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January: A Woman Judge's Season of Disillusion

von Marie Corbett

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314,220,023 (4.5)5
An intimate look at the life of a female Superior Court judge, January entwines two stories ¿ one personal, one professional ¿ over one challenging, transformative year. In the month of January, The Honourable Marie Corbett is adjudicating criminal trials on childhood sex abuse and other difficult cases. At the same time, she faces the imminent death from cancer of her closest friend, Anne Armstrong Gibson. Recently widowed, Anne must prepare her two young sons for life without her. Marie travels daily between hospital ward and courtroom, reflecting on her own role as mother, wife, and trial judge. Recognizing the limitations of the criminal justice system, devastated by the death of her friend, Marie embarks on a path of self-discovery and faces a choice between civic duty and the life she wants to live.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonRecProgrammer77, LynnB, rothwell
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The Honourable Marie Corbett was one of the first women to become a superior court judge in Canada. She crusaded for social justice and reform of environmental, family and pension law. In this memoir, she reviews the events of one month (January, 1995) during which she presided over sexual assault and drug trafficking trials while managing her home (husband and two sons) and providing support for one of her closest friends who was dying of cancer. This structure not only allows us to get a detailed life of a judge, but also shows how Marie had to balance her priorities. It shows us how what was happening in both her professional and personal lives caused her to reflect on her accomplishments and on the kind of life she wants to pursue i her future. Very well written, moving and, while obviously sad, not a depressing experience to read. ( )
  LynnB | Jun 2, 2018 |
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An intimate look at the life of a female Superior Court judge, January entwines two stories ¿ one personal, one professional ¿ over one challenging, transformative year. In the month of January, The Honourable Marie Corbett is adjudicating criminal trials on childhood sex abuse and other difficult cases. At the same time, she faces the imminent death from cancer of her closest friend, Anne Armstrong Gibson. Recently widowed, Anne must prepare her two young sons for life without her. Marie travels daily between hospital ward and courtroom, reflecting on her own role as mother, wife, and trial judge. Recognizing the limitations of the criminal justice system, devastated by the death of her friend, Marie embarks on a path of self-discovery and faces a choice between civic duty and the life she wants to live.

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