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How Dogs Really Work!

von Alan Snow

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A humorous look at why dogs do what they do.
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"A dog is a four-legged animal that eats, sleeps, runs, and smells when wet!" I am 100% an animal lover, my favorite animals are dogs! It came to no surprise that this book was the best and the cutest. The book is like a manual of a car only that it's about a dog. The book shows what the dog is made up of and how a dog functions. The book even tells you how a dog communicates and what happens when a dog encounters a cat. I loved the book and it gives so much information about dogs, I learned things that I did not know. This was a cute and creative book. ( )
  dmesquivel | May 2, 2019 |
This book is too cute! It tells kids all about how dogs! It goes from nose to tail all about dogs! This book is filled with all kinds of fun facts but it also has some silly things that children will love. But, the most important thing about this book is it is filled with so many scientific facts that will teach children how to raise and be responsible with any pet. I think this will be a great book to get a kids if the parent is thinking about adding a pet to their family. I enjoyed reading this book! ( )
  bbrelet | Apr 23, 2017 |
A clever book about the parts of a dog. While the inside depictions are of machines that make a dog work, most of the description of how a dog works- though general- is very accurate. The illustrations are fascinating, and humorous, ex: file cabinets full of things the dog has to remember in its brain.

Teaching Extension:
Have students create a reference guide for how different body systems operate, with similar illustrations and captions as this book. ( )
  claireforhan | Mar 23, 2013 |
How Dogs Really Work! by Alan Snow is a rather silly instructional book about the biology and domesticative culture of dogs, detailing their biology in strange machine-based allegorical terms, and their behavior in terms that are a bit more concrete and fact-based. I stress that the book is indeed very silly, but that it can certainly explain to children who wish to own dogs some of the responsibilities associated with owning an animal. The book acts as sort of a faux manual for how to own and "operate" a dog, and though much of the book is "silly" it still instructs children about what they can expect from the animal. ( )
  dhut0042 | Jan 28, 2013 |
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A humorous look at why dogs do what they do.

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