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Ultimate Jump Rope Workouts: Kick-Ass Programs to Strengthen Muscles, Get Fit, and Take Your Endurance to the Next Level

von Brett Stewart

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HARD-CORE JUMP ROPING FOR EXTREME FITNESS You certainly jumped rope as a kid, but you probably didn't realize this fun activity is also a kickass workout for shredding all the major muscles--arms, legs, butt, abs, shoulders and chest. With this book, you turn a simple jump rope into a power tool to: * Build muscle * Boost endurance * Amplify explosive power * Improve agility * Enhance overall fitness From beginning tips on proper form and picking the right rope to advanced tricks like double unders and knee tucks, Ultimate Jump Rope Workouts will teach you to jump like a pro and get in the best shape of your life.… (mehr)
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Although I love to run, I recently started skipping rope because I neither had a place to run nor the time. And boy, I am loving it!
Skipping rope is right at the top in the list of most calorie burning activities. The best thing about it is that it needs the least amount of investment: time or money, to provide the same benefits as other exercises. Also, it is easier on the joints and ligaments than running.
Thanks to this book I came to know the reason why I always kept stumbling while skipping using my current rope. Turns out it is a few inches shorter than it must be for my height.
Having completed the [b:7 Weeks to Getting Ripped: The Ultimate Weight-Free, Gym-Free Training Program|12424572|7 Weeks to Getting Ripped The Ultimate Weight-Free, Gym-Free Training Program|Brett Stewart||17406780], I have high hopes for this one too. Never have I loved working out so much in my life.
To a fitter self! ( )
  Govindap11 | Mar 21, 2020 |
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HARD-CORE JUMP ROPING FOR EXTREME FITNESS You certainly jumped rope as a kid, but you probably didn't realize this fun activity is also a kickass workout for shredding all the major muscles--arms, legs, butt, abs, shoulders and chest. With this book, you turn a simple jump rope into a power tool to: * Build muscle * Boost endurance * Amplify explosive power * Improve agility * Enhance overall fitness From beginning tips on proper form and picking the right rope to advanced tricks like double unders and knee tucks, Ultimate Jump Rope Workouts will teach you to jump like a pro and get in the best shape of your life.

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