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Die Oliven von San Pietro: Ein italienisches Abenteuer (2001)

von Annie Hawes

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5361247,035 (3.79)11
When Annie Hawes buys a hillside cottage in Italy for no more than the price of a dodgy second-hand car, a capable young Englishwoman becomes a surprisingly incapable Ligurian signorina...
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A very pleasant memoir of time spent among interesting people. What more can you ask? ( )
  wdwilson3 | May 16, 2018 |
A delightful book! Not so much a travel narrative as it is a memoir with hints of beginner ethnography. That is precisely why I love this book, incidentally - all the little nuances of Ligurian village and olive farming life are lovingly and humorously shared alongside the author's own 'brutta figura' experiences. The author also shares local perspectives on WWII, the (at the time) possible inclusion of Italy in the EU, Italian Riviera tourists, other Italians, and the start of the soaring popularity of all things olive oil.

The only real issue with the book concerns the somewhat odd narrative style, as it is told mostly in the present tense, with foreshadowing, references to the past, and seemingly random side tangents. The book's timing really isn't in a single calendar year, even though she conceptually organizes her story around the theme of her first year... instead, she describes individual months with events from several years' worth of the same month packed in. It all works out though, as her tale is very engrossing and with a bit of thought one can bring it all together. ( )
  Lizbeth978 | Jul 29, 2013 |
Wonderful. Full of humor and warmth. ( )
  Harrod | Jun 2, 2013 |
I'm bailing out of this one, a little more than halfway through. It's the tone, I think- two cute and arch English brats go live among the Italian peasantry. Isn't the Italian peasantry cuuuuuuute? And the first person plural narration is so distracting to me I can't get past it. We thought. We said. We felt. Are we fused at the brain, then?

  satyridae | Apr 5, 2013 |
Well right now a full review will have to wait as I am knee deep in practice exercises in cataloguing and i am sneaking a short break. However I was most inspired and excited the more I read of Annie Hawes adventures of living in Liguria (Italy). I think I have chanced upon some solutions to my home renovation problems (we are still living post 2007 flood conditions). While the roof doesn't leak anymore everything needs repainting and it seems lime is the answer. What a incredible thing Lime is!. Lime out of the ground that is, not the tree, (although Lime fruit has it's uses too). Lime wash for walls - exterior and interior and your floors and furniture. Purify your natural water supply!.
there is a lot in the book about olive production and traditional methods and I would love to plant an olive tree but don't have the space where I live and not sure I could wait the 15 years needed to fruit. Still foodies will love the descriptions of preparing traditional Italian food as Annie learns from the locals. There's a wealth of Italian superstitions surrounding olives and food and many have surprising health benefits.
Well my break was too short... finish this later.... ( )
  velvetink | Mar 31, 2013 |
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When Annie Hawes buys a hillside cottage in Italy for no more than the price of a dodgy second-hand car, a capable young Englishwoman becomes a surprisingly incapable Ligurian signorina...

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3 28
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5 25

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