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Polly and Her Pals Vol. 2: 1928-1930

von Cliff Sterrett

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1411,482,130 (4.67)Keine
Reprints all of Sterrett's Sunday pages from the height of his Surrealistic Period in a large 12" x 16" Champagne Edition format so they can be fully appreciated. The book also contains Sterrett's topper strips "Dot and Dash" and "Sweethearts and Wives." The majority of the Sundays have never before been reprinted. Polly Perkins is young, blonde, and the apple of many a young man's eye. Yet while Polly is out on the town or frolicking at the beach, it's her family that creates all the hubbub! Sensible Maw Perkins can never keep her husband Paw out of trouble, and towed along in Paw's wake are Polly's cousin Ashur; Neewah, the family's tart-tongued retainer; and Paw's cat, Kitty, the pantomime wonder of the comic strip world. Edited by Dean Mullaney and designed by two-time Emmy winner Lorraine Turner, the book contains the detailed background and biographic material that has made Library of American Comics the "gold standard" in strip reprints.… (mehr)
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"Polly and Her Pals" was one of the great madcap strips, supremely assured in art and writing, which has long been neglected and is only recently beginning to receive the reprint attention it deserves. Sterrett's Sunday pages are masterpieces of wit and composition, and are richly deserving of the expanded size (16" in height). Many of the strips are completely wordless, a testament to Sterrett's abilities. This volume has a rare continuing story. And I still love Sterrett's way with his animals (particularly the cat) and how they move in a way undreamed of in nature. ( )
  burnit99 | Apr 28, 2016 |
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Reprints all of Sterrett's Sunday pages from the height of his Surrealistic Period in a large 12" x 16" Champagne Edition format so they can be fully appreciated. The book also contains Sterrett's topper strips "Dot and Dash" and "Sweethearts and Wives." The majority of the Sundays have never before been reprinted. Polly Perkins is young, blonde, and the apple of many a young man's eye. Yet while Polly is out on the town or frolicking at the beach, it's her family that creates all the hubbub! Sensible Maw Perkins can never keep her husband Paw out of trouble, and towed along in Paw's wake are Polly's cousin Ashur; Neewah, the family's tart-tongued retainer; and Paw's cat, Kitty, the pantomime wonder of the comic strip world. Edited by Dean Mullaney and designed by two-time Emmy winner Lorraine Turner, the book contains the detailed background and biographic material that has made Library of American Comics the "gold standard" in strip reprints.

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