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Why You Love Music: From Mozart to Metallica--The Emotional Power of Beautiful Sounds

von John Powell

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713386,145 (3.4)Keine
"Why does music affect us so profoundly? The songs we love do far more than bring back happy memories. They impact the way we think, talk, feel, behave, and even spend money. With his conversational style, humor, and endless knowledge, scientist and musician John Powell explores the fascinating science of music, showing that shoppers spend more money in stores that play classical music and that music can even change the flavor of wine! With chapters on music and our emotions (why do we listen to sad music?), music as medicine (how does music reduce pain at the dentist?), music and intelligence (how does the 'Mozart effect' really work?), and much more, WHY YOU LOVE MUSIC provides a fascinating study of how our brains respond to the joys of music,"--NoveList.… (mehr)
Music (53)
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A good, somewhat humorous but rather dry summary of how music can trigger emotions. ( )
  Jimbookbuff1963 | Jun 5, 2021 |
Somewhat informative but written in a very verbose, "witty" way, with lots of jokes, tangents and unrelated trivia. Hard to stomach. ( )
  Paul_S | Dec 23, 2020 |
Even better than the first work. Examples rich and covers almost all genres. ( )
  Rex_Lui | Sep 12, 2019 |
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"Why does music affect us so profoundly? The songs we love do far more than bring back happy memories. They impact the way we think, talk, feel, behave, and even spend money. With his conversational style, humor, and endless knowledge, scientist and musician John Powell explores the fascinating science of music, showing that shoppers spend more money in stores that play classical music and that music can even change the flavor of wine! With chapters on music and our emotions (why do we listen to sad music?), music as medicine (how does music reduce pain at the dentist?), music and intelligence (how does the 'Mozart effect' really work?), and much more, WHY YOU LOVE MUSIC provides a fascinating study of how our brains respond to the joys of music,"--NoveList.

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