrimage. But some European pilgrims told Walker it was really the "The European Divorcee Trail." At Walker's side was his 18 year-old nephew, Gavin, who thrives with his special brand of Fonzie-like charm. The towel-snapping banter between the two of them is reminiscent of the frat-boy dialogue between Bill Bryson and Katz. Better yet, the two of them learn just how delightful the French really can be (except, of course, when they're being impossible), why the Germans are almost all model pilgrims, and the tragi-glorious roots of the Spanish national character.… (mehr)
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First of all, this book was not what I expected. I thought it might be a struggle to get through (I don't know why), but I got right into it and it was a great read from page 1! It is part adventure, part history, part memoir. It made me wish that I could take the time off to go and experience the Camino - maybe someday. I thought Bill Walker's descriptions of all the pilgrims he met were very interesting - there are all kinds of people out there making this journey! Gavin, his teenage nephew and fellow pilgrim, was extremely cool and I thought it was lucky that they could make this journey together. Now I have to go read his other books! ( )
  janejetson223 | May 1, 2012 |
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Since the times of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, Americans have headed off to Europe on odysseys of self-improvement. But until recently, Americans have not chosen 'the best way'-El Camino de Santiago.Bill Walker ("Skywalker") decided to undertake this 500 mile pilgrimage, stretching from the Pyrenees in southern France to the mystical Galician province in Northwest Spain. Better yet, he did it in the 'Holy Year' of 2010. Fully 200,000 pilgrims were struggling on foot to make it to the Great Gothic Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. The Camino is supposed to be a religious-spiritual pilgrimage. But some European pilgrims told Walker it was really the "The European Divorcee Trail." At Walker's side was his 18 year-old nephew, Gavin, who thrives with his special brand of Fonzie-like charm. The towel-snapping banter between the two of them is reminiscent of the frat-boy dialogue between Bill Bryson and Katz. Better yet, the two of them learn just how delightful the French really can be (except, of course, when they're being impossible), why the Germans are almost all model pilgrims, and the tragi-glorious roots of the Spanish national character.

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