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Worldly Goods

von Alice Petersen

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1111,769,577 (4)1
"Assured and stylistically confident ... Petersen's knowledge of and precise language for subjects such as natural history, the domestic arts, and music add to the classical feel of these stories, set all around the English-speaking Commonwealth. Crisp sentences and slightly old-fashioned vocabulary combine gratifyingly with evocative visual imagery to make this collection a pleasure to read."--Publishers Weekly, starred review "Worldly Goods is a multi-faceted diamond: its carbon base is the stuff of life, and its reflective power is dazzling. Petersen can take a small event and in a few pages create an entire world ... a writer this good needs to be read."--Quill & Quire, starred review "What a thrill to follow a writer from promise to fulfillment. Alice Petersen's debut collection of short stories ... marked her as a young writer to watch. [This] collection, Worldly Goods, more than delivers."--Montreal Review of Books "Alice Petersen writes as eloquently about the natural world as she does about the world of human emotion and desire."--David Bezmozgis, author of The Free World These lyrical, open-eyed stories are set in North America, England, and the author's native New Zealand. With a focus on marriage, family, and the moral complexities that arise from these relationships, Alice Peterson's fiction evokes the best of Katherine Mansfield and Alice Munro. Alice Petersen's first book, All the Voices Cry, won the QWF Award for Best First Book. Born in New Zealand, she now lives and works in Montreal, Quebec.… (mehr)
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Each of the stories in this collection is quietly centred, modest in display, but incisive, detached, and kind. Petersen is neither full of the bravado of a young writer, nor hesitant and uncertain. She writes with a measured pace, perhaps with an eye more to the British form of the short story rather than the American. She has feet in many worlds with ties in Canada, New Zealand, and England, and this comes out in the settings and characters within her stories.

I especially like the musical theme of “Morendo”, as well as the related themes of effort and excellence (in music) found in the opening and closing stories, “Music Minus One” and “The Parisian Eye”, which were originally published together. I enjoyed the near-epistolary nature of “Dear Ian Fairfield” and the unease the narrator takes on in “A Nice, Clean Copy.” There is much here to admire. I shall eagerly await new works from Alice Petersen and gently recommend this collection for those looking for an otherwise unassuming new voice in the short story form. ( )
  RandyMetcalfe | Jun 26, 2016 |
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"Assured and stylistically confident ... Petersen's knowledge of and precise language for subjects such as natural history, the domestic arts, and music add to the classical feel of these stories, set all around the English-speaking Commonwealth. Crisp sentences and slightly old-fashioned vocabulary combine gratifyingly with evocative visual imagery to make this collection a pleasure to read."--Publishers Weekly, starred review "Worldly Goods is a multi-faceted diamond: its carbon base is the stuff of life, and its reflective power is dazzling. Petersen can take a small event and in a few pages create an entire world ... a writer this good needs to be read."--Quill & Quire, starred review "What a thrill to follow a writer from promise to fulfillment. Alice Petersen's debut collection of short stories ... marked her as a young writer to watch. [This] collection, Worldly Goods, more than delivers."--Montreal Review of Books "Alice Petersen writes as eloquently about the natural world as she does about the world of human emotion and desire."--David Bezmozgis, author of The Free World These lyrical, open-eyed stories are set in North America, England, and the author's native New Zealand. With a focus on marriage, family, and the moral complexities that arise from these relationships, Alice Peterson's fiction evokes the best of Katherine Mansfield and Alice Munro. Alice Petersen's first book, All the Voices Cry, won the QWF Award for Best First Book. Born in New Zealand, she now lives and works in Montreal, Quebec.

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