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Wild Fibonacci: Nature's Secret Code Revealed

von Joy N. Hulme

Weitere Autoren: Carol Schwartz (Illustrator)

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14022202,096 (3.54)Keine
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34... Look carefully. Do you see the pattern? Each number above is the sum of the two numbers before it. Though most of us are unfamiliar with it, this numerical series, called the Fibonacci sequence, is part of a code that can be found everywhere in nature. Count the petals on a flower or the peas in a peapod. The numbers are all part of the Fibonacci sequence. In Wild Fibonacci, readers will discover this mysterious code in a special shape called an equiangular spiral. Why so special? It mysteriously appears in the natural world: a sundial shell curves to fit the spiral. So does a parrot's beak...a hawk's talon...a ram's horn...even our own human teeth! Joy Hulme provides a clear and accessible introduction to the Fibonacci sequence and its presence in the animal world.… (mehr)
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Wonderful book with jaw-dropping text and illustrations. Great,and fun introduction to the Fibonacci Sequence. ( )
  gxb023 | Nov 22, 2019 |
This book is a good way to teach the Fibonacci sequence. Although some of the examples could have been better it is overall a good book. ( )
  Bonni12345 | Nov 18, 2019 |
This book gives a clear and accessible introduction to the Fibonacci sequence and its presence in the animal world. You can use this book to introduce the Fibonacci sequence. ( )
  lpacas | Nov 18, 2019 |
This book teaches students about the Fibonacci sequence. Using this book when going over a lesson on this number sequence can help them to see the numbers with the visual adds of the animals. Although this is a number sequence, it is a visual type of math that creates curves. Through first using the book and then going into a lesson over these numbers, teachers your students the concept of the Fibonacci sequence. ( )
  Heley123456 | Nov 18, 2019 |
At the beginning it tells Fibonacci sequence works and how the illustrations are really help students learn. This great book for middle school students into to show them their are different ways. It could be great way to show different ways to do math. ( )
  Brian6671 | Nov 18, 2019 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Joy N. HulmeHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Schwartz, CarolIllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34... Look carefully. Do you see the pattern? Each number above is the sum of the two numbers before it. Though most of us are unfamiliar with it, this numerical series, called the Fibonacci sequence, is part of a code that can be found everywhere in nature. Count the petals on a flower or the peas in a peapod. The numbers are all part of the Fibonacci sequence. In Wild Fibonacci, readers will discover this mysterious code in a special shape called an equiangular spiral. Why so special? It mysteriously appears in the natural world: a sundial shell curves to fit the spiral. So does a parrot's beak...a hawk's talon...a ram's horn...even our own human teeth! Joy Hulme provides a clear and accessible introduction to the Fibonacci sequence and its presence in the animal world.

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Melvil Decimal System (DDC)

512.7Natural sciences and mathematics Mathematics Algebra Number theory

Klassifikation der Library of Congress [LCC] (USA)


Durchschnitt: (3.54)
2 1
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3.5 3
4 11
5 1

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