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Thanksgiving Day Thanks

von Laura Malone Elliott

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Sam has trouble deciding what he is grateful for during a Thanksgiving-themed classroom assignment. Includes facts about Thanksgiving Day.
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This review published at The Children's Book and Media Review

Thanksgiving is coming, and Sam’s class couldn’t be more excited. Everyone knows of one special thing that they are grateful for, but Sam isn’t sure what his special thing is. Sam’s teacher, Mrs. Wright, wants everyone to write down something they are really grateful for while the class works on Thanksgiving projects like a pumpkin pie making contest, making place mats, and helping with a food drive. Sam is able to think of a great project: balloons just like the Thanksgiving parade on TV! Lots of wind might ruin Sam’s special project, but he is finally able to come up with the thing he is most grateful for.

The illustrations of the animal characters in this book are cute, and their projects to get ready for Thanksgiving can give teachers, parents, and children ideas for how to celebrate the holiday while learning more about the history of why Thanksgiving Is a holiday. A note at the end of the book talks about Squanto and the first Thanksgiving, and the next page discusses a few more Thanksgiving facts. While not a particularly wonderful book, people looking for books about Thanksgiving will be satisfied. ( )
  vivirielle | Aug 4, 2021 |
This book is a little long, but I like that it discusses various aspects of Thanksgiving and is never preachy. ( )
  Emma_Manolis | Jun 27, 2017 |
Appealing addition to books on the holiday for younger children. ( )
  Sullywriter | May 22, 2015 |
Young Reader Reaction: Our preteen laughed at the things the kids were thankful for, and felt bad for Sam early on in the story. About halfway through the story, we heard "This is too much, Mom."

Adult Reader Reaction: Great idea, wonderful illustrations, but trying to pull every possible ounce of Thanksgiving symbolism into a picture book is too much. Because of the lengthy text and tons of content, it may not be a good selection for introducing toddlers or preschoolers to Thanksgiving. There are lots of kids who probably feel like Sam, but there is so much activity they are probably overwhelmed.

Pros: Wonderful illustrations and lots of references to family make this a nice book for celebrating Thanksgiving.

Read our full review and add yours at The Reading Tub®.
  TheReadingTub | Apr 15, 2015 |
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Sam has trouble deciding what he is grateful for during a Thanksgiving-themed classroom assignment. Includes facts about Thanksgiving Day.

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