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Triumph of the Mountain Man (1997)

von William W. Johnstone

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671406,940 (4.38)Keine
Fiction. Western. Thriller. Historical Fiction. Robber baron Clifton Satterlee is in greedy pursuit of a coveted piece of land in the New Mexico Territory. He plans to wrest the timber-rich hills from the Tua Pueblo and then populate the town with his own subservient labor force. Many will suffer as his thirst for blood equals his lust for wealth and power. But Saterlee has overlooked one mighty obstacle-the iron justice and deadly aim of the legendary mountain man Smoke Jensen. In triumph blood will be spilled . . . Contains mature themes.… (mehr)
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Title: Triumph of the Mountain Man (Mountain Man #18)
Author: William W Johnstone
Pages: 288
Year: 2016
Publisher: Pinnacle
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars.
Prepare for nonstop western action and more as Smoke leads the charge to take on villains! Clifton Satterlee is man with a voracious appetite for what others own and money. To grow his enterprise, he is willing to skirt the law so that he may destroy a section of timber. But the timber is on land that is owned by someone else, and there is a town close by that could be destroyed.
Sally is home on the Sugarloaf when an old school chum shows up with her three sons. Instead of it being a nice time of catching up, readers will be entertained as the three are about to learn that life in the west is not the same as in the east!
Smoke, along with some new friends, drives headlong into trouble to save a town and people, both near and far. This was such an enjoyable story of daring the odds and facing danger head on! I enjoyed the scenes at Sugarloaf Ranch where Sally is having to endure her friend’s unannounced visit when Smoke returns home into the waiting arms of his wife Sally and son Billy. I look forward to reading the next installment! ( )
  lamb521 | Sep 6, 2022 |
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Fiction. Western. Thriller. Historical Fiction. Robber baron Clifton Satterlee is in greedy pursuit of a coveted piece of land in the New Mexico Territory. He plans to wrest the timber-rich hills from the Tua Pueblo and then populate the town with his own subservient labor force. Many will suffer as his thirst for blood equals his lust for wealth and power. But Saterlee has overlooked one mighty obstacle-the iron justice and deadly aim of the legendary mountain man Smoke Jensen. In triumph blood will be spilled . . . Contains mature themes.

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