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von Scarlett Cole

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Reihen: Under Your Skin (1)

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9515294,731 (3.94)1
Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:

In Scarlett Cole's The Strongest Steel, Harper Connelly never expected to find herself outside of a tattoo parlor at one in the morning. The scars that decorate her back are just one more reminder of things she'd rather forget, the past she wants to leave far behind her, but before she can move on, she needs him.
Tattoo artist Trent Andrews has his own reasons for specializing in inking over scars. And there's no way in hell he's going to turn Harper away. Not when a swirling mix of tenderness and desire slams into him every time he sees her. She stirs feelings in him he thought were long gone... if he can only get past her carefully constructed defenses.
As each session at Second Circle Tattoos gives Harper new ink to cover up old demons, it brings her closer and closer to Trent. His lingering touches seduce her, making her believe in a life without fear, where she can be happy, whole, in love. But when cryptic messages start appearing on Harper's phone, strange deliveries arrive at her door, and Second Circle is vandalized, Harper is convinced that her ex-boyfriend has tracked her down, and worse, that he knows about Trent. She ran from her past once before; this time will she have the strength to fight back?
"This book gave me so many feels! Angst, passion, and love all set in Miami, my favorite city. I can't wait for more from this author and I can't recommend this book enough." - Sidney Halston, USA Today bestselling author of Against the Cage
"An incredible story about healing, pain, and don't want to miss this one!" New York Times bestselling author Jen McLaughlin

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This book was amazing, one of the best debut novels that I've read in a long time. The story line was seriously emotional and intriguing not to mention the characters. I feel in love with everyone in this book and I cannot wait to read more by this author. Gritty and with just the right amount of sexiness this book truly found the perfect balance. I'm a huge fan now. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
Trent owns a tattoo shop and is a well respected tattoo artiest. Harper is in hiding from the man who attacked her and even though he's in prison continues to terrorize her. She seeks out Trent to tattoo over her scars. The author weaves a beautiful story, starting with the care and thoughtfulness by Trent, developing a sweet romance. I didn't like the hiding things from each other though, especially when Harper was clearly in danger. Otherwise I liked this story and am looking forward to future stories in this series.
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
After reading Coles' Jordan Reclaimed I figured I needed to read this series so I could meet the guys when they're first introduced and read Dred and Pixies book.

The Strongest Steel is a good it's not my typical since I tend to like books with more humor in them. There were some funny moments though so this wasn't a 100% drama.

Harper the MC survived something very traumatic, done to her by someone who should have protected her. I really felt her fear and her desire to try and rise above it. And I just loved Trent he was so nice and just a truly good guy. He didn't play games he was sweet and honest and it was such a refreshing change. I know from Jordan's book that Cole can write a good damagaed character it was nice seeing the other side of that coin. ( )
  NerdyHousewifey | Feb 1, 2019 |
Amazing! This book is amazing! Check out my full review here: ( )
  thebookdisciple | Oct 9, 2018 |
The strongest steel - a story full emotions, intensity, and passion

Trent Andrews is the owner of Second Circle Tattoos, and popular tattoo artist, a guy with the skills to hide scars and make them into something beautiful.

Harper Connelly ?? a girl with scars decorating her back, a past that she wants to forget, decides to seek advice from Trent if it will be possible to cover her scars her ex inflicted with a knife that spelt ƒ??My Bitchƒ? covering most of her back, the tattoo she wants must echo her mantra: ƒ??The strongest steel is forged in the hottest fireƒ?

The tattoos take a couple of sessions to be completed, for Harper to start with the tattoos she must have faith in Trent, Harper has a serious aversion to touch issues but for some reason she feels safe with Trent, and with his help she learns that it is ok if another human touch her.

With the threat of the past hanging over Harper head she struggles with her feelings for Trent. When her ex reappears in her will Harper run again, and does she sacrifice the relationship to protect Trent from her ex?

( )
  Savehouse | Sep 24, 2018 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Scarlett ColeHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Wilson, LaurelReaderHauptautoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Hölscher, AlexandraÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Tantor AudioPublisherCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:

In Scarlett Cole's The Strongest Steel, Harper Connelly never expected to find herself outside of a tattoo parlor at one in the morning. The scars that decorate her back are just one more reminder of things she'd rather forget, the past she wants to leave far behind her, but before she can move on, she needs him.
Tattoo artist Trent Andrews has his own reasons for specializing in inking over scars. And there's no way in hell he's going to turn Harper away. Not when a swirling mix of tenderness and desire slams into him every time he sees her. She stirs feelings in him he thought were long gone... if he can only get past her carefully constructed defenses.
As each session at Second Circle Tattoos gives Harper new ink to cover up old demons, it brings her closer and closer to Trent. His lingering touches seduce her, making her believe in a life without fear, where she can be happy, whole, in love. But when cryptic messages start appearing on Harper's phone, strange deliveries arrive at her door, and Second Circle is vandalized, Harper is convinced that her ex-boyfriend has tracked her down, and worse, that he knows about Trent. She ran from her past once before; this time will she have the strength to fight back?
"This book gave me so many feels! Angst, passion, and love all set in Miami, my favorite city. I can't wait for more from this author and I can't recommend this book enough." - Sidney Halston, USA Today bestselling author of Against the Cage
"An incredible story about healing, pain, and don't want to miss this one!" New York Times bestselling author Jen McLaughlin


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