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Wicked for You (2015)

von Shayla Black

Reihen: Wicked Lovers (10)

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813342,219 (4.06)Keine
Ever since he rescued her from a dangerous kidnapper, Mystery Mullins has wanted Axel Dillon. When he returned her to her Hollywood father and tabloid life, she was grateful . . . and a little in love. Mystery wasn't ready to let Axel go, even after the soldier gently turned her away because, at nineteen, she was too young. Now, six years later, Mystery is grown, with a flourishing career and a full life-but she's still stuck on Axel. Disguised, she propositions him in a bar, and the night they spend together is beyond her wildest dreams. Once he realizes Mystery isn't the stranger he thought, Axel is incensed and intrigued. But when it's clear she's in danger, he doesn't hesitate to become her protector-and her lover-again. And as the two uncover a secret someone is willing to kill for, Axel is determined to claim Mystery's heart before a murderer silences her for good.… (mehr)
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if the author would include a couple pages to show things worked out with the couple, i think the books would be 5 stars - but they all end the same way. Abrupt.

( )
  ckelship | Oct 10, 2021 |
Wicked for You, 10th book in the Wicked Lovers series, is entertaining but not the best book in the series. I'm glad she wrote Axel's story. He has played such an important role in other books. Mystery Mullins does explain why Axel never never found his one. It is worth buying and enjoyable. The story seemed to move slowly. Usually the plot moves so fast it's difficult to keep up. I Iove the series and will definitely be purchasing book 11. ( )
  twylyghtbay | Aug 4, 2017 |
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Mystery has been in love with Axel since he rescued her from being kidnapped, now this time with a disguise she will make him hers.

Opening Sentence: “Mystery Mullins had finally had enough.”

The Review:

Mystery has decided that in order to get over her feelings for Axel she has to sleep with him. So she shows up at a club, where she knows he will be in a disguise and immediately asks him for sex. When they return to his house she flashes back to how they met. Axel was one of a military team that was hired by her father to rescue her when she was kidnapped. After a few harrowing days after their escape she is firmly in love with him, but he turns her down and they go their separate ways.

After a memorable encounter with Axel, Mystery takes off and returns to the hotel. When she gets out of the shower she finds a note telling her to return to England or else. Axel is stunned when he returns and finds “Elise” gone. He knows that isn’t her real name and when a friend mentions that Mystery is in town he looks up her pictures on TMZ and realizes she is the one he just had sex with. When he shows up at her hotel, she tells him about the note and they make plans to keep her safe.

Axel begins to dig into her past, and realizes that her mother’s death may have more to do with the present than anyone originally realized. As the mystery begins to unfold will Axel be able to save her and prove his love or will they be torn apart by lies and the past.

I haven’t read any of the other books in this series, but since I didn’t feel lost on any level it’s safe to guess you can read all or just the ones you are interested in. I had some moments with this book, the back and forth with Axel and Mystery was getting a little old, although now in hindsight it was probably a plot to throw you off the scent of the mystery that was central to the story line. Axel and Mystery were both a bit damaged by their pasts and that made them totally likable. I will say there is some light BDSM in this book, but nothing over the top or Fifty Shades of Grey.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book, the mystery really was interesting and engaging. Bonus, I was totally shocked by all in involved, even though I could see some of the things. Not all of the pieces were laid out so I couldn’t quite put it all together and that was great, because I was totally there I needed to know what was going on. I had to know how it all would end, and even though romance isn’t my go-to genre anymore, I am interested in reading more by this author!

Notable Scenes:

“The instant chemical attraction she’d felt years ago hadn’t waned in the least.”

“After that, just talking to him had melted her discomfort.”

“It represented the end of childhood, freedom, and in an odd way, innocence.”

“The uncertainty in her hazel eyes got to him, the yearning for love, the crash of desire all struck resonating notes inside him.”

“She’d gone to bed knowing deep in her her heart that the worst had happened.”

FTC Advisory: Berkley/Penguin provided me with a copy of Wicked for You. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. ( )
  DarkFaerieTales | Jan 10, 2016 |
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Ever since he rescued her from a dangerous kidnapper, Mystery Mullins has wanted Axel Dillon. When he returned her to her Hollywood father and tabloid life, she was grateful . . . and a little in love. Mystery wasn't ready to let Axel go, even after the soldier gently turned her away because, at nineteen, she was too young. Now, six years later, Mystery is grown, with a flourishing career and a full life-but she's still stuck on Axel. Disguised, she propositions him in a bar, and the night they spend together is beyond her wildest dreams. Once he realizes Mystery isn't the stranger he thought, Axel is incensed and intrigued. But when it's clear she's in danger, he doesn't hesitate to become her protector-and her lover-again. And as the two uncover a secret someone is willing to kill for, Axel is determined to claim Mystery's heart before a murderer silences her for good.

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