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On the Brinks

von Sam Millar

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2031,129,493 (4.67)Keine
'Security guards told the police that they were surprised by assailants who had somehow evaded the sophisticated security system. They could not say how many robbers there appears to be one of the biggest robberies in U.S. history.' New York Times, front page In 1993 $7.4 million was stolen from the Brink's Armored Car Depot in Rochester, New York, the fifth largest robbery in US history. Sam Millar was a member of the gang who carried out the robbery. He was caught, found guilty and incarcerated, before being set free by Bill Clinton's government as an essential part of the Northern Ireland Peace Process. This remarkable book is Sam's story, from his childhood in Belfast, membership of the IRA, time spent in Long Kesh internment camps and the Brinks heist and aftermath. Unputdownable.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonShugsdite, Mouks, hivetrick, Rivaton, OffalyHistory, AlainCipit
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E' un libro bello e strano.
Sembra più un diario, si vive man mano quel che capita all'autore, non c'è una narrazione di contorno che introduca gli avvenimenti.
Quello che racconta, la sua vita, è semplicemente paz-ze-sco.
Non direi, come dice la quarta di copertina, che ripercorra le tappe più importanti del conflitto tra inglesi e irlandesi, ma piuttosto che te ne faccia vedere delle parti con gli occhi di uno che ci stava nel bel mezzo.
La prima parte è veramente crudissima, il periodo della prigionia con tutto quello che ha subìto è agghiacciante, ma non manca di una certa qual ironia (non saprei come altro chiamarla), che forse è proprio quello che ha aiutato una parte di quelli che sono sopravvissuti a tener duro nella loro protesta.
Nonostante i temi trattati, l'ho divorata.
La seconda parte sembra un secondo libro, raccontato in modo diverso e molto meno crudo.
In ogni caso avvicente, dall'inizio alla fine.
Ho trovato diversi errori e ingenuità nella traduzione, ma l'adrenalina che ha accompagnato la lettura me li ha fatti superare senza problemi. ( )
  lillilupe | Sep 2, 2017 |
Sam Millar has led a very harsh and colourful life "On The Brinks" is essentially his biography,from the battle ridden streets of Belfast to the sidewalks of New York in the mid 80's/90's. Millar was an integral part of the aptly named "blanket" protest in the infamous H-blocks of Long Kesh prison Northern Ireland during the mid 70's. The first part of the book deals with his imprisonment and the picture painted is of a brutal and harsh regime where prisoners lived in virtual isolation with no possessions save for a "comfort" blanket and were subjected to systematic torture on a weekly basis. Millar tells his story in a direct and honest way sprinkled with a dry northern irish humour and the reader is left in no doubt as to his bleak situation during his period of incarceration. In total contrast the second part of the book deals with Millar's time in America and the doomed planning and robbery of the Brinks depot in Rochester New York. I love his direct style of writing, his great storytelling ability,and his unflappable humour in the face of such adversity. This is a terrific book of the highest order and available now for the first time on the kindle at the giveaway price of 0.86p! I heartily recommend and implore you to purchase, read and enjoy an author at the peak of his writing ability. ( )
  runner56 | Jun 27, 2011 |
This is Millar's triumph. I have read all his books and he never short-changes the reader. Soon to be a majoe movie from Warner Brothers. ( )
  longkesh | Nov 7, 2007 |
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'Security guards told the police that they were surprised by assailants who had somehow evaded the sophisticated security system. They could not say how many robbers there appears to be one of the biggest robberies in U.S. history.' New York Times, front page In 1993 $7.4 million was stolen from the Brink's Armored Car Depot in Rochester, New York, the fifth largest robbery in US history. Sam Millar was a member of the gang who carried out the robbery. He was caught, found guilty and incarcerated, before being set free by Bill Clinton's government as an essential part of the Northern Ireland Peace Process. This remarkable book is Sam's story, from his childhood in Belfast, membership of the IRA, time spent in Long Kesh internment camps and the Brinks heist and aftermath. Unputdownable.

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