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By Sword and Star

von Renee Carter Hall

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Prince Tiran of Silverglen may be heir to the throne of all Asteria, but he's always felt more at home among the villagers, no matter how many lectures he gets from his father. But when the elk-lord Roden slaughters the royal family and claims the throne for himself, only Tiran is left to avenge their deaths and take his place as the rightful king. His journey will lead him from the shadowed heart of his forest home into the treetops with the squirrel-clan of the Drays, across the western plains, and among the mysterious and deadly wolves of the Northern Reach. With his allies' help, Tiran must become the king his people need him to be - or risk fulfilling an ancient prophecy that will spell the end of Asteria itself.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonnightingalesnook, WillowMammoth, LemurKat
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This is a well crafted example of a furry fantasy fable. The world is richly developed, the mythology established. The writing style is eloquent and lyrical. And most importantly, the characters are interesting. It has faint echoes of Redwall - the fierce squirrels, the brave rabbits but also a darker and more mature side. In particular, I liked the presence of the half-Awakened animals - the idea that animals could become intelligent in mind and spirit without becoming anthropromorphic appealed to me.

This is the story of Prince Tiran, the unicorn heir-to-the-throne. He is a strong hearted lad, who prefers to spend his time helping the villagers or gambling in the local tavern to the more noble pursuits that his father requires of him. I started this novel by downloading the sample - and it was during this that the story really gripped me. Because, Tiran and his father have an argument, and Tiran leaves in a bit of a snit, heading off deep into the woods to a farther tavern and walking out of an important royal meeting. During his absence, his family are slaughtered, leaving him the true heir. At first he is forced into hiding, but soon realises that he cannot remain that way forever - he must step out, seek allies and claim what is rightfully his before his entire world crumbles. ( )
  LemurKat | Sep 12, 2013 |
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Prince Tiran of Silverglen may be heir to the throne of all Asteria, but he's always felt more at home among the villagers, no matter how many lectures he gets from his father. But when the elk-lord Roden slaughters the royal family and claims the throne for himself, only Tiran is left to avenge their deaths and take his place as the rightful king. His journey will lead him from the shadowed heart of his forest home into the treetops with the squirrel-clan of the Drays, across the western plains, and among the mysterious and deadly wolves of the Northern Reach. With his allies' help, Tiran must become the king his people need him to be - or risk fulfilling an ancient prophecy that will spell the end of Asteria itself.

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