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Animal Mouths

von Mary Holland

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Photographs and concise text examine the mouths belonging to hawks, butterflies, beavers, weasels, and other creatures.
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This is a fabulous book that takes readers through a variety of different types of animals and their mouth parts. In a short time period, we were fascinated by learning which animals had mouths and what types had a proboscis instead. I loved learning about all of these different animals and insects and was quickly engaged with fabulous up close photographic images to compliment the information given. ( )
  ElizabethHogeland | Aug 8, 2018 |
This book has amazing real life photos for each page. This is an informative book for children about different animals mouths and the purpose of their mouths, beaks, if they have teeth or not, etc. It goes through many animals and ends with explaining why and what humans do with their mouths. The end of the book has informative pages of the end describing other uses for mouths, mammal teeth, bird beaks, and a glossary full of real life color photos. The photography on the pages is the best part of the book. This is very informative when learning about animals for children of many ages.
  jocelynjanae6 | Mar 23, 2017 |
This informative book explores different animals and their eating, preying, teeth, and general mouth anatomy and how that effects their lives. This book explores what their mouths say about them.

My favorite part about this book was the beautiful pictures. There's something so magical about such clear photographs of things that are really out there. I would definitely use this book in a nature unit. I think there's a lot to learn from the mouth of creatures. From land animals to the animals of the sea.
  ahle | Dec 4, 2016 |
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Photographs and concise text examine the mouths belonging to hawks, butterflies, beavers, weasels, and other creatures.

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