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Erlöst: House of Night 12

von P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast

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Reihen: House of Night (12)

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1,4111913,721 (3.86)2
Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

The final electrifying installment in the #1 New York Times bestselling vampyre series

Zoey Redbird is in trouble. Having released the Seer Stone to Aphrodite, and surrendered herself to the Tulsa Police, she has isolated herself from her friends and mentors, determined to face the punishment she deserveseven if that means her body will reject the change, and begin to die. Only the love of those closest to her can save her from the Darkness in her spirit; but a terrible evil has emerged from the shadows, more powerful than ever...
Neferet has finally made herself known to mortals. Crowning herself a Dark Goddess, she is evil unleashed and is enslaving the citizens of Tulsa. The vampyres of the House of Night have banded with the police, and are gathering every last resource they have, but they know that no single vampyre is strong enough to vanquish herunless that vampyre has the power to summon the elements as well as the ability to wield Old Magick. Only Zoey is heir to such power...but because of the consequences of using Old Magick, she is unable to help.
In the final novel in the House of Night series, an epic battle of Light versus Darkness will decide who is redeemed...and who is forever lost.
The House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast is an international phenomenon, reaching #1 on U.S., German, and UK bestseller lists, and remaining a fixture on The New York Times Children's Series bestseller list for nearly 160 weeks and counting, with more than 12 million copies in print and rights sold in thirtyeight countries to date.

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This is one of the most Amazing Series I have ever read!! It has intrigue, laughter, sadness, and friendship. I feel in love with the characters, especially Zoey and Stark. So, if you haven't read it, give it a try, you'll be surprised.
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Redeemed was a mediocre ending for a very long series.

House of Night started out as an incredible series I was obsessed with as a teenager, and as the series went on and on and on and on and on (quite literally, look at how many books there are), the series began to get slower, more boring, and plots seemed to get reused or extended extra long.

I wasn't entirely impressed with this book, but it left the audience with an ending (which everyone was hoping for a very long time ago). I wasn't impressed with how some of the relationships ended (who was with who) due to the fact some of them seemed random and like they would not fit together. I also wasn't impressed with the deaths of some characters, it helped move the plot line forward a bit, but it seemed more random - not like it was planned out to have some meaning to the story like many of the previous deaths in other books. I didn't like how the main character seemed to have everybody against her at all times and only her could solve every single problem. I was not impressed with most of this novel, to be honest. The list goes on.

What was I impressed with? It was the final book and they summed it up. They gave a little ending to show that the characters continue on doing good work for the world. It was nice.

Overall, I wasn't impressed. This series had helped me grow during my elementary and high school years so I had hoped for something grand and big, but it was more flat.

Three out of five stars. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
I took thos book back to the library after the first two chapters....

accidently mistaking it for revealed. I went back an hour later when I realised and the library was shut... I went the next day to get it and the library system was down and the librarian was the useless horrid kind that needed a good smack upside the head.
I got it a day later... actually I sent my boyfriend for me just incase it was the hag from hell serving again.

Anyway finally got ky hands back on the book and I think they got glued by some dark forces.
HoN series was a bumpy ride it was frustrating, predictable, infuriating but above all else it was addictive.
Redeemed THE FINAL BOOK was a great read. I found myself rooting for Neferet and her freewilled slave haha!
This book ties up the series nice enough and ill kinda miss the characters now its over. BRING ON AMBER SMOKE!

one annoyance I got bored of quickly starting at hidden. the repeated quote 'love..always love' half the time it was unecessary and whichever athor decided to make it more than a one off quote actually killed its effect it had the first time. ( )
  Enchanten | Mar 12, 2023 |
Definitely longer than it had to be, and I spent far too much of it stuck in Neferet's callous and violent company, but the character beats for everyone else were actually really enjoyable, especially coming as they did at the end of such a freaking long book series. ...I won't be picking up another P.C. Cast book, though. ( )
  slimikin | Mar 27, 2022 |
The final book in the series, the big face off with Neferet. Zoey and her friends must save the world against the evil that is Neferet. Zoey finally faces reality and finally grows up. It's good to have read the final chapter in this series.
( )
1 abstimmen wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
In the 12th and final installment of the House of Night series, Zoey Redbird and her band of fledgling vampyres prepare for one final battle, to restore the balance of Light and Darkness before Neferet, the self-proclaimed Goddess of Darkness, destroys everything they know and love.

More powerful than ever, Neferet and her “threads of Darkness” are determined to unleash a bloody reign of terror on Tulsa, until every soul left living bows down to her in a “Dark Otherworld come to earth.” As with the other House of Night novels, the momentum of the story often falters from extended lapses in action as time is devoted to the individual storylines of a large and unwieldy cast of characters. Though Zoey’s sidekicks are entertaining enough, the novel would have benefited from greater focus to keep tensions high and to explore the intriguing suggestion that Zoey and Neferet might have more in common than either of them cares to think. It’s a shame that this plot point is given short shrift. The novel is at its best when Zoey must tap into her innate powers, born of the spirit of the Goddess and her ancient Cherokee ancestors.

Zoey’s strength comes from her difference—a theme that has been consistent throughout the series and should resonate with fans one last time in the finale.
hinzugefügt von susieimage | bearbeitenKirkus Review, a (Aug 27, 2014)

» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (2 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Cast, P. C.Hauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Cast, KristinHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Bierstedt, MarieSprecherCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Blum, ChristineÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

The final electrifying installment in the #1 New York Times bestselling vampyre series

Zoey Redbird is in trouble. Having released the Seer Stone to Aphrodite, and surrendered herself to the Tulsa Police, she has isolated herself from her friends and mentors, determined to face the punishment she deserveseven if that means her body will reject the change, and begin to die. Only the love of those closest to her can save her from the Darkness in her spirit; but a terrible evil has emerged from the shadows, more powerful than ever...
Neferet has finally made herself known to mortals. Crowning herself a Dark Goddess, she is evil unleashed and is enslaving the citizens of Tulsa. The vampyres of the House of Night have banded with the police, and are gathering every last resource they have, but they know that no single vampyre is strong enough to vanquish herunless that vampyre has the power to summon the elements as well as the ability to wield Old Magick. Only Zoey is heir to such power...but because of the consequences of using Old Magick, she is unable to help.
In the final novel in the House of Night series, an epic battle of Light versus Darkness will decide who is redeemed...and who is forever lost.
The House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast is an international phenomenon, reaching #1 on U.S., German, and UK bestseller lists, and remaining a fixture on The New York Times Children's Series bestseller list for nearly 160 weeks and counting, with more than 12 million copies in print and rights sold in thirtyeight countries to date.


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