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Under the Distant Sky

von Al Lacy, JoAnna Lacy (Autor)

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Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. In the years following the Civil War, Hannah and Solomon Cooper decide to seek out a new life on the frontier. In the dangerous journey that follows, however, tragedy strikes. By all reasonable expectations they should return home. Yet to the surprise of everyone in the wagon train — and despite great opposition — Hannah presses onward, displaying grit, courage, and a faith deep enough to sustain her family through life's greatest trials.… (mehr)
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A good beginning to a series that has captured my interest. It shows the real struggles that those who traveled West went through, but more importantly, shows how a faith in Christ is what will keep you when hard times come. A thought that was written and mentioned several times in this story stuck with me: "The Lord always knows what's ahead of us and can prepare us for the trials and heartaches that come our way, even before they happen. He's already in eternity, which means He's already in the future. So, He's already in our tomorrows."

Hannah and Solomon Cooper own a general store in Independence, Missouri and have 4 children. Life is going well for them, but Solomon has dreamed of going West and joining a wagon train. Through a series of 'God answering prayer' Hannah begins to see Solomon's vision for going West and they pack up belongings and sell the store and head out with the wagon train of folks. This story will show the good and the bad of people who travel together. It will show the joys and the heartaches along the way. But they are determined to make it to Fort Bridger and begin a new life there.

I was impressed by this story. I got caught up on the whole journey across America on a wagon train. I shed a few tears along the way and when I closed the pages of this book, I wanted to immediately pick up the next story in this series (Consider the Lillies), and see how the Cooper family is doing. "Wagons ho-o-o!" ( )
  judyg54 | Nov 11, 2016 |
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Lacy, AlHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Lacy, JoAnnaAutorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. In the years following the Civil War, Hannah and Solomon Cooper decide to seek out a new life on the frontier. In the dangerous journey that follows, however, tragedy strikes. By all reasonable expectations they should return home. Yet to the surprise of everyone in the wagon train — and despite great opposition — Hannah presses onward, displaying grit, courage, and a faith deep enough to sustain her family through life's greatest trials.

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