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It illumines the Bible like a searchlight, pointing out the mysteries of God. There still is much confusion and misuse of the office and the responsibilities of the prophet and the intercessor in the Christian arena. John and Paula Sandford explain how prophets are called and trained. With a great passion and urgency, they challenge all intercessors to realize and understand their vital role in the world today and how closely they must work with the prophets. John and Paula Sandford clearly explain: What it means to be called and trained as a prophet or intercessor How to understand dreams and visions and hear directly from God Why it is important for the body to work in unity This book is filled with spiritual discoveries that will effect dynamic changes in every reader. About the AuthorsJohn and Paula Sandford have applied the principles of this book with great success in their parenting of their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The founders of Elijah House, the Sandfords are well known around the world for their contributions of teaching, counseling, writing, and leading in the fields of family living, inner healing, prophecy, social concerns, human behavior, and theology. They have written thirteen books.… (mehr)
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It illumines the Bible like a searchlight, pointing out the mysteries of God. There still is much confusion and misuse of the office and the responsibilities of the prophet and the intercessor in the Christian arena. John and Paula Sandford explain how prophets are called and trained. With a great passion and urgency, they challenge all intercessors to realize and understand their vital role in the world today and how closely they must work with the prophets. John and Paula Sandford clearly explain: What it means to be called and trained as a prophet or intercessor How to understand dreams and visions and hear directly from God Why it is important for the body to work in unity This book is filled with spiritual discoveries that will effect dynamic changes in every reader. About the AuthorsJohn and Paula Sandford have applied the principles of this book with great success in their parenting of their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The founders of Elijah House, the Sandfords are well known around the world for their contributions of teaching, counseling, writing, and leading in the fields of family living, inner healing, prophecy, social concerns, human behavior, and theology. They have written thirteen books.
  Fellowshipwc | Aug 8, 2020 |
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Sandford, John LorenHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Sandford, PaulaHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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It illumines the Bible like a searchlight, pointing out the mysteries of God. There still is much confusion and misuse of the office and the responsibilities of the prophet and the intercessor in the Christian arena. John and Paula Sandford explain how prophets are called and trained. With a great passion and urgency, they challenge all intercessors to realize and understand their vital role in the world today and how closely they must work with the prophets. John and Paula Sandford clearly explain: What it means to be called and trained as a prophet or intercessor How to understand dreams and visions and hear directly from God Why it is important for the body to work in unity This book is filled with spiritual discoveries that will effect dynamic changes in every reader. About the AuthorsJohn and Paula Sandford have applied the principles of this book with great success in their parenting of their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The founders of Elijah House, the Sandfords are well known around the world for their contributions of teaching, counseling, writing, and leading in the fields of family living, inner healing, prophecy, social concerns, human behavior, and theology. They have written thirteen books.

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