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Chase Me

von Tessa Bailey

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
337580,143 (3.5)2
College drop-out Roxy Cumberland moved to New York with dreams of becoming an actress, but her dwindling bank account is quickly putting the kibosh on that fantasy. To make some quick cash, she signs up to perform singing telegrams. Her first customer is a gorgeous, cocky Manhattan trust-funder if she ever laid eyes on one. And what could be more humiliating than singing an ode to his junk, courtesy of his last one-night stand? Maybe the fact that she's dressed in a giant pink bunny costume . . . After a night out to celebrate winning his last case, lawyer Louis McNally the Second isn't prepared for the pounding in his head or the rabbit serenading him from the front door. But the sassy wit and sexy voice of the girl behind the mask intrigue him, and one look at her stunning face-followed by a mind-blowing kiss against his doorjamb-leaves Louis wanting more. Roxy doesn't need a spoiled rich boy who's had everything in life handed to him on a Tiffany platter. But there's more to Louis than his sexy surface and he's determined to make Roxy see it . . . even if it means chasing her all over NYC.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonCJForrest, private Bibliothek, corleyk, victoriafelicity82, clair5628, cschanke, fayaustin, Genevieve_B, DonnamarieHayas
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I realize this book did not get a lot of good ratings but this is where I say I like what I like even if it doesn't fit in with everyone else's box of what is good and what's not. Also reading is subjective, no way everyone on the planet earth will have the exact same tastes, I mean who would want that? Not me that is for sure.
I found myself laughing at some of the quirkiness and banters (in a good way). When I picked up this book I definitely didn't expect to get what I did. I thought this was going to be some cute, fast romance but then was surprised when I came across all the spice that was given in this book. Now anyone that knows me, knows I do not typically go for 🌶️ books ( I don't mind it but it's not my go to ideal read), but I am human and who doesn't like a little spice 😉😂. I can't deny this was a fun read - spice and all.
I enjoyed the side characters, especially her roommates. The quick friendship and them being overprotective was sweet and funny, I mean who doesn't love to have friends that have your back. I admit this isn't the most realistic story lines by no means and it has some cheesy moments but this is what I liked about it. I don't read rom-coms, or any book for that matter for its realism, I read books to help me escape my own reality.
So overall this was a fun, fast paced romance with a whole lot of spice. Not a 5 star for me only because I'm trying to be a bit more selective with that 5 star rating for books that fully just wow me but it definitely is recommendable, readable and yes, I'd read this over again.
I got it from the library and mid- way reading I ordered my own copy, LOL.

❤️ Romance
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ ( )
  Enid007 | Jun 14, 2024 |
Dnf ( )
  mimji | Apr 20, 2024 |
This is what if when I think a stereotypical romance. Pretty surface level, insta-love, quick read. (R) ( )
  littlemuls | Feb 6, 2023 |
Funny romance. I'll follow this series of friends and keep reading. ( )
  readingbeader | Oct 29, 2020 |
Adored this book!! It's funny, sexy and downright endearing. Roxy and Louis work so perfectly together even though they are vastly different. The secondary characters are a riot and I can't wait to read more about them. You definitely want this on your must read list. I highly recommend it! ( )
  Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
keine Rezensionen | Rezension hinzufügen

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College drop-out Roxy Cumberland moved to New York with dreams of becoming an actress, but her dwindling bank account is quickly putting the kibosh on that fantasy. To make some quick cash, she signs up to perform singing telegrams. Her first customer is a gorgeous, cocky Manhattan trust-funder if she ever laid eyes on one. And what could be more humiliating than singing an ode to his junk, courtesy of his last one-night stand? Maybe the fact that she's dressed in a giant pink bunny costume . . . After a night out to celebrate winning his last case, lawyer Louis McNally the Second isn't prepared for the pounding in his head or the rabbit serenading him from the front door. But the sassy wit and sexy voice of the girl behind the mask intrigue him, and one look at her stunning face-followed by a mind-blowing kiss against his doorjamb-leaves Louis wanting more. Roxy doesn't need a spoiled rich boy who's had everything in life handed to him on a Tiffany platter. But there's more to Louis than his sexy surface and he's determined to make Roxy see it . . . even if it means chasing her all over NYC.

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