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Quiet Neighbours

von Catriona McPherson

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16511171,319 (3.47)10
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

A woman on the run blows the dust off a series of deadly secrets

It's the oldest bookshop in a town full of bookshops; rambling and disordered, full of treasures if you look hard. Jude found one of the treasures when she visited last summer, the high point of a miserable vacation. Now, in the depths of winter, when she has to run away, Lowell's chaotic bookshop in that backwater of a town is the safe place she runs to.

Jude needs a bolt-hole; Lowell needs an assistant, and when an affordable rental is thrown in too, life begins to look up. The gravedigger's cottage isn't perfect for a woman alone, but at least she has quiet neighbors.

Quiet, but not silent. The long dead and the books they left behind both have tales to tell, and the dusty rooms of the bookshop are not the haven they seem to be. Lowell's past and Jude's present are a dangerous cocktail of secrets and lies, and someone is coming to light the taper that could destroy everything.


A 2016 Agatha Award Finalist for Best Contemporary Novel

A 2017 Mary Higgins Clark Award Finalist

A 2017 IPPY Award Bronze Medalist for Mystery/Cozy/Noir

"Quiet Neighbors drew me in from the very first page, and I stayed up late reading it because I couldn't wait to find out what happened next. That's the definition of a good book."Charlaine Harris, #1 New York Times bestselling author

"McPherson writes mystery stories that are both cozy and creepy, which accounts for the quirky charm of Quiet Neighbors."The New York Times

"Outstanding."Publishers Weekly (starred review)

"Layer upon layer of deception."Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"McPherson is a master of slightly creepy narratives that are complex and character driven."Library Journal (starred review)

"Quiet Neighbors is a real find . . . This is one of those ideal stories that you cannot put down and actually feel sad when it's over."Suspense Magazine

"Quiet Neighbors is a cleverly conceived, skillfully executed, decidedly nontraditional small-town mystery that is bursting at the seams with warmth, wit, moxie, and menace."Mystery Scene

"Despite the dark underpinnings, this is also a story of love, family, trust, and forgiveness."Booklist

"Intricately layered and psychologically taut."The Strand Magazine

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This was good. I have had this book on my tbr for years but for one reason or another, I just never got around to it until now. It took me a minute to really get into the book but once I did, I couldn’t wait to find out what really happened. This book was jam-packed with mysteries and every one of them captured my attention completely.

In this book, you start out not knowing a whole lot about what is going on with any of the characters. With each piece of information presented, I quickly realized just how much I had to learn. Jude needs to get away from everything and ends up in a quaint little bookshop run by Lowell that needs some work and Jude is just the person for the job. I liked all of the characters in this book and couldn’t wait to learn their story. In this small little town, everyone seems to know everybody but everyone also seems to be keeping a lot of secrets. The book took a lot of twists and turns, some I guessed, while others came as a complete shock.

I would definitely recommend this book to others. I thought that it was a well-done mystery with a quirky and likable cast of characters. I would not hesitate to read more of Catriona McPherson’s work in the future.

I received a digital review copy of this book from Midnight Ink. ( )
  Carolesrandomlife | Dec 28, 2022 |
Book source ~ NetGalley

Jude runs away from London when something bad happens. She was going to fly somewhere far away, but when she gets to the train station on her way out of town, she remembers this old whacky bookshop she visited in this tiny out of the way town and decides to run there instead. What she finds is more than she bargained for and she has to figure out this dinky town’s secrets as well as solve another mystery about her employer, all while staying off the grid and away from the authorities.

There are three mysteries going on in this story and they are all fascinating. Unfortunately, they are the only thing that kept me going. I had to know the answers. If this is the writing style of this author then I will not be reading any more. I hate the style. It’s slapdash and sloppy. There are a million “oh dears” and “my, my my” and other such exclamations. The conversations are really hard to follow with all the local slang and such. Quite tedious and supremely irritating. The writing style does not make it any easier. I only give this a rating of two for the mysteries which are eventually spelled out in a somewhat coherent way. Otherwise, blerg. ( )
  AVoraciousReader | Nov 12, 2020 |
I almost didn’t give this book a try. I had previously read Come To Harm by the same author and wasn’t impressed enough to give it anything above 2-stars. I felt her writing style was clipped and disjointed in that novel. Quiet Neighbors felt like it was written by a different author. The writing was fluid and descriptive. The characters were well thought out and the plot was easy to follow. I loved the mystery and was anxious to get to the finish line to see it wrapped up. This gave me hope enough to read more of her novels. ( )
  BookishHooker | Dec 16, 2019 |
Jude is on the run, but from what? She expects the police to be pursuing her, but we do not learn why until near the end. She returns to a town in which she had visited a used bookstore and is befriended by the owner. A young, pregnant woman shows up claiming to be the store owner's daughter, of whose existence he had been unaware. While sorting books Jude notices brief notes in the flyleaves of certain books which turn out to have belonged to the deceased resident of the cottage in which she is living. When she mentions some of the names of people named strange things start to happen. Mystery piles upon mystery until all is suddenly unraveled. Interesting but frustrating at times. ( )
  ritaer | May 25, 2019 |
Well spun mystery and the ending left me with a bit of a chill. ( )
  KateBaxter | Aug 15, 2017 |
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Books make such good friends and quiet neighbours.
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For Audrey and Wendy, with all my love
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It was the last thing on her mind when she fled across London.
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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

A woman on the run blows the dust off a series of deadly secrets

It's the oldest bookshop in a town full of bookshops; rambling and disordered, full of treasures if you look hard. Jude found one of the treasures when she visited last summer, the high point of a miserable vacation. Now, in the depths of winter, when she has to run away, Lowell's chaotic bookshop in that backwater of a town is the safe place she runs to.

Jude needs a bolt-hole; Lowell needs an assistant, and when an affordable rental is thrown in too, life begins to look up. The gravedigger's cottage isn't perfect for a woman alone, but at least she has quiet neighbors.

Quiet, but not silent. The long dead and the books they left behind both have tales to tell, and the dusty rooms of the bookshop are not the haven they seem to be. Lowell's past and Jude's present are a dangerous cocktail of secrets and lies, and someone is coming to light the taper that could destroy everything.


A 2016 Agatha Award Finalist for Best Contemporary Novel

A 2017 Mary Higgins Clark Award Finalist

A 2017 IPPY Award Bronze Medalist for Mystery/Cozy/Noir

"Quiet Neighbors drew me in from the very first page, and I stayed up late reading it because I couldn't wait to find out what happened next. That's the definition of a good book."Charlaine Harris, #1 New York Times bestselling author

"McPherson writes mystery stories that are both cozy and creepy, which accounts for the quirky charm of Quiet Neighbors."The New York Times

"Outstanding."Publishers Weekly (starred review)

"Layer upon layer of deception."Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"McPherson is a master of slightly creepy narratives that are complex and character driven."Library Journal (starred review)

"Quiet Neighbors is a real find . . . This is one of those ideal stories that you cannot put down and actually feel sad when it's over."Suspense Magazine

"Quiet Neighbors is a cleverly conceived, skillfully executed, decidedly nontraditional small-town mystery that is bursting at the seams with warmth, wit, moxie, and menace."Mystery Scene

"Despite the dark underpinnings, this is also a story of love, family, trust, and forgiveness."Booklist

"Intricately layered and psychologically taut."The Strand Magazine


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