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The Varangian

von Bruce Macbain

Reihen: Odd Tangle-Hair's Saga (book 3)

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The Varangian is the final entry in Bruce Macbain's Odd Tangle-Hair Saga and brings Odd's challenging adventures to a climactic and satisfying finish. On a secret diplomatic mission to the Emperor's court in Miklagard, the Viking's name for Constantinople, Odd meets the members of the fearsome Varangian Guard whose elite Viking members served as the Emperor's personal bodyguards. Harald, his former master and the man he's been sent to murder, now serves among the guards. Court intrigue and imperial dynastic disputes provide the backdrop for the conflict between Odd and Harald. Like Odin's Child and The Ice Queen before it, The Varangian is dictated by Odd to a young scribe whose own life is changed by the telling of the tale.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt voncamon63, AmaliaGavea, BooksCooksLooks
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This is the third and apparently final book in the Odd Tangle-Hair saga. I did not have the good fortune to read the first two books and as is usual with series I am sure it would have enhanced this book for me, I did not feel any loss for not having read them. Mr. MacBain does an excellent job of filling in backstory without making his readers feel like they are reading a dossier.

The book is essentially Odd’s telling of his story and this is his last chapter. He is on a mission to the Byzantine Empire but his true role is one he keeps close. He is going to kill his greatest enemy, Harald. Harald is one of the elite guards, the Varangians. What follows is a well researched and well written tale of a time not often presented in novels.

I must admit to a fascination with this period in history and this book is welcome addition to those I have read before. The combination of Constantinople and Vikings is so irresistible and I honestly had little knowledge of their coming together. Which is why I love reading historical fiction so very much. I read, I research and I learn. I pull what fiction there is and revel in a bit of history I didn’t know before.

Odd Tangle-Hair is a great character and the world Mr. MacBain builds for him is one grounded in what historical record is left. It is a world that comes alive for the reader so that you feel as if you are walking (fighting, living) right beside Odd as he makes his way through his mission. I’m almost sorry it had to come to an end and I would truly like to read the first two books in the series. ( )
  BooksCooksLooks | Apr 27, 2017 |
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The Varangian is the final entry in Bruce Macbain's Odd Tangle-Hair Saga and brings Odd's challenging adventures to a climactic and satisfying finish. On a secret diplomatic mission to the Emperor's court in Miklagard, the Viking's name for Constantinople, Odd meets the members of the fearsome Varangian Guard whose elite Viking members served as the Emperor's personal bodyguards. Harald, his former master and the man he's been sent to murder, now serves among the guards. Court intrigue and imperial dynastic disputes provide the backdrop for the conflict between Odd and Harald. Like Odin's Child and The Ice Queen before it, The Varangian is dictated by Odd to a young scribe whose own life is changed by the telling of the tale.

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