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Blood of Wonderland

von Colleen Oakes

Reihen: Queen of Hearts (2)

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Dinah has been exiled from Wonderland. The vicious father she always feared has framed her for the brutal murder of her brother and turned the kingdom against her. Now hiding in the lush and mysterious Twisted Wood with only her war steed at her side, Dinah is faced with a choice -- to leave Wonderland forever, or stay and fight her father for the throne. When a chance encounter with one of her father's long-lost enemies brings Dinah more allies than she ever could have imagined, war starts to feel inevitable. But before Dinah can lead her people into combat, she must confront certain truths about her heart and her destiny -- no matter how dark those truths may be.… (mehr)
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I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

The Wonder is book two in the Queen of Hearts series. The story picks up where book one left off. Dinah is still on the run and being hunted by the king. There’s a mysterious man aiding her along the way. Dinah is bent on avenging her brother’s murder and reclaiming her rightful place as Queen of Hearts. As she changes from a lost child to a warrior driven by revenge, she’s reunited with Cheshire, the King’s advisor now swearing loyalty to her, and also Wardley her one true love.

This story was as fast paced as the previous book. You’re immediately drawn in and captivated by the descriptions of the Twisted Woods and Yurkei lands. There’s non-stop action and edge of your seat excitement as you watch Dinah’s heart slowly grow cold. This is a unique twist on the Alice in Wonderland tale and definitely a must read for all fantasy lovers!
( )
  sunshine9573 | Dec 19, 2022 |
Rating 4.14 out of 5 stars
Dinah is on the run from her murderous father, the king of hearts, with the help of her fathers monstrous horse Morte. Right when she needs it most, help arrives in a surprising form. Surprising revelations await, and she must prepare herself to fight for her throne.
The second book in the Queen of Hearts Saga was a very enjoyable book. It was obviously a filler book, but done well so it held my interest. So many questions are answered. Dinah's changes and the reason for them are found out here. I think that the final book is going to be amazing.
My rating system:
initial feeling= 4
story= 4.5
originality= 3.75
unpredictability= 4.5
ending= 4
( )
  starslight86 | Jul 20, 2021 |
Literary Merit: Great
Characterization: Great
Recommended: Highly Recommend
Level: High School

In this second book of Oakes’ Wonderland series we find the former Princess of Wonderland, Dinah, an outcast from her kingdom for a murder she did not commit. She flees further into the Twisted Woods while running from her own father and his menacing Cards and is drawing ever closer to the territory of the Yurkei, the dreaded, long-time enemy of her people. Traveling with only her father’s Hornhoov steed, Morte, for company Dinah will find an adventure where sworn enemies will become firm allies and secrets from her past are revealed. Will she decide to continue to run away or will she strive to reclaim her stolen throne?

Overall, the pacing is a little bit slower that the first book, which occasionally happens with books that act as a bridge between the first act and the final conclusion. This will be a three part series. In addition to setting the stage for the final book, Blood of Wonderland was a great deal more about Dinah’s personal development and her “growing up” unlike the first book, which contained more intrigue and plot development. As with the first novel in the series, this book, also, delightfully included characters from Lewis Carroll’s classic work Alice in Wonderland. It is probably appropriate for most teens but does contain some violence, and as with the first of the series I would heartily recommend this title, especially to fans of fairy tales. ( )
  SWONroyal | Apr 25, 2017 |
I found Blood of Wonderland by Colleen Oakes to be well written with characters that are exciting and dynamic. The plot was interesting and full of twists and turns that really surprised me.

I also found it really interesting to delve into Wonderland's history (fable though it is) and begin to understand how Dinah became the "Queen of Hearts" we know so well in the original story.

Overall, I feel this book has merit and is worth reading. Still, I found that I didn't enjoy this book as much as I had the first one. The reason is purely personal ... it ended up being a bit too dark and violent for my taste.

I've rated this book a 3.5 Stars because it really is my personal preferences that affected how I responded to book. I encourage you all to read Blood of Wonderland and find out if it's a winner for you! 😊

I received this book for free. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are my own. Thank you to HarperTeen and Edelweiss for the opportunity to review this novel. ( )
  mrsrenee | Feb 12, 2017 |
I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

The Wonder is book two in the Queen of Hearts series. The story picks up where book one left off. Dinah is still on the run and being hunted by the king. There’s a mysterious man aiding her along the way. Dinah is bent on avenging her brother’s murder and reclaiming her rightful place as Queen of Hearts. As she changes from a lost child to a warrior driven by revenge, she’s reunited with Cheshire, the King’s advisor now swearing loyalty to her, and also Wardley her one true love.

This story was as fast paced as the previous book. You’re immediately drawn in and captivated by the descriptions of the Twisted Woods and Yurkei lands. There’s non-stop action and edge of your seat excitement as you watch Dinah’s heart slowly grow cold. This is a unique twist on the Alice in Wonderland tale and definitely a must read for all fantasy lovers! ( )
  Simmy905 | Oct 29, 2014 |
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Dinah has been exiled from Wonderland. The vicious father she always feared has framed her for the brutal murder of her brother and turned the kingdom against her. Now hiding in the lush and mysterious Twisted Wood with only her war steed at her side, Dinah is faced with a choice -- to leave Wonderland forever, or stay and fight her father for the throne. When a chance encounter with one of her father's long-lost enemies brings Dinah more allies than she ever could have imagined, war starts to feel inevitable. But before Dinah can lead her people into combat, she must confront certain truths about her heart and her destiny -- no matter how dark those truths may be.

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