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Dirty Together

von Meghan March

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13136215,920 (3.83)2
My wife. I love saying those words. She's mine, and if she thinks I'm going to let her run without tracking her down and bringing her back to where she belongs, with me, then she's about to be introduced to a new reality. Because I'll fight dirty to give her the happily ever after she deserves.' Dirty Together is the final book in the Dirty Billionaire Trilogy and should be read following Dirty Billionaire and Dirty Pleasures.… (mehr)
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I enjoyed this series except for this last book, which was just OK. The ending felt rushed and it was totally unbelievable. Not even plausible. I get that it is fiction but the plot has to be a little bit believable.

Despite the ending to the series, if you enjoyed the Fifty Shades of Grey books, you will probably like this series. ( )
  purpledog | Feb 22, 2023 |
Cray and Holly get their long awaited HEA. If you've read books 1 and 2, you definitely want to see this couple to the finish. Ms March has a lot of personal growth for both the Hero and heroine with ability to handle a relationship. As you know from the other books, neither character had the emotional tools to handle to start. They continue to have bumps and dips to get there.

This book was a nice finish. Cray becomes far more soft around the edges and understanding of Holly's desires and needs. Likewise, Holly grows to be more understanding and supportive of Cray. I will comment there is a lot less drama and angsty in this last episode. And I actually kinda of missed it.

If you love a romance with a characters who learn to adapt to budding love affair and many HOT scenes, I highly recommend this series. Ms March keeps you entertained and will melt your eReader. 4 out of 5 stars book 3. 4.5 stars for entire series.

( )
  karenhulseman | Dec 3, 2019 |
Dirty Together is a perfect ending to a disturbing yet intriguing series. Ms. March has impressed me. She took people who were not very likable and had me rooting for them to get the chance to be happy. With each book I fell a little more in love with the series and the characters. I had a love-hate relationship with these characters from the start that started out low and ended high. The Dirty Billionaire Trilogy is a tempting fantasy built on obsession. ( )
  Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
I was a little nervous when I started reading about the direction the story was going to take. This was an emotional roller coaster. Holly and Creighton are perfect together and now that the series is over I will miss them. This was the perfect ending. ( )
  Hanneri | Oct 7, 2018 |
I hate to see this series end, when I want so much more from Holly and Creighton. The final in the 3 part series answers a lot of questions, like why does Crey’s uncle hate him so much, why does Holly keep running away, and finally will Holly and Crey end up together!!

I love Miniseries like this because there is just enough time in between to keep you guessing, but not too much to get you mad that you have to wait so long for the next one. I think Meghan hit is out of the park with this series, and I cannot wait to see what comes out of her brilliant mind next!!
( )
  pcorrea3 | Dec 19, 2016 |
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My wife. I love saying those words. She's mine, and if she thinks I'm going to let her run without tracking her down and bringing her back to where she belongs, with me, then she's about to be introduced to a new reality. Because I'll fight dirty to give her the happily ever after she deserves.' Dirty Together is the final book in the Dirty Billionaire Trilogy and should be read following Dirty Billionaire and Dirty Pleasures.

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Durchschnitt: (3.83)
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3 15
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4 15
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5 12

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