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What If You Were...?: Children's Rhyming Picture Book (Adventure Thru Imagination Books)

von Remy Agee

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533,046,135 (4.67)Keine
"Just who are you?" You're you...that's who. What can you do? You can be you!" Share this fun, imaginative reading experience with your child or grandchild. Search for the mini character hidden in each hand- painted illustration and together discover the special message at the end. For ages 3-5, this is a companion book to, "If you were..." (ages1-4) Scroll up and buy now ... and spark your child's imagination!… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonSheila1957, jbarr5, harrietgate, Robino22, HeatherMS
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What if you...then I... rhyming book for toddlers.

I liked the illustrations. They were adorable. I liked the rhyming with each question and answer. The ending was good. It's realistic. Your toddlers will enjoy this as you ask the questions and before turning the page, they can answer. Fun! ( )
  Sheila1957 | Oct 28, 2022 |
What if you were...? by Remy Agee
Colorful, children’s book and a great imagination of being something different.
The story asks the question on the left side of the page and tells you a little of the things you'd be able to do on the right hand side.
after asking if you'd like to be a balloon, light, shoe, kite, song, tree, cheese or a star they give you the answer because it is the best one.
Great story. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end. ( )
  jbarr5 | Apr 18, 2022 |
This is a fun book to read with a little one. The illustrations themselves can start off conversations. To ask a child to use his/her imagination to come up with additional ideas was well executed.

***I received this book through Goodreads Member Giveaway. The opinion is solely my own.*** ( )
  HeatherMS | Dec 12, 2015 |
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"Just who are you?" You're you...that's who. What can you do? You can be you!" Share this fun, imaginative reading experience with your child or grandchild. Search for the mini character hidden in each hand- painted illustration and together discover the special message at the end. For ages 3-5, this is a companion book to, "If you were..." (ages1-4) Scroll up and buy now ... and spark your child's imagination!

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